Chapter 393

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
The fastest update bionic era of the latest chapter!

It was dark.

The thick vines twined around the steel bars.

Red moss climbs to the ruins, emitting a disgusting smell, like frozen blood.

The rotting corpse wriggled on the ground, and its deformed limbs were covered with yellowish brown pus.

The low cutting and chewing in the corner are like the whispers of demons.

The whole city, occupied by plants, became dark and humid, with sickly mutilated limbs mixed with black and dirty blood, mixed with carrion and maggots.

This is almost unimaginable and intolerable hell scene for human beings. The sticky muddy thick slurry declares death, but the rotten flesh and blood are controlled by plants.

As soon as the rescue team of Mowu City arrived at the scene, many team members with weak psychological endurance vomited out.

It stinks.

This area challenges their physical and psychological limits all the time.

"There are many people hiding in the areas occupied by these plants, and we need to rescue them."

"Do you really want to go in? Will we become one of them? "

There was panic and confusion in the eyes of the young players.

Everyone was wearing thick protective clothing, and there was no gap between the top and bottom of the body to prevent the invasion of those plant seeds.

In front of them is the plant occupied area.

One twentieth of the whole central city.

The broken cement plates are covered with plants, and dark red weeds grow on the broken bricks and tiles.

The decaying corpse hanging upside down is entwined with vines, sometimes twitching, and the twisted and broken bones look like disgusting puppets being manipulated.

There was some strange gnawing sound around.

The sound can penetrate the protective clothing, straight into the brain, as if it sounded in the brain, like the call of some evil, people feel deeply uncomfortable.

Deeper in the vegetative area is a thick haze.

It's the first day of October.

The central city ushered in the most serious haze of this year.

Deep in those gray areas, it seems that more terrifying creatures are twisting and wriggling. They are vague, their eyes are scarlet, their sharp tusks are dripping with yellowish brown liquid, and they are dragging their deformed bodies to wait for people to enter.

Fear envelops every player who is about to leave.

It's a fear of the unknown and death.

Lu Wen frowned. He could feel that he was much less connected with other bodies in the haze.

In this haze, the visibility of human eyes is extremely low, almost reaching the point where you can't see your fingers. In this case, the team members who go in are facing great danger. After all, those plants will take the initiative to attack.

It's time for the world's environmental improvement to be put on the agenda, but everything needs to wait until the end of the war. Lu Wen suggested: "let the bionic man go in and search. The fear of flesh and blood creatures in the face of these strange plants will get in the way, and unexpected situations may occur."

Another person in charge of the scene said: "in the face of emergency, human response ability should be stronger than bionic human, these plants are really weird."

Rescue teams have been sent from all cities.

Finally, after discussion, the bionic human and human mixed to form a group to go deep into the urban area occupied by the plants.

Lu Wen and other leaders came to the nearby hospital.

Now the whole hospital is full of special patients.

These patients either had strange plants growing on their limbs or were already corpses, but they were still wriggling, so their families did not want to believe that they were dead.

The old mayor of the central city was beside Lu Wen. His old face was a little more wrinkled than when we met last time. He asked, "have you seen annihilation?"

"Yes, there is still a big gap between the current situation and the film. We should believe in science." Lu answered seriously.

"I saw that when I was very young." The old mayor recalled: "an old restricted movie, what impressed me most at that time was the soldier's stomach, and those wriggling intestines were like smooth skinned snakes..."

It may be the shadow of the old mayor's childhood, so he remembers it very clearly.

In the hospital, outside these special isolation wards, the person in charge of each city can clearly see those patients.

The literal meaning of "vegetable".

Look through the glass.

One of the arms grew a little scarlet flowers, are gently swaying, it seems that there is a trend towards the body.

It's hard to imagine what kind of pain and panic this patient is facing.

The other's legs were entangled with dark red and greasy vines, and thick blood covered the surface of the vines. The doctor said that the white roots of the vines had already entangled most of the internal organs, and had penetrated into them. The patient could not be saved at all, so he had to be euthanized and cremated directly.Fire is the only way to deal with these plants at the moment.

Pointing to the other side of the ward, he said, "we are seeing the doctor on the other side This is already a corpse, which is highly rotten. However, due to the action of some plants in the body, this rotten corpse often twitches or moves. The family members of the dead believe in religion and think that this is the revelation of the gods.... "

The medical staff in the hospital are wearing white protective clothing, coming and going.

