Chapter 354

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
Number two.

Old conspirator.

There is such a character in nine people.

He never met Lu Wen formally, and he didn't like to talk as much as others.

Without saying a word, the man began to work in secret.

And indirectly.

Take advantage of human weakness.

How many people like Lu Jianghai are there in the world?

[premeditated, good at investigation]

[targeting, making plans, implementing plans]

[everything is ready, no mistakes are made]

[controlling the situation]

[...] 】

it's easy to judge the personality characteristics of number two.

This kind of person who has a plan and a perfect plan is the most difficult to deal with.

But the second initiative exposed a weakness.

He sent a dog over.

It means he's not just obsessed with being behind the scenes.

He was worried that Lu Wen didn't know it was him, so he deliberately showed his identity. He stood behind the scenes and in front of Lu Wen.


It's noon.

It's August, the real hot season.

On the executive board side, several experienced executives took turns to interrogate Lu Jianghai.

But they all failed.

Lu Jianghai has always maintained the attitude of "being good to Mowu city", "forgetting war to be dangerous" and "protecting the city", which is well founded.

If it were not for the fact that several old executives were all experienced in all kinds of battles and invincible, they might have been convinced by him.

"Is it difficult And use the murderer as a mental patient to block the people's mouths? "

"What do you mean again?"

"It's not like it hasn't happened before. Everyone knows it."

"But this time it's a real psychosis."

People are discussing.

Charlotte didn't join in the discussion, but put her hands around her, leaning against the wall and thinking quietly.

How to make the majority of the people believe that there is a psychological hint?

This kind of suggestion is very common.

For example, ordinary TV shopping ads, or live broadcast with goods, after seeing it, there will be a psychology of whether to buy or not. If people around say yes, the hint of buying will be magnified infinitely.

External conditions interfere with subjective judgment.

"Don't think about it. It's a coincidence that no one believes it." Lu Wen led the dog into the room. "If the real results are published, many people will cry," I dare not even write like this. "It's more like a mental attack."

Charlotte glanced at the husky.

Wise eyes, messy hair, tongue out, two front legs constantly pulling the ground.

"You dog It's a little scrawly. "

"I'll take him to take a bath and repair his hair later. It will look good naturally. At least it's pure husky."

"How do you know it's pure?"

"Look in the eyes."

"Do you really want to raise it?"

"You don't like dogs?"

Lu Wen remembers that Charlotte didn't seem to hate much.

This kind of small animal with hair, girls should not like it very much?

"Yes, let me raise that machine at home, and it will be reused as waste."

"All right."

The two agreed.

The result of the discussion over there has also come out.

It's still traditional.

[psychotic attack]

this is the explanation given by Mowu city.

This explanation is attached with the killer's medical record, the judgment of every doctor from childhood to adulthood, and the certificate of hospitalization in a mental hospital.

"Lu mouhai has been stimulated by the outside world for a long time and thinks that Kerry City is going to attack Mowu City, so..."

But this explanation is obviously not acceptable to the people of Kerry.

Even the people on the side of Mowu do not believe it.

"What about mental illness? How many times is this? "

"Later, if you are not an adult and you are diagnosed with mental illness, can you walk across the street with a kitchen knife?"

"It seems that I have to find a way to get a psychiatric certificate for myself..."


Doubt, anger, discontent, condemnation

All kinds of voices drowned the official account of Mau City Council, so that the operator called to ask if he wanted to close the comment area.

The result is "no", let the people say it.

Closing the comment area will only make you feel guilty.

At this time, it is best for the high-level group of Mowu to keep silent.

But things are always not so good.

[you never know when a pig's teammate will suddenly pull out his knife and stab his back]A public official who knew about the case was surrounded by the media when he came home from work in the afternoon.

The question asked is nothing more than about the case.

It was hot, and the official was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

His forehead was sweating and his mouth was dry.

I'm in a hurry to get home.

It's flooded by countless media.

Around the security personnel and colleagues see, have prepared to pull him out.

I heard him yell impatiently.

"It's a real mental illness this time!"

So it blew up.

Even the media didn't think of it.

They were just asking for a little bit of details about the case in order to earn the hits of the residents of the two cities.


All of a sudden, there's big news.

"It's true this time, so it's false in the past?"

Although many people know this, it is the first time that a public official has publicly acknowledged it.

"Which kind-hearted person, please count how many rich people and Gao Ganjia's children have escaped punishment because of mental illness since the establishment of Mowu city?"

After all, it's 80 years since Maugham was founded.

In the past 80 years, we can not say that everything is fair and just.

