Chapter 339 - Wedding - The Big Day! Part-1.

"You look so gorgeous, Sam." Lucy said with a bright smile as she entered into Samantha's room.

"Thank you, Aunt Lucy." Samantha replied with nervousness.

"Don't be nervous, Sam. I know every girl will be nervous on her wedding day even I was nervous on my wedding day, Okay. You can do it." Lucy said as she cupped Samantha's face in her hands and kissed her forehead.

Samantha nodded her head and just then, they heard a knock on the door and turned their heads and saw Liam. 

"It's time." Liam said as he stepped inside the room and Samantha can clearly see the teary eyes of his as he walked towards her. 

"My daughter became a beautiful bride ever." Said Liam as he stood in front of her. 

"Dad..." Samantha said as she hugged him and a tear falls down from her eyes.

"Sam, listen to me, my baby." Liam said as he cupped her face in his hands. 

"You are going to tie the knot now... You will become a married woman. Marriage is a journey of Good and Bad days. Don't expect it to be always a bed of roses. What you have now will be different as the years pass. Patience, Compromise, Understanding, Compassion, Empathy and mainly love is much need in the relationship. You need to trust each other on everything. And don't be afraid to swallow your pride to apologize sincerely even if you are in no faults, because the apologies make the couple move on and be happy with each other." Liam said and Samantha nodded her head. They hugged each other again and Liam kissed her forehead. 

"I know, My daughter will be a good daughter in law, good wife and a good mother. I believe in my daughter!" Liam said and hugged her again. 

"Are you ready, My princess?" Liam asked with a big smile as he grabbed her hand. 

"Yes..." Samantha replied confidently and grabbed Liam's arms and they both took a deep breath.

The walked out of the room and stood in front of the big door. 

They both walked down the aisle as the door got opened and the soft music playing on the background and Samantha saw her bridesmaids and maid of honor smiling so big.

She turn her head and looked up to the person to whom she is going to tie the knot right now and saw him smiling big at her. 

Johnson looks so damn handsome in his black tux and His muscles are popping out from his tux showing his perfect workout body.

Johnson smiled seeing her looking so gorgeous in her wedding gown. But he couldn't see her face as she has a veil on her head. 

Johnson walked towards them and forwarded his hand towards Liam. Liam handed him Samantha's hand to him and said.

"Please keep her happy always." Liam said to Johnson with a smile.

"I will Dad." Johnson replied as he looking at Samantha. Liam stepped back while Johnson took his place. They both walked ahead and stood in front of Priest. 

"I, Johnson Davis,

Take you, Samantha Julie,

To be my wife;

To have and to hold,

From this day forward,

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

'Till death do us part." Johnson said with a smile looking into Samantha's eyes. 

"I, Samantha Julie,

Take you, Johnson Davis,

To be my Husband;

To have and to hold,

From this day forward,

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

'Till death do us part." Samantha replied looking into his eyes and saw him smiling brightly. 

"Please exchange your rings." The priest said and Anna bought their rings and forwarded them towards them.

Johnson and Samantha smiled brightly and took the rings from her with a smile.

Samantha forwarded her left hand to Johnson and He slides the ring on her ring finger. He forwarded his left hand and Samantha slides the ring on his ring finger.

That is it... Samantha is now finally Mrs. Samantha Johnson Davis.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, ... You can kiss the Bride." Announced priest and a round of applause echoed the hall.

Johnson stepped forward towards Samantha with a big smile. He removed the veil from her face and wrapped his arms around her waist and bought her close to his chest. Samantha blushed, As soon as he bought her close to his chest.

Samantha nervously looked down but Johnson raised her chin making her look deep in his eyes.

"You are mine, forever, my love." Johnson said and sealed it with a passionate kiss. The applause again filled the hall.

Yes... Samantha is forever his and he is hers forever now. 

Everyone congratulated them and they also took pictures with them.

Julie and Davis wanted a private wedding and so, didn't call any outsides or paparazzi for the wedding but they invited guests to the evening party and paparazzi is also invited. 'There are going to be so many people. God! Give me the strength to bear with those people.' Samantha thought to herself. 

"Mrs. Davis, please smile." Said the photographer by taking her out of my thoughts.

"What happened, Baby?" Johnson asked with a concerned face as he cupped her face in his hands.

"Um... nothing. Just thinking that how my boring life changed into a happy life in a span of 3 months." Samantha said and he chuckled. 

"Yes, Love and thank you for coming in my life and making it beautiful." Johnson replied as he kept his head in the crook of her neck making her smile brightly. 

"Wow... It's an awesome picture, Mr. and Mrs. Davis." Said the photographer making Samantha blushed.

They both took some more pictures until Cassandra walked towards them.

"Sam... You need to get to the penthouse now and should get ready for the party. You're makeup artist, the hairstylist will help you." Cassandra said and Samantha nodded her head in yes. 

"Um... yeah." Samantha replied.

"We will get ready in the venue itself and Johnson, your suit is also in Sam's room. Get ready you both and reach the venue early." Cassandra said and they nodded their heads. Cassandra kissed her forehead and walked away.

"Let's go wifey." Johnson said with a smile and the word wifey gave butterflies in her stomach.