Chapter 79 - Tears!

"Sam, Lexi. Wake up." Cassandra's sweet voice came and Samantha got up and sat on the bed.

"Mom, let us sleep for some more time." Alexi said as she covered herself with the quilt but Cassandra opened the curtains and let the sunlight fall into the room.

"Mom, Please close the curtain for some more time." Lexi said and pulled the blanket over her face.

"Lexi, It's already 8 am and we are going to the beach. Get up and get ready." Cassandra said and walked towards Samantha and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Cassandra said with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Mom." Samantha said smiling back brightly.

"Where is my kiss?" Lexi asked and got up from the bed and went near them and Cassandra chuckled.

"Good morning, my baby girl." Cassandra said and kissed Alexi's forehead.

"Good morning, Mom." Alexis replied and hugged Cassandra's waist and she giggled.

"Ok, listen to me. We all decided to go to the beach today to enjoy. So, take a shower and come down, okay?" Cassandra asked and Samantha and Alexi nodded.

"We will have our breakfast and will go together." Cassandra said.

"Okay, mom." Alexis replied and Cassandra nodded and walked out of their room.

Samantha and Alexi got showered and got ready.

Samantha wore a blue maxi dress and Alexi wore a white t-shirt and shorts.

They both walked out of the room and saw Quency and Sophia coming out of there room looking all ready to hit the beach after a hectic schedule.

"Where is Chitra?" Alex asked.

"Downstairs. Maybe helping in the kitchen." Quency replied and they both nodded their head.

They all went downstairs and saw Johnson, Martin, Andrew, Lucas, Noah, Robert, Liam, Thomas, Damon were talking in the living room.

"Good morning." Alexi said and went towards Liam and plopped down on the couch beside him.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart." Liam replied with a chuckle and kissed Alexi's forehead and Samantha smiled at everyone and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning." Samantha said as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh... Good Morning." Lucy said and everyone nodded.

"Is there anything I can do?" Samantha asked.

"No, Sweetie. Everything is done. Chitra, tell everyone to come to the dining room." Lucy said and She nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

Everyone had their breakfasts and were ready to go when Samantha's phone rang.

Samantha looked at the screen and saw Mr. Ronnie, the head manager's name.

"Sorry, I should take this. You carry on, I will join you guys soon." Samantha said.

"Sam, I will wait for you." Alexis replied.

"No, Lexi. You please go and enjoy it." Samantha said.

"No, Sam..." Andrew cut off Alexi in mid-sentence.

"Lexi, You come with us and Johnson you be with Sam until she finishes her call and then comes together." Andrew said by grabbing Alexi's hand and started dragging her with him.

"Finish you call soon and join us." Cassandra said before leaving the house and Samantha nodded and they all walked out of the house.

"Excuse me, Johnson." Samantha said and Johnson nodded his head and Samantha answered the call.

"Hello, Mr. Ronnie." Samantha said as she walked towards Kitchen.

"Hello, Ms. Samantha. Sorry to disturb you, when you are on vacation but can you tell me when are you coming back to New York?" Ronnie asked.

"I will be in Newyork tomorrow but Why are you asking? Is there any problem?"  Samantha asked.

"No, Ms. Samantha. We don't have any problem but Mr. Xavier is making an issue with our new resort and about the tender which we gave it to Davis Interiors." Ronnie replied.

"What issue is he doing?" Samantha asked.

"Ms. Samantha, Mr. Xavier is demanding that he wanted 60℅ of shares in our new resort and also want the resort on his name." Ronnie said.

"What?" Samantha asked with a frown.

"Yes, Ms. Samantha and he is shouting at us that how we gave tender to Davis without asking his opinion." Ronnie replied.

"How dare he? What does he think of himself? He knows right, that resort brings a huge profit to Amaxi? And for asking his opinion, he should answer his damn phone when I tried to contact him." Samantha shouted on the phone.

"Yes, Ms. Samantha. He knows and that why he is asking this resort." Ronnie said.

"No, That can't be possible. He only has 15℅ shares in Amaxi. He can't ask 60℅ shares on that resort." Samantha replied and started thinking.

