Chapter 287 - I Will Never Let You Go!

"Hey... Good morning!" Johnson said as Martin and Alexi walked inside the penthouse!

"Good morning!" Alexi replied with a smile as they both walked inside! 

"How was your date? Did you both enjoy? Martin again didn't trouble you again. Did he?" Johnson asked making Alexi chuckle and Martin rolled his eyes!

"No! He behaved well!" Alexi answered!

"Good!" Johnson replied with a smile!

"I hope you both cleared the misunderstandings?" Johnson asked and Alexi looked at Martin! Martin smiled brightly and nodded his head in yes!

"Yes, Brother! We did!" Martin answered with a smile and Johnson looked at Alexi! She nodded her head at Johnson with a bright smile! Johnson nodded his head back seeing her smiling! 

"Ohh... You are here? I thought you will go to Martin's house!" Samantha said as she walked out of the kitchen making Alexi roll her eyes! 

"No, Sam! I have work at the agency today! So, we are early!" Alexi replied!

"Alright, but how was your date last night?" Samantha asked and Alexi nodded her head in yes with a smile! 

"Good!" Alexi answered making Samantha smile!

"Alright! Go to yoir rooms and get fresh! breakfast is almost done! We will have it together!" Samantha said and Alexi nodded her head!

"Yeah, Sam!" Alexi replied and Martin nodded his head!

Alexi and Martin walked upstairs to their room while Samantha went to the kitchen! Johnson got up from the couch and followed Samantha! 

He wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist and buried his face in her neck!

"Huh? Someone might see us?" Samantha asked and Johnson chuckled!

"There are none here except Martin and Alexi! They both went to their room! So, only us!" Johnson answered as he kissed her neck!

"You smell so beautiful!" Johnson said making Samantha chuckle! She looked up at Johnson and smiled!

"You didn't leave me till early morning! You still horny?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head!

"It's not horny... It's Love! The love is attracting me towards you! I don't want to leave you at all! I want to hold you and keep you in my arms forever safely!" Johnson answered as he kissed on the neck which is bruise while he marked her his last night! 

"Ouch... That's hurts!" Samantha said and Johnson smiled at her!

"This mark will tell everyone that you are mine! Only mine!" Johnson replied looking at Samantha possessively! 

"So possessive. Huh?" Samantha asked with a smile.

"Of course, I am!" Johnson answered with a smile as he kissed Samantha's forehead!

Samantha hugged him and kissed his cheek making Johnson smile brightly!

Samantha started making breakfast but Johnson never left her side and just kept staring at making Breakfast! 

"Do you think, they are alright now?" Samantha asked!

"Well... It looks like, they are good now!" Johnson answered!

"I just don't want any more misunderstandings between them!" Samantha said and Johnson hugged her more tightly!

"They will not have any until they talk about everything with each other beforehand!" Johnson replied and Samantha stopped whatever she was doing and turned around in Johnson's arms!

"What did you mean?" Samantha asked!

"I mean... They need to talk about everything and make things clear between them! Because if Alexi or Martin didn't talk about a thing which is serious in their relationship and got to anyone from a third person then it will only bring problems but nothing else..." Johnson answered!

"You mean... Every couple need to know everything about each other right?" Samantha asked and Johnson shrugged!

"Isn't it obvious? Because if the same thing, they get to know from an unknown person, the special person will really feel betrayed or maybe thinking, they are not good enough for the other person or might not be trusted enough to tell everything to him!" Johnson answered and Samantha turned around! Johnson frowned at her and sighed!

"What are you thinking about?" Johnson asked as he again wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist!

"Nothing!" Samantha answered looking at Johnson!

"Samantha..." Johnson said as he turned Samantha towards him!

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead!

"Don't think about this in our relationship! It's a different case for us! Looking at your past, this is not right to think about all these! I am happy if you are forgetting everything or forgotten! But... If there is anything else... That you want to tell me then don't worry about it! I know you so well and I will listen to you whenever you are ready to tell me about it! There is nothing to worry about! Whatever it is... I mean it! Whatever it is! I am not going to let you go! Not now. Not ever!" Johnson said with a bright smile on his face! Samantha shook her head in No and turned around in his arms!

"What happened, Samantha?" Johnson asked!

"Why are you so patient with me?" Samantha asked making Johnson smile! He took Samantha's hands in his and kissed her knuckles!

"Because I love you and want you in my life forever! You already know this answer! I have already told you many times that you are so precious to me! I don't want to let you go no matter what! If you want to go away from me, sure then... I will leave you behind but when I know that you love me too... I will fight for us in every way I can! I am not losing any hopes on us, ever! I want a family with you! I want to make a beautiful family with you! I know you are perfect for me... So, there is no thinking back about it!" Johnson answered calmly!

"You are so good, Johnson! So good for me... I don't know what I did to deserve you but you are really so good!" Samantha replied as tears rolled in her eyes!

"Samantha, You are one of the strong women I have seen... As I said you already that I have seen my mom in you! You are so strong like her! You are so kind like her! You are so sweet like her and you are so beautiful like her!" Johnson said!

"You both match alike in everything! Maybe that's what attracted to me in you! I am so lucky to have someone in my life! You are so good like her too! So, there is no going back if I came until her with you to take a stand with you! To take a step together with you in the future!" Johnson said as he hugged Samantha tightly!

"I love you!" Samantha said with a smile!

"I love you too, Love!" Johnson replied as he kissed her hair!

"Ahem..." Johnson and Samantha heard someone clearing their throats! They both left each other and turned around! They saw Martin and Alexi walking inside the kitchen!

"I am hungry!" Alexi said and Samantha nodded her head in yes! Johnson smiled and walked outside of the kitchen! Alexi followed him back while Martin stood there itself! 

"Do you need anything, Martin?" Samantha asked!

"No, Sil!" Martin answered!

"Alright... The breakfast will be done in a few minutes!" Samantha said and Martin nodded!

Samantha smiled as Martin sat on the counter chair and looked at her!

"What are you looking at, Martin?" Samantha asked as she started cooking again!

"Umm... Nothing, SIL!" Martin answered as he scratched the back of his neck nervously!

"Do you want me to ask something?" Samantha asked and Martin looked up at her!

"Umm... Umm..." Martin stuttered!

"What it is, Martin?" Samantha asked!

"SIL, you will not take it wrongly right? I mean, I want to talk to you about this but... I am not sure if this is right to ask or not but..." Martin stuttered making Samantha smile!

"It's fine, Martin... You can ask me anything! You have every right to ask me! I know that Alexi might tell you something about me... Or our past? I can understand it! You can ask me anything... So shoot your questions!" Samantha replied and Martin nodded! 

"SIL, Alexi told me about you and your past! And that thing Alexi did... I mean, Arvin and Leo..." Martin stuttered and Samantha nodded her head!

"Yes... That's true... Whatever she told you is true!" Samantha replied and Martin took a deep breath!

"Umm... It's fine, Sil. Whatever you guys did is good! Alexi is right at her point! She did what made her feel good!" Martin said and Samantha smiled!

"Thank you so much for accepting her how she is, Martin!" Samantha replied!

"No, SIL. I love her so much. I don't want to let go of her in any way! She is so good for me! She is strong and a fighter! I will never think of letting her go!" Martin said and Samantha smiled!

"Alexi is really lucky to have you in her life!" Samantha replied and Martin shook his head in No!

"I am so lucky to have her in my life, SIL!" Martin said and Samantha nodded her head with a bright smile!

"So, are you telling everything to brother?" Martin asked making Samantha smile drop!