Chapter 286

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
Morning in Maugham.

Nine in the morning. It's time for work.

Lu Wen is sitting at the gate of the 10th District executive board, processing the news.

After the undercurrent surged all day yesterday.

The undercurrent came to the surface.

Some people ushered in today's dawn.

Others have had an accident.

"Just last night, there were six bionic human murders in succession."

That's the headline in this morning's paper.

Maybe it wasn't the original headline, but after learning the news, the newspaper immediately reprinted it.

There's nothing better to make headlines than news about bionic human killing.

If so.

That's more murders.

"The identities of the dead are almost the same. They are famous and kind-hearted."

He put the newspaper under him and sat on the side of the stairs.

"This zero is really good at making things. It's already..."

"No way."

Lu Wen suddenly interrupted Wei Boan.

Wei Boan, look here.

"What's the matter?"

"I always feel that something is wrong More than a month ago, in the case of Li Jian, Jiang Xiaonian worked out a way to control the bionic man in cooperation with zero. "

But in that case.

After killing people, all bionic people will find a way to self destruct the chip.

When he was in Baker City, Lu Wen saw the sub body of No. 0, which was lurking in the bionic man and was already one of the 12 leaders.

After she was found, she shot herself in the head among the collapsed ruins.

In short, No. 0 used to act cautiously.

She shouldn't have left any chip data.

"In the three cases yesterday, one bionic human left a chip. In the six cases last night, one bionic human was even captured alive It's not zero. "

Zero would not have been making waves for decades if it had not been cautious.

So far, her underground nest has only been found a few times.

"But it can't be a coincidence that so many bionic human homicides have happened."

Nine incidents.

Lu Wen would like to have a quiet analysis.

This period of time, Mowu city has not been calm, will there be other forces mixed in?

But reality did not give him a chance to calm down.

On a rare sunny day in Mowu, a body was suspended in the square in front of the parliament building.

The tenth incident.

In this way, he was exposed to the media.

"Such a big square, nobody found it ahead of time."

When Reuven and Wilbur Ann arrived.

The scene has been cordoned off.

Outside the cordon are the media and onlookers.

The body was carried away.

There was only a huge silver cross left in the center of the square. The dried up dark red blood under the cross told everyone what had happened here.

Two highly recognizable faces came here and immediately attracted the attention of all media.

"Mr. Wei, do you have any clues on the executive board?"

"Mr. Lu, as a bionic human, how do you think of the bionic human homicide cases that happened suddenly these two days?"


Both of them had no choice but to leave a "no comment" and return to the car.

They drove to the executive board headquarters in District 9.

They were received by the chief of district nine.

"I want to see the video." Lu Wen comes to the point.

"No problem."

Ten cases in a row, as long as a normal brain executive, can detect the wrong.

There are other regional executives coming this way.

If this sign of bionic human murder is not stopped, then the same case may happen in every region except the 16th.

"According to autopsy, the 10th homicide occurred around 5 a.m. today."

"At six o'clock, just after dawn, a lorry drove from the city road into the Parliament Square and carried down a large object covered with grey cloth."

"At that time, the security guard on the night shift inquired, but because it was time to hand over the shift, the security guard was sleepy and was looking forward to getting off work, so he just had a brief understanding of the situation."

The next thing is very simple.

The video shows everything.

Under the gray cloth is obviously the cross, and the body tied to the cross.

The screen shows four bionics.

Three people are responsible for carrying and one is responsible for communicating with the security.

The excuse given by the man was also more convincing, saying that there would be a performance in front of the parliament building at 9 a.m., and he produced some false proofs."I didn't expect that. Who would be so arrogant as to transport a body to Parliament Square? Isn't that a trap? " The security guard was also helpless when recording his confession.

The security forces at the door and inside of the parliament building are very strong.

But on this side of the square Only a few people are responsible for watching.

On weekdays, there are some grandmothers who like to dance square dance, and there are also some toy vendors. Many middle-class families also come to the square for a walk after dinner.

"Didn't you smell blood?" Lu Wen asked.

"No, I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes at that time, so I asked a few questions. The other brothers didn't bother to come up to check."

In this way, the group finished carrying the body.

Drive the van away.

At more than eight in the morning, there was a child flying a kite in the square. He curiously took a look at the gray cloth.

It is estimated that the child will leave a psychological shadow all his life.

"Remember to do a good job of psychological comfort for that child." He said.

"We'll never forget that."

"Is the identity of the dead confirmed?"

"It's a former engineer of Bili. There's no stain. One of the four Bionics in the video is his bionic housekeeper."

The identity of the dead this time is very special.

He was surrounded by a large number of onlookers.

Soon a controversial topic appeared on the Internet.

[bionic man binds his creator to the cross]

the picture below this topic is the huge silver cross.

The blood is dazzling.

This controversial and somewhat religious topic soon aroused thousands of discussions.

