Chapter 521 - Caring Fiance.

"Alexi..." Martin called as he walked out of the balcony and saw Alexi looking at the dark sky.

"What happened? Why are you standing here? Aren't you sleepy love?" Martin asked as he walked towards her.

"Ohh... You are home?" Alexi asked ad Martin walked towards her.

"Yes... It's was a tiring day... I am sorry, I am late to home!" Martin answered as he wrapped his arms around Alexi and kissed her forehead.

"No... It's fine... How was your day?" Alexi asked.

"Pretty good. But, I missed you." Martin answered making Alexi chuckle.

"I am serious. I really do miss you a lot today... I am sorry, I thought I would take you to a date but I couldn't... I had a lot of work at the company!" Martin said and Alexi shook her head at him.

"It's fine... Work comes First!" Alexi replied as she looked into his eyes but Martin shook his head in no.

"No..." Martin said making her frown.

"What?" Alexi asked.

"No... Nothing is important to me more than you! You always come first to me than my work... But you know that, my work is something that I love the most in this world... Before you, it was that work that has bought me here. You both are equal to me. Neither you nor my work is less than anything. You both will be my same priority." Martin answered making Alexi smile. She wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly kepping her head on his chest while Martin caressed her soft hair.

"Thank you, Martin. Thank you for you love!" Alexi said making Martin frown at her.

"What? Why are you thanking me?" Martin asked and Alexi looked up at him.

"I don't know... I just feel like, I had to thank you for everything you have done for me so far. Thank you for loving me as I am!" Alexi said and Martin shook his head.

"Alexi, you don't have to thnak for anything. You are the most beautiful girl from inside and outside. I am just so happy that I found my love in you! I am so lucky to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have a girl who loves me more than anything in this world... I am really, really blessed to have you in my life and I will keep loving you till my last breath. You mean a lot to me and I have told you this always. Just don't think about anything and don't thnak me like this again. I love you for who you are. I love you the way you are with me. I love that real Alexi in you that you only show me." Martin said as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead again making her smile brightly. They both hugged each other like that for a few minutes as Martin noticed that, Alexi looks a little sad as she didn't at all tried to tease or talk a lot like usual. 

"Alexi..." Martin called making Alexi hmm.

"Hmm..." Alexi hmmed. 

"What happened? Is something wrong?" Martin asked and Alexi released herself and looked up at him.

"Huh? What?" Alexi asked.

"Is something wrong?" Martin asked and Alexi frowned.

"Umm... No?" Alexi tried to answer but it came out as a question from her mouth.

"No?" Martin asked.

"No." Alexi answered this time.

"But... Why do I feel like there is something wrong?" Martin asked and Alexi turned around and looked up at the sky.

"Umm... I guess, it's nothing? It just... I am tired!" Alexi answered.

"Are you sure? You seems dull though... That is why, I asked!" Martin and Alexi forced a smile at him as she turned around towards him.

"I am all good, Martin... Look at me!" Alexi said as she gave him a full bright fake smile. 

She doesn't want him to know what is wrong with her! There are lot of questions that are running around in her mind. She doesn't want to make him sad or disappointed at her thoughts and stuff. So, she forced a smile at him making him nod his head with a smile.

"If you say so... But, why don't you go to bed if you are tired?" Martin asked as he caressed he hair.

"I am not sleepy, Martin." Alexi answered making him sigh.

"You have a tired day today. You should have tried to rest... Than being awake like this, Alexi. You need to take care of yourself too! You need to have a good Sleep to work tomorrow too right?" Martin asked making Alexi smile brightly.

"Yes... But... I don't feel like sleepy right now. I will later... In a few minutes!" Alexi answered.

"Fine... But you had dinner right?" Martin asked.

"Umm... I am not hungry..." Alexi answered making Martin frown.

"What?" Martin asked as he sighed.

"Um... I am not really hungry!" Alexi answered making Martin look at her sternly.

"Gosh... Woman, you look tired but you don't at all want to have a tummy full food. And not sleepy. What does this mean?" Martin asked sternly.

"Martin, please... Don't force me." Alexi answered as she sighed.

"I will. I will do it." Martin said making Alexi frown at him.

"Let just get me fresh and then I know how to make you have your dinner!" Martin said as he sighed.

"Just wait for a few minutes!" Martin said as he walked inside their room and to the restroom. Alexi shook her head at him as she chuckled seeing his over caringness on her. 

She smiled as she saw her fiance caringness towards her. He has figured out that there is something wrong with her. She was suprised as he found out that, something is bothering her but she is happy that he didn't dwell the topic iinti much deeply. 

She is happy that he respected her privacy and didn't ask anything that can make her feel bother. Instead, make her feel good by scolding her a little. That has made her smile. All these small gestures made her happy that she is in safe hands that would never let anything happen to her.