Chapter 123 - Johnson~Samantha.

Johnson stopped the car in the private basement of Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels. 

Johnson and Samantha got out of the car. Then, Johnson took Anna in his arms and they both walked inside the Elevator.

"I could have taken her. You should go home." Samantha said.

"No, it's okay. I will make her sleep in her room and then I will leave for the mansion." Johnson replied and Samantha sighed.

"Fine." Samantha said.

"Do you want me to go so soon?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked up at him with her innocent eyes.

"Ummm... No." Samantha answered as she blushed and Johnson chuckled.

They both walked out of the Elevator and Johnson, Samantha went to Anna's room.

Johnson laid Anna on the bed while Samantha changed her clothes and Johnson covered her with a comforter.

Johnson, Samantha kissed Anna's forehead and saw her sleeping peacefully with a big smile on their faces then they both walked out of her room.

"I will just change and will come." Samantha said and Johnson nodded.

Samantha walked inside her room while Johnson walked towards the balcony where there is a big swimming pool. The fresh air with cool weather made him relax as he sat on the pool lounge chair and he zoned out on his thoughts.

Johnson didn't ever expect that Samantha will get jealous so easily. A smile spreads on his face as he started thinking about his love of his life. Her eyes were just on that girl, who wanted to get touchy with Johnson in the event. It's like, Samantha looked at her as she wanted to just kick her out of the event at the moment she hugged Johnson.

Johnson was happy to see Samantha getting Jealous. Because getting jealous means that she is started feeling something for him. Without feeling anything she will not get jealous of someone. Samantha's eyes were on Johnson the whole event and he is happy that She is falling in love with him. 

Johnson wanted her to forget about her past. He knows, it's hard for her to forget her past but he doesn't want to bring her past in his relationship as it's only hurt them more but doesn't make their relationship stable with each other. So, it's just good to forget about everything and start a new chapter in their lives with each other. Johnson was hurt knowing her past but he couldn't do anything now as it's already past. When Samantha said about her past, he just wanted to kill that bastard with his bare hands but he was already dead. No mother will dare to kill her own child but Leo Mom did and saved Samantha, Alexi. 

Johnson is so thankful to the Woman who saved Samantha and Alexi keeping her own son aside. 

Johnson talked to Damon and Lucy about Samantha after their first date. He got to know a few more things about Samantha which Samantha still didn't tell him. Johnson understands that she needs time to tell everything about her to him but he didn't expect her to keep a deep secret away from him which is really important to their relationship and family. But, Johnson doesn't about anything until Samantha loves him and accepts him as her love. Johnson is ready to accept Samantha's every flaw because he don't want to let her go away from him and loves her. He doesn't care about anything until Samantha is near him and his. 

He doesn't care about the things which Samantha is keeping away from him but it's just hurting him that still, Samantha is not trusting him fully with her past. 

She is trying to maintain their relationship stable but the thing is she is still not telling everything and he feels bad about that.

"Here..." Samantha suddenly said as she forwarded the coffee mug to Johnson.

"Huh? When did you come here?" Johnson asked as he took the mug from her.

Samantha chuckled and sat beside him with a smile.

"When you were thinking something deeply with this frown on your forehead." Samantha answered and Johnson gave her a small smile.

"Ohhh... What happened to you?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head in No.

"Huh? You don't look good. Are you okay?" Samantha asked as she checked Johnson's temperature with the back of her palm.

"I am good. Don't worry. Nothing happened to me." Johnson answered as he took her's hand in his hands with a chuckle.

"Am not a small child to get sick, Samantha." Johnson replied.

"Why? Only children get sick?" Samantha asked.

"Hahahaha..." Johnson laughed.

"I don't mean like that." Johnson replied.

"Then?" Samantha asked.

"Did you see me? Do you think I will get a fever?" Johnson asked as he pointed his finger towards his body.

"Huh? Anyone can get a fever." Samantha replied and Johnson chuckled.

"You look cute." Johnson said as he wrapped his arms around Samantha and made her sit on his lap.

"What... What are you doing?" Samantha stuttered as she blushed.

"What do you think?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked up at him.

"Huh?" Samantha asked as she hugged him and buries her face in his chest as she blushed. Johnson smiled looking at her cuteness and took her in his arms, getting up from the pool lounge. 

"Johnson." Samantha said as he took her in his arms.

"Dance with me?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked up at him.

"We missed dancing with each other at the event." Johnson replied and Samantha nodded with a small smile.

"But... We don't have music here." Samantha said as Johnson made her stand on her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We don't need any music to dance. Do we?" Johnson asked as he looked into her eyes.

"Huh? How will we dance then?" Samantha asked as she kept her hands on his chest.

"Look at the wind. The cool breeze and our heartbeat is the music to our ear. What else we need to have a dance with each other?" Johnson asked as he buried his face in her neck and Samantha smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She moved more closer to him with a big smile and they both danced with each other feeling each other heartbeat forgetting about the whole world.