Chapter 264 - Amaxi Hotel

Samantha walked towards Xavier and kept the Check in his hands.

"This is the amount of your share! From now on... You don't own any shares in Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels." Samantha said and Xavier's eyes widened.

"No... I am not taking this... I need my shares..." Samantha cut off Xavier in mid-sentence with her laugh.

"Xavier, I would have called the police for what you did today but I am not doing anything and just leaving you alone because even now, you might change!" Samantha said and Xavier looked down.

"Just don't look at Amaxi from now on!" Samantha said and looked at Ronnie.

He nodded his head and took Xavier out of the office. Johnson sighed as he sat on the couch. 

Robert looked at Samantha and she nodded her head at him. Robert smiled and nodded his head sitting on the couch.

Noah sighed and sat on the couch closing his eyes.

"Why are you guys so stressed?" Samantha asked as she sat on the couch and Noah looked at her.

"Are you crazy? How do you even do that?" Noah asked and Samantha smirked.

Just then, Ronnie walked inside the office and handed Samantha a file.

Samantha checked the file and handed it to Noah.

Noah took the file with a frown and opened it... His eyes widened as he checks the file.

"What the hell?" Noah shouted looking at Noah and Samantha shrugged.

"What what? You deserve it!" Samantha said and Johnson frowned.

"Samantha this is not right!" Noah said and Samantha shook her head.

"This is right and you deserve these shares of Amaxi!" Samantha replied.

"What's going on?" Johnson asked.

"I transferred Xavier shares to Noah!" Samantha answered and Johnson nodded his head.

"Good." Johnson said.

"What good?" Noah asked and Johnson turned towards him.

"This is not at all good..." Noah said and Samantha chuckled.

"It's fine, Noah! You are already the shareholder now. So, I can do anything now!" Samantha replied and Noah frowned.

"What do..." Samantha cut off Noah in mid-sentence.

"Johnson, we can't do anything for about the sketches... It's already done!"  Samantha said and the environment turned serious again. 

"We have proofs... We can do something against Johnson's competitor, right?" Noah asked and Samantha nodded her head.

"Yes, we can... With our proofs, we can say that he steals our sketches but we can't use those sketches again... As the designers are already out... I think it's not good for the hotel to use them again!" Samantha answered and Noah nodded his head.

"Ohh... Then how now? It's so loss for us." Noah said and Samantha nodded looking at Johnson. But seeing him stressing himself, she couldn't see it.

Samantha got up from the couch and sat beside him on the long couch. She kept her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at him with his heart eyes.

"Those designs are my life, Samantha! You know how much I worked hard for those designs! But at last, they went in his hands." Johnson said holding tears in his eyes.

"Johnson, it's okay..." Samantha got cut off by Johnson as he higher her tightly.

"I really didn't think something might like this happen!" I really didn't!" Johnson said as he buried his face in her face.

Samantha wrapped her arms around Johnson and hugged him tightly.

Noah looked at Robert and others. They all felt embarrassing seeing Johnson and Samantha.

Robert and Noah got up from the couch and walked out of the office without disturbing Johnson and Samantha. Everyone followers them behind and closed the door behind them.

Samantha let him hug her until he felt good and calmed down. Then, after Johnson calmed down, Samantha cupped Johnson's face in her hands.

"It's fine... Sometimes, all these happen in business... You need to be so strong to face anything in the business. You just need to keep faith in your work!" Samantha said and Johnson shook his head in No. 

"I will make him suffer like hell... I know he is laughing at me for taking my designs away which I worked hard for the past few years. I didn't ever think Xavier will come out like this... I should have to keep an eye on these things!" Johnson replied and Samantha shook her head.

"No... We were already going through a lot these days... You just didn't keep track of work... You just can't blame yourself like this... If it is blaming then I should blame myself for keeping Xavier as my shareholder even though knowing very well about him. I still didn't take any action towards him. So... I should blame myself for making you lose!" Samantha replied.

"Samantha... Don't talk like that... You already gave him warnings but he still did like this. But we still don't know why he did this. I know, we should have been careful for we are not at all wrong... We trust our employees and they keep their trust... Only Xavier came out like this!" Johnson said and Samantha sighed.

"Your competitor gave him money to steal your designs... My investigator was following him all around but as we are in a lake house with family... We didn't answer our phones." Samantha replied and Johnson nodded. 

"Yeah... And past days were hectic too... Vacation, Anna's kidnap, and all were kept us so busy! I began so carelessly... I should have just. Just take a look at the work going on in the hotel." Johnson said as he sighed.

"It's over though. You need to be over it... Even if we get those designs it's of no use..." Samantha said and Johnson nodded.

"I know... I know it's of no use... We can't do anything now... Wait..." Johnson said and Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"Did you remember the last time fought about teddy? I mean... I was yelling at an employee?" Johnson asked and Samantha frowned.

"So?" Samantha asked.

"He was new to the designing company... Do he have any hand with Xavier? He messed up designs too... The department head complained it to me as it's a serious issue." Johnson said.

"Huh? What if he doesn't have any hand and he is innocent? Will, not the blame will hunt him?" Samantha asked and Johnson sighed.

"But at least we need to keep an eye on him... Let's check the CCTV's once. I feel like there is something more fishy in this. Because I know, Xavier is not at all alone in this... He can't do alone all these... He is a scared cat. He will not dare to do something like this and he will not keep quiet if there is nothing. He would have talked that he is jealous or something of us... But he didn't at all talked anything and just kept his mouth shut!" Johnson said and Samantha frowned.

"So... You mean to say there is something else and some else are in this?" Samantha asked.

"Exactly!" Johnson answered and Samantha sighed.

"But first we need to look at the newly appointed designer!" Johnson said as he grabbed his phone.

"What are you doing?" Samantha asked and Johnson nodded his head.

"Let's call that designer!" Johnson answered and Samantha nodded.

Johnson got up from the couch as he dials the designer department head!

"Hello, Mr. Tason. Can you please send the newly appointed guy to my office who the last time was messed up the designs?" Johnson asked but the answer he got from the other side made his eyes wide.

"Sorry, Mr. Davis... He already resigned!" Tason answered.

"What? When? How?" Johnson asked on the phone.

"The resigned the next day he messed up the designs... He apologized and said that he doesn't suit here!" Tason answered.

"Send me his file to my office right now!" Johnson said angrily.

"Yes, Mr. Davis!" Tason replied and Johnson ended the call.

"What happened?" Samantha asked.

"He resigned!" Johnson answered.

"What? How?" Samantha asked.

"I don't know... Jesus, I am sure something is going on without our knowing... I will take it out... I will bring this out!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded.

"I don't feel good about this too... Don't worry. We will do this together! I am with you!" Samantha said and Johnson hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for always understanding me and believing me!" Johnson said and Samantha hugged him.

"Always, Johnson... I love you!" Samantha said.

"I love you too!" Johnson replied as he kissed her forehead. 

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Samaasled and Johnson sighed.

"I have a few more designs from my personal gallery... Let's see them and we will again do this together. We will design the hotel again." Johnson said and Samantha sighed.

"Will not be it so hard? Your employees need to work so hard!" Samantha replied.

"We need to, Samantha. We don't have any choice... It's times that my designers again prove themselves!" Johnson said and Samantha sighed.

"Alright. It's fine to get a late renovation but don't rush them. They have families to look after too." Samantha replied and Johnson smiled.

"I know, Love." Johnson said with a bright smile as he again hugged Samantha.