Chapter 88

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Every city will have some special jobs that are not very profitable. At the same time, the city hall is unwilling to do it by itself, such as urban cleaners, regional service companies or public welfare undertakings.

In the past, these jobs were managed by the social service bureau. Later, for various reasons, it was finally decided to contract to some special companies and enterprises.

Like the public transport in Saibin, it is also one of the public service businesses transferred by the social service bureau.

Because these businesses, such as urban cleaning, such as garbage disposal stations, such as various welfare homes and nursing homes, are difficult to make profits. They can't make a lot of money by cleaning the floor. Therefore, the city hall will give some financial subsidies and give some policy preferences.

For example, give certain tax relief to encourage large companies to take the initiative to assume more social responsibility.

Is it true that only non-profit public service companies have subsidies?

In fact, it is not necessarily true. Everyone knows how much money urban transportation companies make. How to determine whether a company meets the standard of receiving subsidies depends entirely on its political value and political significance.

If necessary, the chief administrator of Saibin city will blow a breeze first, for example, what to do. Hold several hearings to listen to the opinions of industry experts and some social opinions. As long as everyone thinks there is no problem, the subsidy can come down.

There is a line that can not be touched, that is, it can not make the people feel that it is unnecessary to do so. In the words of the media, the federal government is an efficient and clean government that never wastes the good government in front of taxpayers.

Citizens may not be able to do other things, but they still know how to show their identity as taxpayers and make a fuss about it.

But Lynch's second-hand commodity auction... It's not like a public welfare undertaking. It's at most a little linked to the nature of social services.

This made the expression on Ferrar's face a little complicated. On the one hand, he felt that Lynch was a little difficult to deal with. At the same time, he had a feeling that he said others were stupid all day, and finally he became a fool.

Once Lynch can get the subsidy, the salary he pays himself may be less than one white part of the subsidy. Although he says that the money has nothing to do with himself, ferral still has a feeling of loss.

He didn't speak and pretended not to know, but Lynch began to increase his chips.

"Mr. consultant, you may not know that before the end of this year, I will open the interstellar trade company all over the state, with its headquarters in Saibin."

"At that time, I will build a new warehouse area and a special transportation company to activate the second-hand commodity economy in the state."

"At that time, the second-hand commodity trading behavior of interstellar trading company will cover the whole state and even outside the state. The great influence must be able to provide a remarkable political achievement for the mayor."

"People only need to spend less money to meet their pursuit of high-quality life, but also greatly reduce some social problems that have been born one after another."

"People always commit crimes because of poverty. Now they have a way not to break the law and get money. As long as the federal government and state governments can find ways to cheer up the economy in a short time, we may be easier to get out of trouble than other states and become the focus of the whole country."

"Moreover, I personally promise that before next year, the number of employees in my company will exceed 500, only more, not less..."

With that, Lynch took out the checkbook again. He took the pen and the tip of the pen almost landed on the check. He looked up and asked a question that was completely irrelevant to the content just now, "what is the maximum amount of single person contribution in this state?"

In order to limit the hidden immoral transactions between capitalists and some politicians through political donations, the federal government has stipulated the maximum donation law, and everyone has a donation ceiling every year, which has well curbed the momentum of capitalists' chiguoguo's search for political spokesmen, but also made some things that can be seen through at a glance become a little complicated and useless in fact.

Most enterprises will collectively donate to politicians in their camp, which is a collective overall donation, including part-time jobs that may only cost about 100 yuan a month. They will also donate the upper limit to support political parties. Everyone knows why and why.

In order to strengthen some information management, the bill was later revised to record the name and amount of each donor, but it still can't prevent the transmission of benefits - donations can be reimbursed in excess, people are eager to donate, and they still feel that the upper limit is too low!

Ferrar immediately realized something. He moved his ass again and whispered, "the state stipulates that it can't exceed 150 yuan in cash..."

Lynch didn't reply. He immediately wrote down a line of numbers in the checkbook, tore off the check and pushed it over.

This is a brand-new transfer check. The figure of 75000 yuan on it makes Ferrar's breathing a little faster. He looked at the check and Lynch. Lynch put away his pen and showed a smile that has always been like sunshine, "I think our city has made great progress since your Excellency the mayor took charge of Saibin city. I very much support your Excellency the mayor's political program and governance philosophy..."

He said, "what party is your Excellency the mayor?"

Ferral almost hid his face and ran away. He raised his hand, buttoned his eyebrows, hardened his head and said, "federal progressive party..."

"Yes! The federal progressive party!" Lynch raised his finger to Ferrar. "The federal progressive party, a good party, I know them and appreciate their performance. This is my donation to the mayor and the federal progressive party. Won't it break the law?"

Ferral shook his head with a bitter smile. It must not be illegal. If it does not exceed the upper limit, it will not be illegal. "But you still need a list, sir. These lists and money need to be registered!"

Lynch picked up the phone book in the corner of the table and put it back on the table with a bang. He looked directly at Ferrar and felt like ordering him to do things. "There are not only 500 people here!"

They looked at each other for a moment. Ferrar sighed and nodded. He understood Lynch's meaning.

Of course, he didn't do these things in the end. Their own offices also have young people who specialize in dealing with these dirty jobs. Those people know how to extract 500 names from the phone book to make the donation look better.

He picked up the check and stuffed it into his pocket. Lynch continued, "when will my subsidy come down?"

Ferrar thought for a while, "we need to study. There are at least five hearings. If it can be passed, the city hall will give you some financial or policy assistance in the form of policy support, such as tax exemption."

Lynch raised his eyebrows. "I thought tax exemption was only for small companies."

In fact, the benefits of tax exemption are more objective than those of subsidies, but they are not completely absolute.

For a company that can only earn one million a year, if the federal government can give him an additional subsidy of 500000, his income will exceed the tax exemption policy. The tax exemption will exempt him from more than 30% of all kinds of taxes, that is, more than 300000, but the subsidy of 500000 allows him to earn some after paying taxes.

But for people like Lynch who are ambitious and realize their ambitions, tax exemption is more valuable than subsidies. He is confident that he will realize a net profit of one million, ten million or even more in two or three years.

He nodded his head with satisfaction and asked casually, "won't anyone embarrass me, won't it?"

With a hint of warning, Ferrar shook his head and said, "it shouldn't!"

Lynch said "OK", and then stood up. Ferrar also stood up. Lynch stretched out his hand and held Ferrar's hand. He said with a smile, "mention me to tell the mayor that I admire him very much and hope to have dinner sometime..."

Ferrar didn't have so many ideas at this time. He nodded and left as soon as possible. He didn't want to see people like Lynch anymore.

Looking at Ferrar's back, Lynch couldn't help laughing. Is his money so easy to take?

No, no one really thinks so, right?