Chapter 453 - Kidnapper Mathew.

"Hello, Uncle Damon..." Johnson said as they all got down from the car.

"Hello, Johnson..." Damon replied.

"Ohh... Lucas? What are you doing here?" Chitra asked.

"Umm... I am here for Uncle Damon for some business... Hence, you are here too... So, I will give you a company until Samantha, Johnson talk with that person and comes back." Lucas said.

"Yeah... Chitra, sorry for calling you here with them... I just called you here. So, you can look after Anna until we are done... We can't trust anyone here... So..." Damon tried to explain.

"Nah... It's really fine, Uncle Damon... I would love to look after Anna until they are done." Chitra replied making other smile.

"Yeah... I will be with her too. So, no worries... Well, how is my little bean doing? Did you enjoy spending time with your parents?" Lucas asked as he took Anna in his arms and as he took her, he tickled her making her laugh out loud.

"Yes, Uncle Lucas. I did enjoy spending time with them." Anna answered with a bright smile on her face making Lucas smile.

"Good. Now, mumma and Dadda goes inside and talk with some people until we go sit in the cafeteria... Okay? They will come soon, so, don't worry." Lucas said and Anna nodded her head in yes.

"Yes, Uncle Lucas." Anna replied and Lucas kissed her cheek.

"Lucas, you know what to do right?" Damon asked making other frown at him.

"Yeah. I will do it. Don't worry!" Lucas answered.

"Good. Take care of her. We will go inside now." Damon said and Lucas nodded his head in yes.

"Samantha, Johnson... Let's go inside." Damon said and they both nodded their heads.

"Anna, we will be back soon. Okay? Don't irritate Chitra and Lucas." Samantha said.

"Yes, Mumma." Anna replied with a smile and Samantha, Johnson walked inside behind Damon.

"Guys... Listen to me carefully... I have taken permission from court to make him test if Anna is his real daughter or not and the result came out as positive." Damon said making Johnson sigh.

"I have also talked to Mathew... He is just insane and not at all ready to give his daughter for an adoption." Damon said.

"I will kill that bastard!" Johnson said with an angry voice.

"Johnson, you really need to calm down when you talk to him... If you aren't calm then he will not listen to us... We need to request him... It looks like, he really does love Anna." Damon replied.

"No, uncle Damon... He doesn't. If he does, he won't have kidnapped and slapped Anna..." Johnson said making Damon sigh.

"I know... But, you need to understand that this is not how it works... If he disagrees for adoption then we can't do anything... So, just think about it before you do anything." Damon replied making Johnson sigh.

"Uncle Damon, give us a few minutes." Samantha said and Damon nodded his head at her and walked away from them.

Samantha turned towards Johnson and took his hand in hers making him sigh.

"I know, I shouldn't be angry... But u can't help it... I get so angry whenever I see him... Because the only thing I remember whenever I see him, is he is slapping my daughter. I still remember how she cried while he slapped her." Johnson said making Samantha sigh.

"Johnson, calm down. It was past... You shouldn't think about it anymore... We should save Anna right now from his hands... If she is ours... Then we can do anything... If He disagrees for an adoption then we can do nothing. Try to understand... Please... You can't just get angry on him. I know, it's hars for you but I just want you to control yourself... While you talk to him." Samantha said as she hugged Johnson.

"Samantha, I just hate that guy to my death. I don't want to see him again and wants to make him suffer like hell... But I had too... Because I want Anna as my daughter and for that I do anything... And make him understand the best as I can... But if he doesn't I will do things that he will regret later... I am not going to tolerate anything from him..." Johnson replied making Samantha nod her head.

"Yes... We will think what we can do later if he doesn't agree for this but I hope he does..." Samantha said.

"If he does... Then he won't have kidnapped Anna..." Johnson replied making Samantha sigh.

"If he doesn't agree now... Legally, court can't do anything either... Even if he kidnapped his own daughter, he will just be behind the bars for a few months and will be back... Until then, they will order Anna to be in the orphanage until he gets release from the Custody..." Johnson said making Samantha sigh.

"I know... But... We can't do anything else if he doesn't agree..." Samantha replied as she sighed and Johnson caress her hair.

"Don't worry... Leave the things to me if he doesn't agree... We will see later, what we can do. But for now, let's go and talk with that bastard!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"You just be control please... And try to talk to him well..." Samantha replied and Johnson nodded his head in yes.

"Yes. Don't worry!" Johnson said and she nodded her head and walked towards Demon.

"All good?" Demon asked and Samantha, Johnson nodded their heads. 

"Good. Let's go and talk to him now." Damon said and they both nodded their head and followed Damon.

As soon as they 3 entered into a dark room where there is only 1 bright light.

"Ohh... Look, who's here again to beg me?" The kidnapper, Mathew asked as he chuckled making Johnson sigh. 

Samantha looked at Johnson and saw that he is trying to control his anger a lot while Mathew said, they came to beg him...

Samantha sighed as she thought that, if she wanted to beg him of he gives Anna to her then she is even ready to beg him and take Anna from him...