Chapter 122

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards


The sun shines through the broken windows to the inside of the building.

Tiny particles of dust float in the light.

Vassily lay outside the mottled spot of light.

He remembered the day he first sniped.

It's the same weather.

That time, he was careful, disguised well, and tried his best to kill the bionic man.

From that time on, he found it easy to kill the bionic man.

Years of arrogance made him commit a fatal mistake today.

It was wrong from the beginning.

In his calculation, the possibility of No. 9 leaving with the organization is as high as 79%, which has allowed him to make the most correct choice.

So he was careless.

Nine didn't leave.

He has been in this dead city, quietly lurking, like a ghost in the night, waiting for his arrival.

"No.9, you are also a hunter who likes to hide in the dark."

Vassily knew that his chances of surviving today were very low.

He was fooled by number nine.

No. 9 set up a sniper gun and put a dummy on this obvious high building. On the one hand, it was to lure him over.

On the other hand, he is also telling him that his every move has been calculated clearly.

But he was not reconciled.

His honor should not end today.

"Cheer up, Vassily, at least you're not dead yet!"

As long as people are not dead, they have to do something.

Vassily leaned against the wall. The cement and sand fell from the wall. He held the sniper gun in his hand.

He's still a prey.

No. 9 did not choose to kill him, but played with him, in order to create psychological pressure on him.

Vasili is familiar with the pressure.

When the prey is captured by hand, he also likes to tease the prey under the mirror to make the other side collapse a little bit.

"The location of number nine If I don't know the location of number nine, I will die today. "


Vassily looked at the broken glass on the ground and had a plan in mind.

He took out a dagger and cut a strand of rag from himself.

Then we searched the ground for black cement debris.

He picked up the right sized glass.

Apply black on one side of the glass, again and again, until the light transmission of the glass is very weak.

He held up the glass and saw his face in confusion.

It can barely be used as a mirror.

Then, he tied the glass to the sniper gun with rags and slowly extended it to the edge of the window.

It's hard to see the whole street through reflection from such a small piece of glass.

It's quite difficult.

But as a sniper, the most important thing is patience.

"No.9 must be looking at my position at some window now. Calm down. We must find him!"

The wind and sand whistling through the buildings.

This quiet city, as always, stands on the dry earth.

The gray, blackened concrete appearance indicates that the tall buildings are dead.

The living are still playing games in the building.


No man's land in area 13.

The grass rolled on the sand.

Lu Wen and Wu Yu drive to the land. Huang Sha slaps on the window and they stop at the entrance of the no man's land.

"I repeat, I have data backup, even if I die in this place, I can survive."

"Death is not a cause to fear."

Lu Wen feels that this guy just wants to take credit.

But the tone with a slight middle two made him think it should not be like this.

"What we have to face is No.0 factory, countless monsters that bionic people combine with people. You have to be psychologically prepared."

"It's not like I didn't face it."

Lu Wen had informed the executive headquarters of District 13 before he came.

A large number of executives are in the back.

It's ten minutes behind.

"Wait a little longer. When they all come, let's go into the no man's land together."

"The weak will flock together, and the beasts will walk alone."

Wu Yu's mouth is a poison chicken soup.

This is very necessary.

"Wolves are social animals." Lu said seriously.


If Lu Wen is the only one, he can go alone.

Anyway, No. 0 can't crack master Yin Long's second system. It can't control Lu Wen.

At that time, if there's any danger, just blow yourself up.Two people wait for time, Liang Chen made a phone call to come over.

"Brother Lu Wen, I heard that you have found the nest of No.0 and informed the executive board. Now you are going there?"

"How do you know?"

Lu Wen remembers that he didn't tell anyone.

"It's coming out on the Internet, and all kinds of news are flying around."

I don't know which guy with a loose mouth revealed the news.

Maybe one of those guys on the executive board.

But their starting point is also for Lu Wen's good, and they want to help Lu Wen clear the suspicion.

But now the more you wash, the darker you get.

"Lu Wen has just been revealed to have something to do with those monsters, and now he suddenly finds the nest of number zero. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Network status.

As long as you are splashed with dirty water, no matter what, there will always be people who believe it without thinking.

Of course, this view has been rejected by many people who support Lu Wen.

"Is the status of an ordinary member of Parliament important, or is his home important?"

A simple question is to let that one be broken without breaking through.

But then there was another retort.

"What if the so-called old nest is empty? Nothing. It seems to be a good deal to exchange an empty thing for his own victory. "

So the two sides quarreled.

Lu Wen found that his fans have a strong fighting capacity.

He is obviously in a very weak situation now, and all kinds of media reports are very unfavorable to him.

So most people are on the opposite side of him.

But there is a small group of people, choose to believe him, and the strength of the spray is not weak, both sides have come and go on the Internet.

The most harmonious is the news about the fourth generation of Xinhong.

"Vassili went deep into the no man's land, risked his life to hunt No. 9, and brought us peace and peace. This is what a real congressman should do."

This guy's approval rating has already surpassed that of Lu Wen.

"Vassily will come back like a hero with the head of number nine."

That's it.

Hongwen and the fourth generation of Lu Xin.

A nest that goes deep into no man's land to find zero.

The other went deep into no man's land and killed No. 9.

Everyone is waiting for the result.

Lu Wen looked at the time. The big force of the executive board should have ten minutes to catch up.

"It's annoying how these media keep up again."

On the public channel, there are colleagues complaining.

Behind all the members of the executive board are a group of media, which, adhering to the spirit of fearing neither death nor difficulties, have also decided to follow up the no man's land all the way.

"I really want to invite RPG ancestors to send a message to these unscrupulous media."

"We need to apply for rocket launcher. It's too wasteful to use it on those media."

There's an executive who's still explaining it very seriously.

Lu Wen thought of a story.

It is said that there was a ghost on the hill outside the camp where an army was stationed.

The commander pulled dozens of guns directly.

That night, the ancestor of the gun appeared and covered the top of the mountain.

The power of science keeps that place safe.