From time to time, strange wails came from the isolation wards around.

The whole hospital was shrouded in an atmosphere of repression and panic.

Lu Wen can see that the medical staff under the masks are a little pale.

Since the beginning of the war, they have been confronted with a lot of blood every day, and many of the wounded and sick people have been mutilated. However, it is the first time for all of them to see this strange situation.

"I believe you can understand the dilemma of the central city now." The old mayor brought them here not only to show what the central city is facing, but also to warn other cities.

If the disaster in the central city is not contained, it is likely to spread to other cities.

"At present, we have stopped fighting with the mechatronics. It seems that those machines are also worried about being entangled by these strange plants. It is not clear whether they released these plant seeds."

"The first person known to be infected is John Williams, a middle-aged man. A week ago, he lived in the outermost part of the quarantine area and on the edge of the central city. He was a farmer This area is far away from the area where the mechatronics appear and mainly attack, so we speculate that it is not the mechatronics... "

In just a week, these eerie plants occupy one twentieth of the central city.

The casualties have exceeded the mechanical invasion.

The human eye can hardly see the tiny plant seeds.

They drift with the wind and enter the room through windows, ventilation ducts and other places. As long as they fall on the flesh and blood organisms, they can take root and germinate quickly. Moreover, they seem to release some narcotic drugs, making the parasitized people feel nothing at the early stage. It's too late to find them.

Most parasites occur at night.

People usually wake up to find strange plants growing in some part of their body, and these plants are still absorbing their blood.

Although there was no pain, fear drove these parasitized people to the hospital.

That John Williams is the first case to be recorded.

He was admitted to the hospital for observation on the same day and died in the ward the next day.

It was a morning when he was found. The nurse opened the door of his ward and found that his body's chest was broken by plants, his sternum was broken, and his internal organs were heavily entangled by white roots. There was a strange scarlet flower growing in his chest, the size of a human face, and it seemed to have some perception. The flower looked at the nurse at that time.

Other city experts asked, "have you studied the cells of these things? Is it a plant cell or an animal cell? "


The person in charge of the central city wants to talk and stop, which seems very difficult to explain.

In the end, he had to ask all the biology experts to follow him to the lab.

Many strange things are hard to describe in the existing language.

Lu Wen can probably guess the result.

The cells of these plants can certainly divide rapidly, and they will have the characteristics of some animal cells.

If the war is over, Lu Wen will want to see the scientist who developed this device, and if necessary, kill him on the spot.

"More than 300 search and rescue teams have entered the plant quarantine area from different directions to search, I think I hope it won't be too big. It's estimated that the residents of the central city hidden inside will be very difficult to survive. They will die in pain. I hope they have guns around them, and the pain of suicide will be less. "

Everyone was wearing white isolation suits.

Outside the zone of separation, residents in an area of 30 kilometers have been evacuated, forming a vacuum zone. Under the grey haze, the whole city is like a dead city.

The empty streets, weeds and rusty street lamps are shining dim light in the haze.

I can't see the sky clearly when I look up.

Many people on the balcony drying clothes are too late to take away, pale clothes gently floating in the cold wind.

Although it was only early October, everyone could not help feeling cold.

"Source We must find the source, otherwise the whole world is facing a threat, which is a greater threat than the invasion of those creatures underground. "

People are worried.

They don't want their city to be the next to send a message for help.

The seeds of these plants are harder to guard against than the underground.

Underground creatures also know this truth. Robots are not all living there. There are a small number of other people. They don't know that this thing was created by scientists of Haoyue company in high-level world, so now the war is temporarily stopped.Standing outside the isolation area, Lu Wen's eyes have been fixed on the creeping plants and corpses. The hazy haze has less impact on him than on human eyes. After a moment of silence, he said, "I think I know where the source may be."

All of a sudden, everyone was quiet.

They either turned their heads or walked two steps closer. They all looked at Lu Wen, eager to know the answer.

Lu Wen said slowly: "there is a city..."


A few days later.


The haze cleared away.

In no man's land not far from downtown.

A city in ruins that has been abandoned for a long time.

The yellow sand is rising slightly.

