Chapter 98 - Elated.

Samantha opened her eyes and got up from the bed and looked around the bedroom as the sun rays fall inside the room.

As she got up, Last night hit her mind and a smile spreads on her beautiful face.

"It's not a dream, right?" Samantha asked herself as she looked down at her clothes and saw only a shirt on her body...

"Shirt? But I slept in the arms of Johnson last night, right? But who changed me?" Samantha asked herself with panic and just then, the door opened and the shirtless Johnson walked inside.

Seeing him shirtless, Samantha blushed a deep red, and the kiss which they were shared last night came into her mind.

"Oh, Good morning. You woke up already. I was just going to wake you up." Johnson said as he walked towards Samantha and sat on the bed beside her.

"Um... Johnson, this... Shirt?" Samantha asked.

"Oh, that you were asleep in my arms last night. So, I bought you up to my bedroom as it's chilly outside and I thought you will be uncomfortable in that dress so the maid changed you into my shirt." Johnson replied with a smile

"Oh... Okay!" Samantha said with a small smile.

"So, about last night?" Johnson asked looking at Samantha intensely and his eyes fell on her neck and moved near to her.

"About, Last night?" Samantha asked.

"Baby, you know what I am talking about." Johnson replied again looking down at her neck and Samantha frowned.

"What are you looking at, Johnson?" Samantha asked.

"Look at yourself." Johnson answered and Samantha raised her eyebrows and got up from the bed and went near the mirror. She saw her neck and collarbone saw Hickey's on them.

"What... What are these?" Samantha asked with her eyes wide.

"You don't know? They called Hickey's." Johnson answered as he wrapped his as around her waist and buries his face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.

"You smell really beautiful." Johnson said with a smile.

"Ahh! It tickling me." Samantha said as she moved Johnson's head and he looked weirdly at her.

"Is it looks like tickling when I am trying to do romance with my Fiancee?" Johnson asked and Samantha laughed in his arms as Johnson just kept staring at her innocent yet beautiful smile.

"What are you looking at?" Samantha asked.

"You look so sexy in my shirt." Johnson said out of blue and Samantha blushed.

"Leave me. Oh, God! This is embarrassing." Samantha said as she tried to walk away from Johnson's arms but he grabbed her wrist and again wrapped his as around her waist and buried his head inside her neck.

"Ahh! I already said to you. It's tickling me." Samantha said with a smile and Johnson took the opportunity and sweep off her feet from the floor and wrapped her legs around his torso and leaned her against the wall.

"Johnson." Samantha said but Johnson pressed his lips against hers and she gave the access to him gladly.

Johnson just thought about her past all night. The sleep is far away from his eyes while his beautiful fiancee slept in his arms peacefully.

There were so many questions running in his mind. Is he really dead? If yes, then where is his mother? In jail? Johnson is hell confused. But, his one doubt got clarified and was killing him that is Anna her daughter? But, if Anna is her daughter, Samantha would have told it but she didn't. So, it's clear to him that Anna is not her daughter. But, if she is. Johnson was ready to accept her.

But, now... Johnson can only get the answers about Leo from Damon and Lucy. Johnson thought, after talking with Damon and Lucy he will get into the clarity. If Johnson wants, he can dig the answers easily but he doesn't want it to know to Samantha. He wants to be honest with her. So, she can trust him.

Johnson pulled away from her lips and leaned a little a touched their both foreheads.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life." Johnson said peeking her lips and she slowly got down and he again buries his face inside her neck and smuggled into it and Samantha laughed and pushed him and ran away from him.

"I said to you already. It tickles me." Samantha said with a blush and Johnson chuckled.

"Even though, it did. It's not good to run at from your soon to be husband, Mrs. Soon to be Johnson Davis." Johnson said with a smirk and Samantha smiled.

"Ahhh! Then catch your Soon to be wife before she gets out of your grip, Mr. Johnson Davis." Samantha replied with a smirk.

"Aren't you playful now, Mrs. Soon to be Johnson Davis?" Johnson asked.