Many people think that this is a signal of bionic man's counterattack against human beings.

Combined with the continuous homicide cases in these two days.

Many conspiracy theorists jumped out and began to brainwash the people.

"Now there's an emergency. On the square of Parliament, next to the cross, a group of people suddenly gathered, holding signs against bionic human beings..."

"Again." The chief of district nine sighed.

This is the beginning of the March.

It's not long since the last anti bionic man parade triggered by Lu Wen.

The economy of the whole city of Mowu has to stagnate because of the large-scale processions like this.

"These guys don't work all day, anti bionic people are anti addicted."

"In fact, there are a lot of people who have no jobs. They think bionic people have taken away their jobs."

"But this is the inevitable result of the development of the times. Machines replace hands, and cheap manpower is replaced by cheaper machinery. What can we do..."

Does it make the times retrogressive?

In the final analysis, all problems can be solved if Mau city has the welfare of floating city.

But there are more than 100 million people in this city.

If everyone enjoys the same welfare of floating city, it is estimated that the whole planet will not be able to supply, and social order will collapse due to too many useless people.

"The fifth and sixth districts also began to March. This time It's going to be hard to stop. "

"Unless we find the real culprit?"

There's nothing they can do.

Where can I find the real killer?

The analytical results of blue and core red are given.

Those killing bionic people are normal, there is no sign of invasion, the body can not find the implant program, line by line look at the source code did not see the problem.

"Since those bionic people are OK, and the fusing measures in their bodies are still in place, why didn't they trigger the first law of bionic people when they took actions against human beings?"

"There are implantable programs on the market that can bypass the circuit breaker."

"But those programs are so bad that the two companies can't see it."

One morning time.

So I spent it without any clue.

District nine got the truck in the early morning through surveillance.

The car was abandoned in the suburbs, and the four bionics on it all shot themselves in the head.

At noon.

The executive boards of all regions have already been represented in area 9.

"Just now, there was a bionic human murder case in our district 15."

There's a second level executive from district 15.

Since the death of Feng Fugui, there has been no third level executive in this region.

In a tourist area with a small permanent population, there are almost all cases of petty theft, so it is difficult to accumulate the merit of the third level executive officer.

"The same thing happened in District 11." Said the head of the 11th district executive board.

"So is district two."

"Eight districts..."


One morning time.There are nine more incidents, and now there are 19.

They're all bionics, they're out of control, they're killing people.

"Lu Wen, you are bionic. How much do you know about this piece?" Asked the person in charge of District seven.

"Before, I thought it was zero, but now, even zero can't leave no trace, unless it has evolved again and reached a field that we can't understand now." Lu Wen replied.

"Besides her, who can't wait to stir up the conflict between human beings and bionics?"

"There are many of them, many anti bionic forces..."

When people communicate.

Just outside the headquarters of District 9 executive board.

On the wide road.

A huge group of marchers passed by shouting slogans.

This parade is more organized than last time. Some people specially deliver water and energy bars on the street, and even set up a special rest area.

There has been a lot of noise on the Internet.

"Don't you worry that those bionic people who live together day and night will suddenly raise their butcher's knives to you one day?"

"There have been nineteen."

"Many of them were killed by bionic people who had been with them for several years. They regarded those bionic people as their families."


Worry, anxiety, contradiction

This sultry summer, many people's mood with the weather become irritable.

This planet doesn't allow humans to marry bionics.

But there are still many lonely people Bionic human is their only partner. They can talk and spend boring and simple years together.

"Will you kill me?"


This is the most frequently asked sentence of all domestic bionics.

Standing at the gate of the General Administration of the ninth district executive board, Lu Wen watched the growing parade group and sighed softly: "the crisis of trust is coming."

Before that.

No matter how fierce the anti bionic force is, there will always be a group of people who enjoy the benefits of bionic people choose to stand on their opposite side.

But now, even those people, are starting to suspect.

Will the first person I wake up to see and the last person I see before going to bed hold up a butcher's knife to them?

After all Machines are machines after all, and they will be manipulated.

Even a lot of old accounts have been turned over.

[Bili monitors the daily life of employers through bionics]

[Xinhong instructs bionics to steal private data]

[Bili has the control of all bionics and attempts to establish bionic Empire]

[Xinhong 】

the rumors of the two companies in earlier years have now been dug out and appear on various platforms.

There's more and more noise outside.

If we don't see the trend of bionics, we won't completely drive those people out of the city.

"The first violent conflict since the demonstration broke out in District 10, with ill intentioned people mingling in the group and throwing homemade incendiary bombs at shops on the street."

"The shopkeeper was severely burned and two other shop assistants were slightly injured."


The fire is on.

It's a fire that's hard to put out.

This flame will spread to the whole city with foresight, so that every corner of the city will be shrouded in the fear of bionic human.

