Chapter 127

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When Catherine compared herself to a kind of goods and even used the word "sell" to describe her mother's behavior, the atmosphere in the room was suppressed to the extreme.

Her father glanced at the woman who had been with him for more than 20 years and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and took down the responsibility he shouldn't have taken.

There is a saying in the Baylor Federation - "when you have to bow to life, please don't be stingy and let your knees and forehead touch the ground".

This sentence may be too pessimistic, but life is like this. Since you choose to compromise, compromise thoroughly.

As a man who has lost the power to become the pillar of his family, he naturally has realized that he has lost the power to control his family very quickly. When facing the conflict between a new generation of "dominator" and a "sudden rise" who lives behind the scenes but may change the status quo, he chose silence.

Catherine's mother shook her head after silence. "I didn't think so. I told you that Roma is a good young man."

"He is a little older than you, but he knows how to love a girl. He has a stable job and an independent house. You don't have to suffer like others. Isn't that good?"

Her voice soon changed from a faint and uncertain guilty heart to a strong one, and her voice was gradually amplified.

In fact, from a certain point of view, Roma is indeed a very suitable marriage object for some families, but this is only for some families and only for some people.

Catherine shook her head. "I never hope for your choice. You have proved you wrong once. Who knows if this will be the second time."

For the first time, naturally, there was a problem about Lynch. Of course, Catherine herself made mistakes, but this sentence made the woman who was already full of remorse angry.

"I'm not the Lord. I can't see things so far away. I only know that you really had a bad time at that time. Am I wrong for my daughter?"

Katherine shook her head. "Then why don't you make a mistake for the second time?" she said. She didn't continue to give women a chance and robbed the right to speak in a more peaceful but tougher way. "You told me not to sell your body for money since you were young, but today you have done a shameful act. I thought we would be different families."

Then she stood up, and her face showed a disappointed expression for the first time. Perhaps most children will think that they and their families are fundamentally different from other families in society before they realize the cruelty of reality.

This fantasy will be broken by them only when they recognize the reality.

Catherine's words made the couple feel a very uncomfortable condemnation from their conscience.

Living in such a neighborhood, what parents fear most is that their children go astray, but they themselves have made the most wrong demonstration.

Catherine turned and walked to the porch. It was almost dark outside. No other girl would choose to leave home and go to the street at this time, which made the couple nervous immediately.

Catherine's mother quickly stood up and ran for two steps, took Catherine by the wrist, "where are you going?" and then stressed, "you can't go out!"

Catherine waved her hand and shook off her mother's arm. She glanced at the woman and smiled. "Since you decided to sell me at a good price, why not sell me higher?"

The feeling of her speech was a little scary. The woman even forgot to stop her and watched her leave the house at this time.

On the other side, Lynch, who had just finished the party, returned home. In the afternoon, Joe griman called him and told him that someone was interested in the land in his hand. They could sit down and have a chat.

He attended the dinner organized by Joe griman, but he was not interested in the people on the other side of the table and what they said.

Obviously, the other party may want to buy the land for Joe griman's face or for some other reason. The other party only offered a price that was too low for Lynch to accept, 1.6 million.

The bastard wanted to buy the land at an outrageously low price, as if what he did was a gift to Lynch.

In the face of such people, Lynch will not be too polite to each other.

Rich experience makes him understand a truth. Those who despise you now, even if you make a change, the other party will still despise you. Until you step on the other party's face and spit at him, he will put away the idea of despise you.

Before that, the more you do, the more guilty and worthless struggle and resistance it seems to the other party.

So Lynch stopped dinner at the right time and kept the most basic etiquette.

After dinner, Joe griman also apologized to Lynch. He didn't know that the man he found was like a fool. Of course, he also said he would continue to find some suitable people for Lynch.

At about eight o'clock, Lynch was ready to rest. At this time, the telephone rang.

He was surprised that few people would call him at this time, but he picked it up. At the other end of the phone, there was a voice he knew very well. It was Mr. Fox.

"Didn't you sleep?", Mr. Fox's voice was full of confidence and loud. He had a good time recently and was in good mental state. "An old man like me wouldn't go to bed so early. You missed too many wonderful things in life, Lynch friend."

Lynch smiled a few times and didn't continue the discussion on this topic. If there was no entertainment, he would basically go to bed earlier.

Sleeping is a very "nourishing" process. If you just waste time to waste time, it is unnecessary.

"What's up?" he asked casually. He didn't think fox would have anything to do when he called at this time. He probably asked him to go out and relax.

From Lynch's short laughter, Mr. Fox vaguely had a strange feeling that he was watched by kind eyes. He shook his head, threw the absurd idea out of his mind and talked about business, "do you know a girl named Catherine?"

"In the evening, someone came to you in the street. You know, now I'm more or less famous. The children told me about it, and I invited people. Maybe you'll be interested in it?"

Mr. Fox's business is getting bigger and bigger because of his cooperation with Lynch. In addition, in order to save his image in front of the public, the Federal Bureau of investigation and the federal tax bureau have severely cleaned up the money laundering makers in Saibin City, which has also expanded Mr. Fox's "territory" many times.

There are more people serving him, including ordinary and serious employees and some employees who wander the streets all day.

The cooperation between Mr. Fox and Lynch has become a classic case in the eyes of some people, and they also know Lynch.

Later in the evening, a beautiful girl found several young people who obviously belonged to street forces in the street and asked them if they knew Lynch or Mr. Fox, which made them alert.

They took the girl to Mr. Fox's side. Because they didn't know what the girl was, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Mr. Fawkes was not interested in his ex girlfriend when he was investigating Lynch, so he missed the point. Now he just wants to confirm whether he knows the girl by telephone.

Hearing this, Lynch looked down at the ring on his little finger, smiled and sighed, "arrange someone to send her to my house..."

More than 20 minutes later, the former boyfriend and girlfriend who had been separated for more than a month met again. There was not much embarrassment, but a trace of curiosity and exploration.

"It looks like you're doing well!" Catherine didn't express her remorse like an ordinary girl. She looked at the magnificent villa and couldn't help praising it.

Lynch was wearing casual clothes. He skimmed his mouth, went to the bar and took out two cups. "Juice? Wine? Coffee?" he said. He poured some wine for himself. "I can't use the grinder. If you want coffee, you have to do it yourself."

"Have some wine. I don't like coffee.", Katherine turned around and sat on the sofa in the living room. The texture of the leather sofa and the full and elastic filler inside made her fondle it a few times and pat it, "life is hard enough. Why don't you relax?"

Lynch came over with two cups, one for her and the other in his hand.

After a simple clink, they took a sip.

Perhaps it was the psychological effect of alcohol. Catherine soon explained her intention. "I didn't expect you to become so fast. What's the secret?"

Lynch thought seriously, "if you want to say the secret..., he had a very special smile on his face and lowered his voice," in fact, I am the illegitimate son of God. Don't tell others. "

Catherine couldn't help laughing, smiled, sighed, and took another sip of wine. "You always like to joke..."

She suddenly shut up when she said this, because this sentence made the atmosphere in the room a little sad, "I said something I shouldn't say, and I apologize for it."

Lynch was generous. "I forgive you."

The two looked at each other, some strange, but some familiar.

"My mother is going to sell me to a fool on the condition that my father will get a job."

"It's all for sale anyway. I think you'll give a higher price, right?"