Chapter 26

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Most middle-class communities will have very good supporting service companies, from cleaning to preservation, including community hospitals and doctors, who can provide all-round care and services to residents.

For these services, people living in these communities have to spend a lot of money every quarter to maintain these enjoyment, but their efforts are valuable because the money brings them a certain "dignity" and "dignity" significantly higher than the bottom society.

Lynch had just turned from the main road into the entrance of the community. The security guard on duty at the gate stopped him, "this is a private area. You can't go in..."

It was already a little dark. At first, the security guard didn't notice Lynch's dress. After he walked in, he found Lynch's dress, a typical electrician.

Generally speaking, many middle-class communities have their own electricians. The salary of electricians does not need to be paid by the service company, but by all community owners, and they will pay an additional part to the service company as management expenses.

The advantage of this is that once there is a problem in the circuit system of a certain family, the electrician will soon appear where he needs to solve the problem, but it also leads to some other problems, such as the dissatisfaction of the power supply company.

The business that should have belonged to the power supply company was taken away by the service company. They certainly wouldn't act as if nothing had happened, so they also found a way to recover the loss, that is, the aging and maintenance of the circuit.

The service company did not recognize the requirements of the power supply company, and then the power supply company told the owners of community electricians through various ways, mainly telephone intimidation, that their circuits were facing aging, and the owners of XX and XX community were unwilling to repair the lines. As a result, a fire broke out, and several people went to see God and so on.

In the end, most owners will ask the power supply company to repair it and are willing to pay another sum of money - in fact, some people don't know that the service company will send the bill to their mailbox before the end of the cycle.

Some people will read the role of each sum of money. These are the middle class who have begun to become poor. Most normal families don't care about these small money.

This is why all kinds of lines and equipment in middle-class communities and some top communities are covered with a layer of lead bars that are forbidden to be disassembled. Only people from the power supply company can disassemble them. If some of them are disassembled and overhauled, the owners of the whole community have to pay for it.

This is not applicable to all communities. It is normal that some community service companies do not provide electrician services.

Lynch stopped his bike. He raised his tablet. The repair order on the first page of the tablet made him look more formal. "I came to repair the lines. Someone said that some lines were aging and cracking..."

The security guard frowned. He knew that these were the tricks of the power supply company, but it had nothing to do with him. He didn't have to offend people because of the company.

He waved his hand and told Lynch not to affect the residents here. Then he returned to the sentry box and continued to stick to his post conscientiously.

Lynch found Michael's home with ease. There was a telegraph pole next to his yard. On the telegraph pole, there was a place like a watchtower on a medieval sea ship where people could stand, which was also the main place for maintenance.

There is a box in which some power equipment is installed, and the opening is sealed with lead strips. It needs to be broken with a special tool to open it.

The number on this lead strip is the basis for charging the service company. Under normal circumstances, the electrician will show these numbered lead strips to the service company and keep them on file, and then take them back to the power supply company.

Lynch climbed up easily along the raised part of the telegraph pole. From this angle, he could clearly observe the whole of Michael's house.

I have to say that this bastard is very good at choosing places. It seems that there is a three story single family house with an area of about 200 square meters, plus the front and rear yards. Although there is no swimming pool, there are also some small gardening landscaping.

Sometimes people pass by here. They occasionally look up at Lynch, who is "busy", and soon take back their eyes.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it is indeed the season of frequent line maintenance. Every summer, there are basically some fires caused by line aging every week, which refers to the whole Federation.

For example, in some high-end communities, it is normal to have maintenance once a month, especially in the hottest days and the peak of power consumption, it is easy to have some problems, which are checked almost every day.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, he didn't see the newspaper. He was ready to go back. At this time, a sneaky shadow came from the back of the community.

The herald had long wanted to come, but the problem was that he was stopped outside the door. A person wearing cheap clothes and smelling of wine like him could not be a resident in the community. The security guard was very responsible and stopped him outside the door.

Considering that there were security guards patrolling inside from time to time, and that they drank some wine in order to embolden themselves at night, while waiting for the opportunity, the newspaper head vaguely slept in the grass on the roadside.

If the temperature and mosquitoes hadn't woken him up, he might not get up until tomorrow morning.

There was no chance to get in from the front door, so he went around to the back door.

In fact, the back door also has a sentry box and a path directly leading to the main road, but the road is relatively backward, and people are used to going in and out from the front door, so the door here is closed.

Cars can't get in and out normally. In fact, pedestrians are also. But these not strict measures can't stop a person with hands and feet. The header easily turned over. After two groups of patrol security guards found out the interval between their patrols, they touched Michael's house.

At this time, the street lamps under the constraint of the lampshade can not send the light to lynch who is flush with them. If Lynch is not very close in the dark, no one will think of someone hiding in the dark.

Lynch looked at the newspaper and peeked through a side of the courtyard wall with vegetation of only about 1.2 meters. He jumped into the yard, watched him sneak around the house and tried to push open every window that could be touched.

Maybe it's because it's too safe here. Maybe it's because of the inherent carelessness of women. On the west side of the house, a window was pushed open in the surprise of the newspaper.

The window was pushed up by him slowly without making any sound. He pushed his upper body into the window. Lynch saw all this, but he didn't move. He was waiting.

Little by little, the quiet night sky exudes starlight and quiet beauty. In the dark, Lynch's eyes always stay in the house.

It's been almost ten minutes since the newspaper went in. This fool can't even do this little thing well?

After waiting for another minute or two, the on the second floor suddenly lit up. A shadow appeared behind the curtain that was not very light-proof. The concave convex shadow should be a woman. The shadow stayed at the window for a short time and disappeared.

A few seconds later, Lynch heard the cry of surprise!