Chapter 59

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Come to my office..."

Joe griman, who didn't even eat at noon, went straight back to his office. Compared with the documents in his hand, a 39 yuan steak couldn't distract him at all.

Two minutes later, a well-dressed middle-aged man with a lawyer's badge pinned to his chest came in.

Any student majoring in justice can have such an "entry badge" as long as he can successfully graduate from the college and obtain a lawyer's qualification certificate.

Although it is only an "entry badge", even the top lawyers in the Federation wear them every day, which is not only a symbol of their identity, but also an alternative nobility.

"Naff, let's have a look at these documents!" when Joe griman left, Lynch prepared copies of other documents in addition to taking the initiative to give him two pledge agreements, which also gave Joe griman a high look at Lynch.

It is true that everyone has opportunities, but not everyone can seize them, and not everyone is ready to face them.

Not everyone can seize it. Most people know that 95% of people are still mediocre. In their mediocre life, there are always several opportunities to change their fate, but they can't see and grasp it.

People understand the middle sentence, but don't understand the last half. Sometimes you seize the opportunity and think it's a change in life... Of course, it is.

When you are ready, opportunity will give you wealth, status and reputation corresponding to your greatest ability. In the hands of these people, opportunity is like a gentle woman!

But if you are not ready, opportunity will hit you head-on like a train. There are many stories of people in the world who have broken their families and died because they "seized the opportunity".

Opportunities will certainly change people's fate, but there are not only good, but also bad.

Lynch is ready and can create opportunities. Joe griman has seen some of these people. In his capacity, he is enough to meet some celebrities in the local and even surrounding areas. From Lynch, he sees the shadow of these people.

Ambitious and waiting for success (like a hunter hidden in the dark, ready to attack anytime and anywhere), such people are difficult to fail, which is why Joe griman is willing to give Lynch a chance.

No one will dislike that they have too many high-quality interpersonal relationships. As long as people live in this society, they can't avoid these.

The guy he called "naff" is a member of the lawyer group of Saibin Jinhui bank. The bank has a lot of lawsuits to fight with others every year. It's too extravagant to hire a lawyer every time, so they directly trained their own lawyer group to save costs.

Naff looked at these documents carefully. He didn't miss every symbol. He also took a piece of paper to record his views or the label of a certain article.

About half an hour later, he breathed a sigh of relief, sorted the documents according to his browsing order, put them on the table, and then looked at Joe griman.

"Is there a problem with these documents?", Joe griman took out two solid colors, the real solid color, and handed one to naff, who took it after thanking him.

He replied, "there is no problem. This pledge agreement is formed by adding some additional terms on the basis of the loan agreement we currently use."

"Two of them are very interesting. The first one is that if the borrower fails to pay the money within a short time after the signing date of the agreement, he should not only give up the pledge, but also return the principal and interest." he smiled inexplicably. "This should be the new agreement of the external finance company. They never used this kind of thing before!"

There was a sneer on naff's face. He looked down on the financial companies outside. The same people were Joe griman.

In the past, when Mr. Fox sent out assistance, he mostly asked people to write an IOU. If it was the residents on the street, they might not even write an IOU. All this was changed because of Lynch's arrival.

Joe griman nodded, and naff talked about the next one, "I noticed a line in their additional terms...", and he also pointed out for Joe griman to see. The above content is that the signing of this agreement is not forced and voluntary under the witness of a third party, and the name and signature of the third party are listed on it.

"This is a very flattering content. From my personal point of view, it is problematic. When a person needs money, they will sign any agreement as long as they can get the money."

"In law, this situation should be regarded as being coerced and dominated, but it has legal benefits. You can feel its conflicts and contradictions, but you can't ignore it. The guy who put forward this idea is a talent!"

When a person is in urgent need of a sum of money, he himself falls into a passive and vulnerable state. It can't be completely wrong to be dominated and coerced as naff said.

Those people can do anything in order to get a sum of money as soon as possible, let alone let them write such a statement in person. Therefore, from a subjective point of view, this article is obviously trying to cover up and cover up the facts.

But legally, it is valuable, because the judge will not consider what the borrower was thinking, and the lawyer will not give the borrower the opportunity to meet. He will only ask them if someone threatened them with a knife, gun or other weapons, whether their consciousness is clear, and whether they know what they wrote... Well, it works.

"Do you mean we can also use our agreement?", Joe griman asked, and naff nodded, "good, report to the branch and let them study.", he paused, "go on!"

Naff released the two pledge agreements and picked up other documents. "Other documents are official documents and have legal benefits. However, there are several counter-measures in the additional terms on which gatnau finance company entrusts Dyson asset management company with full authority over their assets..."

He then pointed out some of them and explained them briefly, but both of them knew that these things were essentially worthless. You can't expect people from financial companies to go to court all day.

Their value is only legal value, and they do not have executive power. Compared with executive power, perhaps the subordinates kept by the financial company are better.

"I mean, it's legal for Dyson asset management to manage and control these agreements and their contents?" Joe griman asked his most concerned question, although naff had explained it before.

"Yes, sir, Dyson asset management legally owned these 'assets' before the counter-measures came into force."

Joe griman further asked, "including the mortgage of these pledge agreements?"

Naff was stunned for a moment. He immediately realized why Joe griman, the manager of the credit department, let himself see these documents. About two or three seconds later, he nodded, "at least the law of this state is like this. If you need information from other states, I can apply to the branch for legal aid."

Joe griman waved his hand and stood up and stretched out his hand. Naff also stood up and tied the opening of his clothes, "no, thank you for taking the time to help me see these things..."

"This is what I should do!" naff saw Joe griman's outstretched hand, immediately shook his hand and took the initiative to leave.

After seeing off naff, Joe griman closed the door and looked at the papers on the table with a smile on his face.

According to Lynch, he has millions of pledge loan agreements. No, it should be countless loan agreements. He has realized that when Lynch gets the money, it is equal to gatnau finance company getting the money.

What a financial company will do after getting the money is to continue to assist those citizens who are short of money. This will become a snowball and roll bigger and bigger.

The bank organizes risk control, and ends the power period before the counter provisions of the pledge agreement take effect, so it can avoid all risks, and the risks are borne by the two banks themselves.

One is Dyson asset management as the middle, the other is gatnau finance, the "front-line company", and the banks, including Lynch itself, have minimal risks.

Even the only real danger is Dyson asset management company. From the perspective of financial companies, whether there is this agreement or not can not prevent them from continuing to collect debts, but the problem of the agreement will become the bad debts of asset management companies. Even they can evade taxes and hide a lot of money in this way!

But it had nothing to do with him. He stood in front of the window and thought for a while. Then Shi Shi ran returned to his desk and picked up the phone, "... What did the branch say about the best performance this year?"