Everyone on the executive board is feeling unprecedented pressure.

"We must contain this arrogance, and we must not let Mau become the two western cities!"



This is one of the two cities in the West.

A young man broke into a shop on the street. He was dazzled by the variety of goods in the shop.

There was only greed in those bloodshot eyes.


A spinning bullet sent him to hell with greed.

He fell at the door of the shop.

Become one of the many corpses at the door.

Many of the bodies were rotten and smelly.

The shop owner's face was expressionless, and his thin face could not see any emotional fluctuations. He used to wipe the barrel of the gun.


Another shot.

The shopkeeper couldn't get up.

Half of his head exploded, and blood was running wildly on the ground.

The ferocious young man rushed into the shop, stepped on the corpses and blood of his predecessors, and robbed valuable goods as much as he could.

He laughed wildly and carried the goods out of the store.


The third shot.

The young man fell into a pool of blood.

Become one of the countless bodies on the street.When the shooter found that he had hit the target, he burst out laughing with elation, and the muscles on his face began to twitch. His scarlet eyes seemed to have not closed for days and nights.

He picked up the goods among the flesh and blood.

Laughing and running away.

The body of the fallen young man was still open.

His gray eyes reflected the figure of the man.

As the man ran away,

the whole rotten Street grew longer and longer in the dead pupil.

The shops on both sides of the street were broken.

Murderers and madmen are smashing everything.

It's a day when you can't see normal people.

The killing engulfed violence and hatred, turned into fireworks, and set the street on fire.

The field of vision gradually widened.

Not far from this street, there is another street.

There is also a game of death and fire. The stench of corpses is in the air. At night, there was a rain, and dirty and smelly blood flows in the streets.

Flies are flying in the chaotic streets of July.

Those bodies are their favorite breeding grounds.

White maggots burrow through the highly rotten flesh and blood, and the shriveled meat sticks droop on the broken bones

The vision goes to a higher place.

There are countless streets around.

The whole area.

To the whole city

The smoke from explosion and fire shrouded the crazy city, making the UAV's vision a little unclear..


Duan Tiannan controls the UAV and has a panoramic view of all the pictures.

He took a sip of beer and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the city of West has become such a mess. All the villains, even a normal person, can only choose to be lunatic and murderer in this case."

"Was it peaceful before?" Duan Hongye asked.

"It's not peaceful, but at least when I retired more than a decade ago, the city was orderly."

Duan Tiannan recalled, calling up the three-dimensional map of the whole west city.

He pointed to some marked areas on the map.

"Here Here And here, these were places of interest, cathedrals, bell towers, temples, high towers... "

Now on these ancient buildings.

Covered with rotten bodies.

"This is the royal palace. The two western cities have always kept the royal family, but now the king is just a symbol. At the beginning, summer and I were sneaking into the palace together. I scared the king away, and he almost took away a princess..."

But now, the once splendid palace is in a state of disrepair.

Many palaces collapsed and the treasures inside were looted.

Thick smoke came out of the place where they had been.

Duan Tiannan sighed: "time has changed It's said that the royal family of this city went to Versailles for refuge. A large number of ordinary people either fled to no man's land or lived in underground air raid shelters. "

The whole city is left to the lunatics.

Versailles is another city in the West.

The city is a little better now, but it is also full of flames.

"Won't the army come to suppress these lunatics? Such a big city, hundreds of millions of people.... "

"There used to be hundreds of millions of people, but now It's estimated that the total number of those who are still alive is two-thirds of the original. As for the army... "

Duan Tiannan said that the two western cities do not have the heavy industry support of Beck city in the south, nor the temperament of the people in the north.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness has always been weak.

"The most effective fighting force has always been in the north, so the two cities in the north are so tough that they have never heard of the words of floating city, while the two cities in the West have been reducing the number of troops and military expenditure over the years..."

To the end.

Faced with the mobs and lunatics all over the city, the existing army feels awkward and weak.

Even the armory was forced into by tens of thousands of thugs.

The rest of the army can only escort the royal family and many public officials to Versailles.

The city has now received tens of millions of refugees.

More numerous people, on the way to Versailles, encountered extreme weather, or could not adapt to the no man's land, died on the way.

"Why don't these ordinary people take up arms? They have an absolute advantage in numbers."

"So But all the people around are running for their lives. Who can stand up and lead the ordinary people to revolt? Everyone is afraid of death. "

These criminals, thugs, lunatics, and so on, add up to less than a million people.

There were hundreds of millions of people in West.

It's what it's likeThe city can actually be removed from the map.

"Red leaf, you can kill those people at will. This time, I will bring you to practice."

The streets are full of targets.

Duan Tiannan even met his former colleagues.

Those who like blood have now joined the feast of killing in this city.

It's hard to imagine what the city used to look like.

"It all originated from an ordinary anti bionic man parade."