Chapter 277 - Alone?

Alexi was standing in the decorated garden wearing a red knee gown with a red shoe! She looks so gorgeous with her lite makeup and straight hair! She looks do fabulous in that romantic decorated dinner! But, there is not at all happy about anything right now! Her face is pale without any smile! Even though she is waiting for Martin! She knows that he is not going to come to the dinner! She realized how much bug mistake she did at that time! She realizes he is really hurt from his hurt and this small date will not make it up for her! A cold shiver tan down her spine as the cold breeze hit her soft body! 

"Ahhh! It's so cold!" Alexi said to herself as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders! The waiter walked towards Aleci with the coat but Alexi stopped her!

"I don't! Leave me alone!" Alexi shouted!

"But, Ms. Julie! You will catch a cold!" The waiter said!

"I don't care! Just leave me alone for god's sake!" Alexi shouted at her and the Waiter nodded her head!

"Yes, Ms. Julie." The waiter replied and walked away from Alexi! 

Alexi sat kn the chair and sighed looking at the amazing decor!

"What if he doesn't come?" Alex asked herself as a tear falls down from her eye! 

"I need him here!" Alexi said to herself as another tear falls down from her eyes!

"I hurt him badly and I hate myself right now!" Alexi said as tears fall down from her eyes!

Just then, Alexi's phone rang! Alexi grabbed her phone from the table and looked at the caller id on the screen!

She saw Samantha's name on the screen. Alexi took a deep breath before she slides her finger and answers the call!

"Hello!" Alexi said as she answered the call!

"Lexi..." Samantha said!

"He is not coming! I know!" Alexi replied!

"Come home!" Samantha said!

"No!" Alexi replied!

"Lexi, it's so cold outside! You will catch cold and fever! Please come home!" Samantha said and Alexi sighed!

"I don't care anymore! Its nothing when he is so hurt there!" Alexi shouted on the phone!

"Lexi, sweetheart! Try to understand it! We will do something else! But now, come home please!" Samantha requested! 

"Sam, try to understand me too! What do you think? Is it only hurting him? Seeing his cold behaviour toward me is hurting me too! I know, I am at fault but this is not the way he treats me! But I guess, I deserve this because I hurt him so badly!" Alexi replied as tears started falling down from her eyes!

"I know... It's hurting you both but it's not the time we talk! Just please come home now! We will talk about these things later! Please!" Samantha requested again!

"No... I will not come home until he comes here! I want to talk to him and make things clear! I want him with me!" Alexi replied making Samantha sigh!

"Alright! You are not listening to me! Let me come there!" Samantha said!

"No... You don't come here! Please!" Alexi replied!

"Lexi, don't behave like a kid! We will talk with Martin tomorrow! We will sort out things tomorrow! So, now come home lot else, I will come there and drag you home!" Samantha said with a stern voice!

"Sam... Please!" Alexi replied with tears in her eyes!

"Hello!" Johnson said on the phone!

"Hello!" Alexi replied on the phone!

"You really want to wait for him even though knowing that he is not coming?" Johnson asked ok the phone!

"Yes!" Alexi answered!

"Alright! Wear something warm then! Be careful and take care!" Johnson said and Alexi nodded!

"I will!" Alexi replied!

"Good! Good night then! Be careful!" Johnson said on the phone!

"Yeah... Good night!" Alexi replied as she ended the call with tears! 

"What the hell you did?" Samantha asked Johnson!

"Shhh! Don't worry! Martin will go to her!" Johnson answered with a smile making Samantha frown!

"What?" Samantha asked!

"Yes! Martin will go to Alexi!" Johnson answered with a smile!

"But he?" Samantha asked!

"Yes... He said, he is not going to her but I am sure, he will go into her!" Johnson answered making Samantha frown more deeply!

"But how?" Samantha asked with a confused face! Johnson chuckled looking at her cute confused face and cupped her face in his hands!

"Love, no man stay back when his girl freezing out! Martin knows that Alexi is sturgeon as hell and with my words I talked with him, I am sure, he will think about it again and again! He is a mature person! He will go to Alexi soon! Don't worry!" Johnson answered with a bright smile on his face!

"Are you sure?" Samantha asked as she looked into his eyes!

"Yes, love! Martin will go to Alexi! I am sure!" Johnson answered!

"I don't know, Johnson! I am scared for Alexi! What if something happens to her? And what if we are wrong and Martin doesn't go to Alexi?" Samantha asked! Johnson took a deep breath and hugged Samantha tightly! Samantha wrapped her arms around Johnson's torso keeping her head on his chest... She felt calm listening to his heartbeats which is like a piece of soft music to her ears! 

"If he doesn't go to Alexi then I will keep him away from Alexi forever! Yes, he will lose an amazing person like Alexi but she doesn't deserve Martin anymore! She deserves someone more understanding person than Martin! If he thinks that things are hurting him sol badly then he should know that Relationship is so something with happy days always! The relationship needs an understanding which is Alexi is about to give a chance but if Martin is so stubborn on this then we can't do anything but to keep Alexi away from him!" Johnson answered taking a deep breath! Samantha looked up at Johnson's face!

"Don't worry! Everything will be alright soon!" Johnson said with a smile making Samantha nod her head!

Johnson kissed Samantha's forehead and hugged her again tightly while Samantha hugged him tightly to feeling blessed to be with the person who she truly loves!