Chapter 363 - I Will Keep Alexi Safe.

"I will, SIL... Don't worry about Alexi anymore... I love her and want to spend my rest of the life with her... And I will do no matter what... I will fight for her love. I trust our love and I know we are going to be successful in our relationship." Martin said.

"Thank you so much, Martin... That really means a lot to me... Just don't at all leave her even when the hard times hit you both... Just try to understand the best you can. I will just ask you this in my life... Just keep Alexi safe and happy." Samantha replied.

"SIL, you don't have to tell me that... Trust me... I will keep Alexi safe and happy no matter what... Whoever comes in our ways... They will no longer stay more than a few days because our love is stronger than what they think." Martin said and Samantha smiled.

"Thank you so much, Martin." Samantha replied.

"SIL, you don't have to thank me..." Martin said as they both gave each other and brother and sister hug. 

"Just don't worry about anything and enjoy your honeymoon with my brother..." Martin said making Samantha blush and She nodded her head.

"I will... I am just scared of the hotels... Nothing much..." Samantha replied and Matin took a deep breath.

"So, what I heard is true?" Martin asked and Samantha looked at her.

"About?" Samantha asked.

"Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels is in Loss." Martin answered and Samantha took a deep breath.

"Well... Yeah..." Samantha replied.

"Brother knows this?" Martin asked and Samantha nodded her head.

"Didn't he tried to help you?" Martin asked.

"He did... But I don't want his help..." Samantha answered.

"SIL, you should have taken it... Caffeine by Amaxi will be in its position right away..." Martin replied and Samantha nodded her head. 

"Well... It's still in its position... Just a little down as it's is in renovation... We couldn't do anything... But Not to worry about it... It will be back to in its position as soon as the renovations are done." Samantha said.

"But, SIL... Still, you should have taken a little help from brother... He is not someone outside to ask right? He is your husband." Martin replied.

"I know, Martin... But, still... I don't want his help... I started Amaxi independently... And I raised it with my own hard work... I know, I can raise my hotels to in its position very soon. I have that confidence... If I can do that without his help while I started Amaxi... Then, I still can do it right?" Samantha asked.

"SIL, I know... You can do it... But..." Samantha cut off Martin in mid-sentence.

"Martin, You are a self-made Billionaire too... Will you ask for any help if you get a loss in your business or will you try to raise it again with your hard work?" Samantha asked making Martin smile.

"You know my answer already... I would definitely will not take any help..." Martin answered.

"There you have the answer then!" Samantha said as she smiled making Martin chuckle.

"I can totally understand, SIL... Even how rich we become... These companies will be so close to us... Because we worked hard day and night for them to bring them in this position... Without that confidence, we can't at all have our companies in this position right now... They will be always special to us..." Martin said and Samantha nodded her head with a smile.

"True..." Samantha replied.

"You know, Dad didn't at all agreed when I said, that I am interested in doing video games... I was so hurt... But later, Brother came to me... And supported me... If not him, then I wouldn't have been here today..." Martin said making Samantha smile.

"Well... I can understand... Alexi was a huge support to me back then... She still is... But at that time, I have nothing but just the money I earned as a chef... But she believed in me when none believed in me... She is really awesome." Samantha replied making Martin smile.

"SIL, don't at all hesitate to ask any help from us... It might be anything about Hotels... Please let us know if you need any kind of help with us... Okay?" Martin asked.

"I will, Martin... Don't worry... I have hope and faith in my work and Hotels." Samantha answered and Martin nodded his head with a smile.

"So, do Alexi knows about Caffeine by Amaxi hotels is at loss?" Martin asked.

"I don't think so." Samantha answered.

"You don't want to tell her?" Martin asked.

"I don't want to give her stress..." Samantha answered.

"So, you don't intend to tell her?" Martin asked and Samantha shrugged.

"Maybe..." Samantha answered.

"What if she gets to know about this?" Martin asked and again Samantha shrugged jer shoulders.

"I don't know..." Samantha answered.

"I mean... Will not she be angry?" Martin asked.

"She will obviously... But she will try to help me out in some way or other first... Later, she will be angry at me for not telling her about Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels. Well, Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels is close to her heart too... As Caffeine by Amaxi is saving many people's lives and making many middle-class family's dreams come true with Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels is something good we feel about it... And that is why, Amaxi is famous for a reason too... So, she will try her best to bring Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels back to in its position... But still, I will try my best too." Samantha said with a smile.

"If I can't do it or can't bring it back to its position then I think I need be selfish with my business by taking you guy's help... Because I don't want to bring many employee's lives on to streets... Just because of my negligence... I will do my best until I can... But if I can't... Then I will ask your help for sure..." Samantha said and Martin smiled brightly. 

"I know... You can do it, SIL." Martin replied with a bright smile making Samantha smile.