Chapter 19

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
It's surprising that the Baylor federal revenue service was the first authority to use photosensitive materials for investigation, but that's what it is.

Since the invention of the mercury lamp, some photosensitive materials and their functions have been mainly used in the printing and dyeing industry. The federal tax bureau and the federal money making company also use these photosensitive materials so much that sometimes people don't realize that the banknotes and hard coins in their hands have actually been marked.

These marks will be completely revealed as long as they are illuminated under the ultraviolet lamp.

He was satisfied that there were no marks on the coins, which meant that no one was dealing with himself.

Lynch has considered this problem. He uses the way of transposition thinking. Assuming that he is a member of the federal tax bureau and wants to catch Lynch's pigtail now, what should he do to be most likely to succeed?

The answer is very simple. Some coins are "dyed" by means approved by the FBI or Saibin judicial system, and then sent to lynch through some channels, and then into Mr. Fox's laundry.

At that time, Lynch and Mr. Fox could not explain why so many dyeing concealments appeared here. They just needed to modify the date on some key evidence, and everything was technical.

The whole crime chain is complete. You can catch all these people at one time. Of course, this is only a relatively simple way, but the simpler and more effective, just like Lynch himself.

Whether it is a high school student like "himself" who has just entered the society, or a guy like Mr. Fox who has been wandering in the society for some time, but still has no wisdom, he is not an opponent of scientific and technological progress.

They will not know that they have marks on these coins. They may not know why they fell until they appear in court.

Turning off the ultraviolet light, Lynch scratched his head, poured the coins into another iron box, and poured detergent on the coins with a small bucket.

Some marks can be revealed by ultraviolet irradiation, and some things need to be changed from recessive to dominant by other means. It is actually very simple to solve them, chemical cleaning agent.

Whether they exist or not, and whether it is effective or not, at least Lynch feels that he is not overly cautious, or that every transaction that may get through the bottom of the prison must be cautious, and it is too cautious.

After doing this, he took some coins and poured them on the screen to dry. Now he still has a few things to do. For example, he needs a coin divider.

Since this is a legal business that has drilled legal loopholes, it obviously needs to be more formal. Distributing coins will make it look more formal.

There are many blacksmith shops in Saibin. In the eyes of many people, blacksmith shops, which belong to the "Middle Ages", should not still exist in modern metropolis, but in fact, there are many blacksmith shops in every city, and their business is very good.

On the one hand, the more developed the society, the more there are some anti intellectual people with three consecutive question marks. They always believe that pure manual metallurgical forging technology to make metal products will be better than products made by machines without emotion, because these handicrafts contain the spirit of craftsmen.

On the other hand, not everyone has enough budget to open the mold for a certain product. They don't need piles of goods, they only need one, which makes it necessary for the blacksmith shop to exist.

There are some blacksmiths around Lynch's warehouse office. They can avoid the harassment of the UNEP and save a lot of rent costs slightly away from the city center.

When Lynch even asked three blacksmiths, and the blacksmiths said they had never heard of the "coin divider", let alone ready-made products, Lynch realized that he had neglected another thing, that is to make a patent.

Patent is a very special existence. If an ordinary person holds a large number of key patents, it is likely that some unexplained family members will die suddenly, resulting in the direct end of the protection period of the patents in his hand.

But if these patents are put in the hands of some capable people, it will become a turkey laying golden eggs.

While planning to register patents and hire lawyers, Lynch quickly returned to the office. Near noon, a lady who looked about 30 years old, wearing glasses and some freckles came to the office.

Her dress may not be fashionable enough, but it is elegant enough to see that she is at least a middle class. Those clothes on her will never appear on the low and proletariat.

"Hello, I'm Lynch..." Lynch took the initiative to extend his hand. His handsome appearance and his special temperament can pull into the relationship between anyone. The young lady didn't have much vigilance. She shook his hand and introduced herself.

"Hello, Vera!"

Lynch quickly released his hand, invited Vera into his office and poured a cup of instant coffee. "I'm sorry, it's just finished here and hasn't been renovated in time. If you don't mind..."

Vera showed her understanding. Then Lynch began to introduce the nature and operation of the company. She listened carefully and sometimes asked some questions.

After they talked for almost half an hour, Vera also drank some instant coffee. Her face looked very relaxed. "I think I've found out, Mr. Lynch. I have to say that you have a very clear concept of financial audit. So are you going to hire our firm to keep accounts, or directly hire an accountant?"

She immediately explained: "please rest assured that our accounting firm has special legal counsel and will sign a confidentiality agreement. It will not disclose any financial content to anyone without your authorization."

"I personally prefer the cooperation mode of agency bookkeeping, which can save you a lot of money. Many enterprises in the early stage of entrepreneurship will choose this mode."

Lin Xiao smiled and didn't say anything. Instead, he asked a question that made Vera blush. "Are the accountants in your office as beautiful as you?"

She hung her head in embarrassment, pushed the golden silk eyes on the bridge of her nose with her hand to hide her embarrassment and surprise when she was praised, and gouged out Lynch at the same time.

With his red cheeks and a glimpse of all kinds of manners, Lynch couldn't help laughing. "Sorry, I don't mean anything else. In fact, I'm not a frivolous person, just..." he shrugged. "It's like the gus people can't help singing when they see the beauty God. People can't help praising when they see beautiful things. I hope you can forgive."

These words made Vera a little happy. At the same time, she also felt that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right. She was ready to stand up and say goodbye to the young man. Lynch took another step first, Chen sincerely apologized and apologized for her situation.

"I forgive you..." Vera seems to be moved by Lynch's Chen Xin. It may also be because she can't bear to continue to embarrass a handsome young man. In short, she forgives Lynch's previous recklessness and added, "... And I'm not beautiful."

Lin qiluo's smiling eyes made her have an emotion that is difficult to describe. She was quietly fermenting. The hormones in her body began to secrete excessively. The chemical victory made her breathe a little faster.

While touching her hot cheek, she moved her eyes away from the young man. "You haven't answered me yet, Mr. Lynch. What kind of cooperation do you want to choose?"

Lynch seemed to think seriously for a while before answering, "maybe I need a full-time accountant, Ms. Vera."

This answer surprised Vera a little. Many small and micro enterprises are in the mode of agency bookkeeping. The salary of a full-time accountant can employ almost two ordinary employees, and the expenditure on salary is also the first difficulty faced by small and micro enterprises.

She thought Lynch would choose a simple and cheap way of cooperation, such as agency bookkeeping, but unexpectedly, she chose full-time as soon as she came up, which made Vera's heart uncontrollably breed an idea that she thought was ridiculous, and this idea soon became a reality.

"But I have one condition. I hope it's you!"