Every corner of the society can be tainted.

After Lu Wen saw these posts.

The first reaction is current limiting.

But he thought again

Forget it.

Let them make trouble. It's a good thing.

At least from Lu Wen's point of view, this is a good thing.

He is just a bionic man, and has not received the correct political influence. His interests are different from those of most people.

Moreover, Lu Wen feels that the people have the right to know about this matter.

In the past history of Mowu City, there have been many classic cases of mental illness.

[acute transient mental disorder]

these words often appear in such cases.

The defense attorneys are trying to prove that although the murderer is normal at ordinary times, he suddenly fell ill in the minutes when he killed, and then returned to normal after killing.

There were too many such cases, so in order to stop the public from talking, the city set up "psychiatric ward" in each prison.

But later it was said that there were no money, no power, real mental illness inside.

In the evening.

Dinner time.

Xia Chu Luo suddenly asked a sentence: "you somehow also got A00 authority, really can't trace that number two?"

"He's avoiding every eye of mine."

"There are your eyes in the sky."

"But he's just a bionic. Even if he's caught, he'll blow himself up and drop a body."

Neither of them paid much attention to public opinion.

To solve this kind of problem, we need to start from the source.

Lu Wen's brothers who have nothing to do all day are the source.

The source of this incident today is number two.

Very direct means.

Blood and killing can arouse the dark side of ordinary people.

It was six o'clock that evening.

Another man died.

The location of the dead was Kerry.

"This time, the dead man was the chief executive of the eighth District in our city of Mowu. When he was young, he met and fell in love with a girl from the north. After retirement, he went to northern Kerry with his wife and settled there."

"I think many of you know him. After all, he was our colleague."

The retired executive is using the money he has accumulated over the years to open a small bookstore in Kerry.

Warm, harmonious and peaceful.

Every day by the window, wearing presbyopic glasses, holding books, basking in the warm sun, a cup of light tea, curling fragrance.

It's such a peaceful life.

He is kind and seldom does evil to others.

He died.

It was also a tragic death.

"Died in a forest hut on the outskirts of Kerry."

Wei Boan sighed, as if he knew the old executive.

There's plenty of wood on the other side of Kerry, and the suburbs are filled with trees.

The most well-known is the birch, which often appears in various literary works, movies and television.

There are also maple trees. There are even special festivals to cut maple sugar.

"I consulted him about a certain case more than ten years ago. Later, I wrote letters to each other and exchanged the lives of both sides. I'm half a pen friend." He said.

After the old man retired, he bought a piece of land in the forest on the outskirts of Kerry.

And in a few years, built a small wooden house.

On weekdays, he spent most of his time in a bookstore in Kerry City.When winter comes and snowflakes begin to float in the sky, he and his wife will go to the wooden house in the forest together.

The old couple and their dog live in a wooden house with a fireplace burning. The beds and wooden benches are covered with hairy animal skins. Life is surrounded by warmth.

It's actually a very desirable life.

"In March this year, at the beginning of spring, he invited me to go there and talked about the season of collecting maple sugar."

People there will collect the sap of sugar maple trees in March and April and boil it into maple syrup.

At that time, Wei Boan was very busy. The name of the chief of district 10 made him busy enough. He had to collect information about the capsizing incident in district 15, so he didn't go.

I didn't expect that I would never meet again.

Birth, aging and death can bring a lot of sadness.

But what is more sad is regret.

There won't be too many regrets left by a normal death.

According to the photos from the scene, the heads of the old couple were hung on the eaves of the wooden house.

It's August now. You should just stay for a few days. The bookstore in the city is still open.

"The murderer has also been caught. It's also his own exposure."

"According to the news from there, the murderer may also be mentally ill."

The man was paranoid and violent.

When I was a child, I couldn't communicate with people normally. I grew up to become normal.

During this period, I took a lot of drugs and received a lot of psychological counseling.

But I'm sick again today.

He cut off the heads of two old people, hung them on the eaves, took photos and uploaded them to various groups and social media.

"He didn't run away. He just sat outside the cabin, waiting to be arrested."

"But the first one to arrive at the scene was not from the executive board, but a reporter, so he was interviewed."

Said the man.

People on this side of Mau City killed a couple of respectable Kerry City couple.

So he wanted to kill a couple in Mau city with a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

"The man was very emotional as he spoke and waved his fist. What he said was very infectious. Many simple minded residents of Kerry spoke out to support him."

This is an age of chaos.

Murderers and heroes are always confused.

"Wait a minute..." Lu Wen suddenly said, "there is a flaw in his words."