Chapter 46 - Promise!

Johnson just kept his hands on his face and signed and turned around and saw Martin staring at him with questions all over his face.

"Martin." Johnson said.​​

"I guess, you will tell me everything now." Martin said and Johnson took a deep breath and nodded his head and Martin walked into his office and Johnson followed him.

Martin and Johnson sat on the couches and Martin is ready to listen to Johnson.

"Bro, tell me." Martin said.

"What do you want to know?" Johnson asked.

"About Samantha Julie doing suicide." Martin said and Johnson looked at him.

"Yes, Samantha attempted... Suicide!" Johnson said while his heart pained talking about Suicide.

"Why?" Martin asked and Johnson shrugged.

"I don't know the reason too." Johnson said.

"Bro, you okay?" Martin asked.

"No, Martin. I'm not okay! My heart got hurt a lot when I saw her on the bed. My heart cried when I got to know, she attempted suicide 2nd time in her life and... And I couldn't do anything... Than sitting and seeing her cry." Johnson said.

"She attempted suicide for 2nd time?" Martin asked and Johnson nodded.

"Why didn't you say, anything bro? We promise each other that there will not be secrets between us!" Martin said.

"What should I say to you, Martin? That the love of my life attempted for suicide?" Johnson asked angrily.

"Bro, It's not like that... I maybe could help you." Martin said.

"No, Martin. This problem is mine and I will make a solution too." Johnson said and Martin nodded.

"Is she good now?" Martin asked.

"Yes." Johnson said and Martin nodded.

"Do their parents know about this?" Martin asked.

"No. Only Uncle Damon, Aunt Lucy, Quency, Alexi, and I know this." Johnson said and Martin nodded.

"What happened in her life that she tried to attempt suicide? Not once but twice?" Martin asked.

"I don't know, Martin. I really don't." Johnson said and stood up from the couch.

"Calm down, bro. Everything will be alright!" Martin said and Johnson shrugged and walked to the big glass window and looked out at the view.

"I will bring you a coffee." Martin said and walked out of the office.

Unknowingly, A tear falls down from Johnson eye.

"Why did you do this, Samantha?" Johnson asked himself as another tear fall down from his eye.

"I will make you believe in me. I promise you, I will make you believe in my love. I will fight for you until you accept me." Johnson said.

Andrew stooped the car in front of Amaxi and got out of the car and ran inside the hotel to the elevator.

Alexi stopped her car in front of Amaxi too and followed Andrew inside the Hotel.

Andrew got inside the Elevator but Alexi missed him.

"Shit." Alexi said and got into another elevator and reached Penthouse.

Alexi saw Andrew walked inside the Penthouse and followed him.

"Sam... Sam..." Andrew yelled as he walked inside Penthouse.

Samantha flinched with the yell and walked out of the kitchen and saw Andrew yelling...

"Andrew." Samantha called and Andrew turned to the sound and saw Samantha and walked towards her and hugged her tightly and Samantha hugged him back.

"You are good, right? Nothing happened to you right?" Andrew asked as he took her face in his hands.

"Andrew nothing happened to me. Don't worry." Samantha said with a small smile.

"How can you say me not to worry when you mean so much to me?" Andrew asked angrily.

"Sorry." Samantha said with her cute puppy eyes.

Andrew took her hand in his hands and looked at her wrist which is bandaged!

"Why did you do this again?" Andrew asked.

"Andre..." Samantha cut off Alexi in mid-sentence.

"Alexi, no." Samantha said by shaking her head in No and Alexi signed.

"I will tell you everything but first get fresh. I will make something for you both." Samantha said with a small smile.

"Samantha." Andrew called Samantha's name sternly.

"Andrew, I promise you. I will tell you everything. Just get fresh. Your clothes are in your room. Go now." Samantha said and Andrew signed and nodded and Samantha smiled.

"Okay but don't make anything. I will tell Quency to send anything to eat!" Andrew said.

"It's okay, Andrew. I love to make something for you both! Now, Goo to your rooms." Samantha said and looked at Alexi.

"You too, Alexi. Come on go." Samantha said to Alexi and she nodded and walked upstairs.

"What are you still waiting for?" Samantha asked and Andrew shook his head and walked inside his room.

Samantha walked inside the kitchen and started making Cranberry Crostini, which are Alexi's favorite and Nashville Hot chicken, Andrew's favorite, and Chocolate chip Shake.

Samantha knows that Andrew and Noah will get to know about this even if she don't tell anything to them. She knows, they are super protective of her and Alexi and can't bear if anything happens them. Samantha knows if they get to know about this then they will surely ask for the reason and she was already prepared to face them today or another day...

Samantha also knows that Lucy and Damon will not leave her easily without knowing the reason! So, Samantha got prepared to face everyone who wants to know, why she again tried to attempt Suicide?

Samantha finished preparing them and took them all to the balcony and sat on the couch.

"Sam." Andrew called.

"Balcony." Samantha yelled and Andrew walked to the Balcony and sat beside Samantha.

"Tell me now." Andrew said.

"I will but first eat this."Samantha said as she forwarded him Nashville Hot chicken.

"No, I will not eat anything until you tell me everything." Andrew said as he took her hands in his hands and Samantha signed.

"Andrew, please. I already promised you I will tell you everything but first eat. "Samantha said.

"Samantha please." Andrew said sternly and Samantha can clearly see the angriness in his voice.

"Okay, fine." Samantha said and took a deep breath and said. "Johnson."