Lu wenzeng entered the city in order to hunt down one of Xia chuluo's enemies.

The pungent smell of liquid and solid fuels reverberated throughout the city.

The strange plants spreading in the city seem to have noticed something. The weeds begin to shake, the scarlet flowers become restless, and the red moss on the ragged walls folds, as if to wrap itself up.

Inside the city, the huge lake, the water is rippling violently.

A lot of liquid fuel has flowed into the lake and covered the surface of the lake.

Huge vines along the lake are also contaminated with liquid fuel.

The bell tower collapsed, the amusement park was no longer maintained by plants, and all kinds of violent strange sounds sounded throughout the city.

"It's time. Let's go."

With orders, hundreds of drones flew to the city with incendiary bombs. This is a beautiful sunset. The crimson sun is burning in the sky, reflecting the uneven outline of the city.

Before long, as the incendiary bombs fell, the city began to burn.

Dust like tulle.

Everyone in protective clothing, standing far away.

In the turbulent light of the fire, people heard some strange scream, like a dying strange animal.

In the video sent back by the UAV, the giant plants and vines are rolling wildly, with red liquid flowing all over them, as if trying to extinguish the fire.

The plants of the whole city are twisted in the fire light, whining like nothing.

It's a hellish scene.

The water of that lake is surging violently. A fluffy red liquid comes up from the bottom of the lake, and the whole lake is dyed red. The rotten carcasses and bones of animals float on the surface of the bloody lake. The huge vines at the bottom of the lake are like strange tentacles, and they are like giant boa constrictors stirring the water. Everything is like some horrible purgatory scroll.

"The second echelon."

No one will show compassion for these strange plants.

More drones are on the way.

They carry powerful missiles over the city.

In the surging fire, under the scarlet sunset, countless missiles fell like meteors, which made the earth tremble and roar. People standing far away felt that their eardrums were about to be torn.

The lake was the most bombed, and the scarlet lake was boiling.

The fire lasted a full week.

Whenever the fire tends to be smaller, more fuel and incendiary bombs will be delivered by UAVs, which will envelop the whole city in a terrible fire.

Black smoke billowed.

Even Lu wenfen in the high-level world can clearly see the fire.

During this period, there was a sandstorm. The hurricane, carrying dust and fire, roared through the burned urban buildings, forming the most terrifying mixture of salon roll and fire dragon roll in history. The next day, it was shocking. At that time, the people stationed outside the city had to evacuate.

It's very embarrassing. Fortunately, there was no safety accident in the end.

After the end of the fire, a large number of bionic people entered the ruins of the city and began to search for whether there were any remaining plants on the whole land.

Everyone didn't let down their guard.

At the same time.

There have been many breakthroughs in search and rescue operations on this side of the city.

In the plant isolation area, many people are trapped in it, and the protective measures are better, or they are lucky. Finally, they all put on protective clothing, and were escorted out of the isolation area one after another, and were sent to the hospital for observation.

"We will separate these cleaned urban areas and burn them with flame in batches. This is the only way at present..."

Everything is going in a good direction. Rescue teams in various cities are prepared to stay here for a long time.

So another whole month passed.

The withdrawal of the west is still going on.

On this side of the central city, the machinists were quiet for a month, and there was no movement.

Because of these strange plants, this is the first area to cease fire.

It was one day near the middle of November.

In the worldwide war, there is a second cease-fire area.The northern city of Kerry and the white haired people cease fire.

The cause is a dispute about history.

During the rest of the war, the two sides argued with each other in a loud voice over history, far away from the battlefield. Words like "invasion" and "fiction" were widely used.

In the end, because no one can say who, so we have to convince the other party.

Hot weapons are not enough.

So the two sides put down their hot weapons, rolled up their sleeves and began to fight with each other. They seemed to enjoy the sense of attack.

More than 100000 people were fighting in chaos, and a large number of civilians from both sides joined the fighting. The scene was very fierce at one time.

The battle lasted several days.

There was not a single shot.

Finally, when they were tired, they all sat or lay down on the battlefield, put aside their disagreements for the time being, and exchanged their drinking experience.

Finally, they were found to have a highly consistent attitude towards drinking.

So there was a truce.

After hearing the news, Lu was stunned for a long time, and finally had to say something.

"This truce Too hasty. "