Chapter 30

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open by a young man. Mrs. Michael, who was lying in the hospital bed for a short rest, immediately straightened up. The young man came to her and hugged her. There was a trace of worry and fear on her face.

He saw the police early in the morning. The police talked to him about the attack on his mother last night. Fortunately, their community security guards rushed in time. The criminals were scared away before they could invade Mrs. Michael.

After a night's rest, Mrs. Michael had calmed down. She described the man's appearance. After the police department had judged that the case was committed by an acquaintance, it thought that little Michael might have some clues. For example, he had seen the man.

With this idea and the need to inform his family, little Michael left school early in the morning and rushed over.

At this time, after the expression on his face disappeared, he put on an angry expression with a trace of ferocious expression, "I will find that person, I swear!"

Mrs. Michael obviously didn't want her to be suspected. She took little Michael's hand and stroked his soft golden brown hair. His hair color inherited Michael and looked brown in the absence of light.

But where there is strong light, Brown will turn golden brown, which is very beautiful.

"The police station is more professional than you. We should trust them. You see, I'm fine. I don't want anything to happen to you!" Mrs. Michael clenched little Michael's hand. "I'm fine now. Don't meddle in this matter!"

She still remembers the weapon in the man's hand and his cruelty. She doesn't want her child to be the next victim, but sometimes the parents' words may not be heard by the child, especially a half boy like little Michael.

They feel that they have almost the same body as adults, so they have the mind and experience of adults. They often want more respect, but they always screw up everything.

In such a cycle, they are also more eager to prove that they are mature, grow up and no longer need to be controlled by their parents, so they will do something their parents don't want them to do to prove that their parents are not necessarily right.

Little Michael comforted his mother and promised that he would never trace the criminal. At the same time, he also agreed to Mrs. Michael's request not to tell Michael about it for the time being.

After all, he is still on business. It is said that there are still some dangers. If this incident affects him and causes some irreparable consequences, Mrs. Michael will never be at ease. This is exactly what little Michael wants to say.

He wants to finish it before Michael comes back, and then let them know that they have grown up and there is no need to continue to restrain themselves.

After meeting his mother, little Michael was invited by the police to sit in the police station. They also took out the wanted notice being printed by the police and showed it to him.

"Have you seen this man?" the sheriff in charge of the case pointed to the wanted notice posted on the blackboard with a cup of coffee in one hand.

Originally, similar cases would not be supervised by police officers at the sheriff level, but Michael is a person with a "license plate" and belongs to public servants. If such families are violated, they will exceed some specifications when handling them. It can also be regarded as a message to the outside world and the federal tax Bureau - we care about this case to deter possible potential criminal acts, While safeguarding their own interests.

Little Michael frowned at the wanted notice on the blackboard. He didn't know this guy at all. The connection between the newspaper and Michael has always been very hidden, and there are other things besides the matter itself. Neither the newspaper nor Michael will let people know their relationship, let alone let little Michael participate in it.

Although he didn't know the man, it didn't prevent him from showing a thoughtful appearance. The sheriff didn't disturb him. After waiting for almost four or five minutes, little Michael shook his head. "He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him again."

The sheriff nodded noncommittally and asked several other questions. When he was about to send little Michael away, little Michael suddenly asked, "can I take this away? Maybe I'll remember it sometime." he pointed to the wanted notice on the blackboard.

Hundreds of copies of this thing have been printed by Saibin police station to be distributed to all police stations and federal police agencies in the whole state. One more and one less is not a problem at all.

The sheriff nodded. He put down his coffee cup, tore down the wanted notice and put it in little Michael's hand. He said earnestly, "if you think of anything, don't be reckless, call me the first time!" and he took out his business card and stuffed it into little Michael's hand.

The latter nodded repeatedly and repeatedly promised that he would call the sheriff at the first time before the sheriff watched him leave.

Watching little Michael disappear in the traffic with the buffalo 239, he couldn't help joking with his colleagues, "look, tax is money. Even children can afford to drive 239, and I'm still driving an old car."

In the Baylor Federation, a driver can apply for a driver's license as long as he is more than five feet (1.5 meters) tall and over the age of 15. The former is to ensure that the driver can step on the pedal, and the latter takes into account the applicant's living and processing ability.

The sheriff's colleague smiled and didn't go on. We already knew what those people in the federal tax bureau were like.

It is impossible to hand over all the fines every year. They will always be intercepted and divided together for various reasons. Moreover, it is normal to say that Michael is also the leader of the investigation team and belongs to the management.

Little Michael didn't take these people's words to heart. Now his whole body is full of a sense of mission. He must do a big thing to show his mother and father, and let the bastard who almost hurt his mother know his strength.

About 20 minutes after the car merged into the traffic flow, it stopped outside a nightclub called Kimberly, which is also well-known in Saibin city. Behind it is a head office. There are almost 80 chain stores in Baylor Federation.

The formal content makes many people who don't want to dirty themselves happy to consume here. Coupled with the background of Kimberly, it is not only safe here, but also highlights the status of guests.

During the day, Kimberly was not as lively as at night. When little Michael entered the hall, only some cleaners were cleaning in the whole hall, and the bartender was counting inventory and adjusting various reserves.

The footstep made the bartender look back and take back his eyes. He knew little Michael, a little guy who only had some ability in Saibin. His ability was not his own, but from his father.

Little Michael strode to the bar, took out the wanted notice and photographed it on the bar. He poked his finger at the table and made a Bangbang sound. The bartender turned back and looked at him.

"I want to find this man..."

The bartender glanced down at the wanted notice and said with his eyelids half open, "then you have to go to the police station. We don't have this service here."

Little Michael looked around and said, "I know you're well informed. I'm willing to spend money, and it has nothing to do with others."

The bartender thought for a moment, "five thousand yuan, I'll help you inquire about this man. If you want further information about him, I'll talk about it after I find out who he is..."

Little Michael couldn't control these at this time. He immediately agreed.

The bartender put away the wanted notice, turned and continued to count the inventory, "come in through the back door at seven o'clock in the evening!"