"Am I?" Samantha asked with a smirk and Johnson chuckled.

"Look, Mr. Johnson Davis. This is Samantha Julie. Will not lose the play so easily." Samantha said with a smirk and Johnson raised his eyebrows.

"Is it? Let's see." Johnson said walking towards Samantha but She ran away jumping on the bed and ran out of the room.

"Hey, it's cheating. I thought we are playing in the bedroom?" Johnson asked.

"Ahh! But, I didn't say that." Samantha said as she laughed and Johnson heart melted seeing her beautiful laugh for the first time and he is glad that Samantha is opening up with him and trying her best to love him.

"You just wait and see." Johnson said and ran behind her and Samantha laughed and ran around the house and the laughter filled the house. It feels good to Johnson that finally, his relationship is getting on track for him and the love of his life is trying to accept him.

"You..." Johnson said as again Samantha slipped from his hands and Samantha laughed.

"I said to you that you can't catch me." Samantha said as tried to get down from the steps but suddenly, her leg slipped and was about to fall down from the stairs but Johnson grabbed her waist and wrapped his arms around her waist and bought her close to his heart.

"Are you okay?" Johnson asked as he looked down on Samantha and saw her taking deep breaths.

"You okay?" Johnson asked her again as he caressed her hair and Samantha looked up at him and nodded her head.

"Ye... Yes." Samantha stuttered as she wrapped her arms around his torso and Johnson took her in his arms.

"Johnson." Samantha said looking at him.

"It's okay." Johnson replied and Samantha nodded. She buried her face in his neck and breathed as Johnson took her to their bedroom.

Samantha touched his bare firm chest and looked at his sharp jawline and just got lost in his beauty.

"I know, I'm handsome. Don't look at me like that." Johnson said as he laid her on the bed and Samantha blushed.

"When did I say... You are handsome?" Samantha asked and Johnson chuckled and bend down to her face and looked straight in her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me. Your deep red cheeks tell me everything clearly." Johnson said kissing her cheeks.

"My checks? No, I'm not blushing." Samantha said.

"When did I say you are blushing? I just said, your deep cheeks say that you find me attractive." Johnson replied with a smirk and Samantha widened her eyes.

"Youuuu...." Samantha said and got up and stood on the bed looking at Johnson with her fake angriness.

"Oh, my tiger is angry?" Johnson asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yes." Samantha said and Johnson chuckled and kept his hand on her cheek.

"You are beautiful." Johnson said and Samantha again blushed.

"Ahh! Finally, I catch you." Johnson said as he got on to the bed and Samantha looked at him with her eyes wide.

"You cheated." Samantha said as she tried to free from Johnson's arms.

"Everything is fair in love and war, Sweetheart." Johnson said as he again buries his head inside Samantha's neck.

"No, please. Not there. It really tickles me." Samantha said as she laughed.

"But, last night you were enjoying?" Johnson asked as they both fall down on the king-size bed.

"Umm... That was... Umm..." Samantha stuttered.

"That was what?" Johnson asked as he tucks her hairs behind her ears.

"Umm... That was nothing!" Samantha blurted out making Johnson frown.

"Nothing?" Johnson asked.

"Yes... It's normal. You don't have any strength in you to even kiss me hard." Samantha again blunted out.

"Baby, you know what you are talking right?" Johnson asked.

"Yes, I know." Samantha said as she growled at him.

"Okay, then. If you didn't think that last night kiss was not good enough then what do you think about the kiss we just did a few minutes ago?" Johnson asked raising his eyebrows.

"It's was nothing too." Samantha said and suddenly, Johnson hovered over her.

"Ahh!" Samantha said.

"Say it again." Johnson replied as he looked into her eyes.

"Umm... It... I..." Samantha stuttered.

"What happened now? Cat got your tongue, huh?" Johnson asked with a smirk.

"Noooo." Samantha said.

"Then tell me, am I not a good kisser?" Johnson asked looking into Samantha's eyes and she smiled and buries her head in Johnson's head and he chuckled at her cuteness.