"Ok, fine. Arrange a meeting with Xavier on the day after tomorrow morning." Samantha said.

"Ok, Ms. Samantha. I will do that." Ronnie replied.

"Have you informed this to CEO?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, Ms. Samantha. I informed him already but he said me to inform you. So, I called you." Ronnie said.

"Ok. I will talk with the CEO too." Samantha replier.

"Thank you, Ms. Samantha. Have a nice day." Ronnie said.

"Teah, you too." Samantha replied and ended the call and grabbed a glass of water and drank it and sat on the island chair.

"This Xavier!... Who does he think he is? How can he ask 60℅ shares and his name on the resort? He knows, what that resorts mean to me then why he is doing this?" Samantha asked herself.

"Samantha." Johnson called and Samantha turned back suddenly.

"Yes, Johnson." Samantha asked.

"You were shouting? Is there any problem with the Hotel?" Johnson asked.

"No... Nothing like that. Just the daily information about the hotel." Samantha said but Johnson didn't get satisfied with her answer cause his face was like - Are you serious? I'm a businessman look.

But Johnson didn't force Samantha to say anything and nodded his head.

"Ok... Shall we go now?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded.

"Yeah, sure." Samantha answered and got up from the chair and they both walked out of the kitchen and to out of the house.

They should walk a few miles to go to the beach and there is no house and the way and the path were totally covered with trees.

When they are halfway to the beach suddenly Johnson stopped walking.

"What happened, Johnson?" Samantha asked.

"I forgot to bring my phone with me. I am so sorry. Can you please wait here. I will just come back in a minute." Johnson said.

"Sure, No problem." Samantha said and he nodded his head and walked back to the house.

Samantha stood under the tree and started checking her mails cause in her phone when suddenly 2 guys came towards and started harassing her.

"You bastards, Stop touching me." Samantha yelled but they are too drunk to listen to her.

One guy grabbed her hand with force and her phone falls down from my hand and another guy pushed her to the tree.

Samantha shouted, screamed but there is no one to listen to her. She tried to push them away from her but one person slapped her on her cheek and her mind drifted off to her PAST...

"Come, baby. Let's have some fun." Leo said as he grabbed Samantha's hand.

"Leo, leave me." Samantha shouted and tried to take her hand out of his grip but he didn't listen to her at all.

"Sam, baby. We are a couple from the past 1 year. So, it's common to do this, come to me." Leo said while dragging Samantha to some room.

"No, Leo. Please don't do this. Please stop."  Samantha said while sobbing but he slapped her hard on her cheek not once but thrice and grabbed her hair in his hand and slapped her again and again.

"Leo... Leo... Please... St...stop... Don't... Do this." Samantha stuttered with out of breath.

Leo didn't listen to Samantha and took out his belt from his pants and started beating her with the belt...

"Le... Leo... St..." Samantha shouted but he didn't listen and beaten her like a dog.

"Samantha, You okay?" Came a voice and Samantha slowly opened her eyes and saw Johnson.

"You okay?" Johnson asked again with tears in his eyes by holding her face in his hands.

Samantha turned her face to see the guys but they are on the ground with the bloodied face but they got up and ran away from them.

"Samantha, Are you okay?" Johnson asked again and kissed her forehead but Samantha doesn't know what came into her mind cause she pushed him away from her and Johnson stumbled back and Samantha shouted at him.

"Why did you help me? What am I to you? You should have let them do whatever they wanted to do with me. You don't love me and you don't need me in your life. You could have been happy in your life if you didn't help me just now." Samantha shouted at him while her tears are falling down from her eyes.

"Samantha, Please don't say that. I need you and I want you in my life. I can't let anything happen to you. You are the only one I need in my life." Johnson said and tried to come near her but Samantha again pushed him away and shouted at him again.

"Why? Why do you need me and want me in your life, Johnson?" Samantha yelled with tears in her eyes.

"CAUSE I LOVE YOU, GODDAMMIT." Johnson shouted and Samantha's eyes widened in shock.