Chapter 129

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When he finished breakfast, Ferrar called Lynch. He wanted to come later, and Lynch didn't leave in a hurry.

Around ten o'clock, ferral hurried to Lynch's house.

He glanced at Catherine curiously. Introduced by Lynch, he greeted Catherine, who returned to the upstairs room.

After Catherine left, ferral didn't talk about the girl. This is Lynch's private life. In the Baylor Federation, respecting other people's privacy and their private life is a very important etiquette. He just paid a little attention to the girl.

Then he brought some things Lynch wanted, some answers from the mayor.

"The mayor of the place you want agreed. He can give you 500 mu, but you need to provide at least 1800 jobs locally or 3000 jobs in the state!"

Bayer federal has such standards for purchasing non residential land, providing certain jobs or completing some economic plans.

Once the owner of the land fails to meet these standards, the "illegal" land under his name will be confiscated, auctioned or re idle.

Of course, this also includes all the real estate on the land, so most entrepreneurs and factory owners will spend money to invite some famous designers to design a scheme for themselves before enclosure.

Plan your own industrial scale in three different periods from short-term, medium-term to long-term, and then sign a land transfer contract with the local city hall in this way - transfer by stages.

In this way, factory owners and business owners will not be under too much pressure on some issues, such as necessary jobs and payment of corresponding remuneration.

Lynch didn't want 500 mu at first, but now the mayor has directly doubled his plan, which means there is no room for discussion.

In the face of exceeding the plan, Lynch responded decisively, "I can't solve these requirements in a short time."

Lynch's reaction was not beyond Ferrar's expectation. For 1800 jobs, each worker gave him 200 yuan a month. He had to pay 360000 yuan a month just for his salary. Even if Lynch could take out the money now, he would be finished next month.

"This is just a medium - and long-term goal set by the mayor. You have two years to solve this employment requirement." Ferrar said, slightly lowering his voice. "In fact, as long as you can solve two-thirds of the problems, after all, you have solved two-thirds of the problems!"

This is the value and advantage of the consultant. He knows better than Lynch where the bottom line of the mayor is and solves two-thirds, that is, 1200 jobs.

If Lynch employs 1200 workers to work on this land, even if he can't complete the following indicators at that time, the mayor will not easily let him go, because the more than 1000 workers and the families behind them will make the city hall restless.

Lynch nodded thoughtfully. Ferral didn't realize that the information he revealed had leaked some more important information. For example, the current plight of Saibin city is more serious than Lynch thought.

But at the same time, it also added more fog to his eyes. He did not have more opportunities and information to clear the fog. Naturally, he did not know that the severity of the situation did not come from the development of the whole society, but from riston group and their president, Mr. Neo.

After a short pause, Ferrar said the second thing, "the mayor hopes to have dinner with you on Sunday night this week. You can adjust your schedule."

Monday to Friday are working days. Even after work, one or two social gatherings are often arranged, which can not be avoided.

Saturday is a rest day, but Saturday night is more inclined to the orthodox "weekend", so the dinner on this day will also be used.

But Sunday, the "first day" of the week, is the only day that the mayor can control himself. He can only spare a dinner time to chat with Lynch on this day. Otherwise, it may take at least two weeks to find a time to have dinner with Lynch.

After Lynch nodded again, ferral took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to him.

"What's this?", Lynch turned over the envelope. The seal was not bonded. He opened it directly and took a look. There was a small card like a star film in it. Then he took it out.

This is a very "expensive" card. It has some slight metal texture. The strong contrast between black and bright gold makes it more noble and mysterious.

There is only one time, one place and the signatures of two people on it. There is nothing else.

"This is an invitation card for an auction. Only with this card can you be qualified to enter the auction.", Ferrar's tone showed a small and special emotion.

Lynch smiled. "What is it auctioning, second-hand goods?"

"You can say that!" Ferrar did not refute. Anything that goes to the auction means that it is a second-hand commodity, even if it may not have been unpacked, but it is definitely a second-hand commodity.

This is an auction to carve up the cake of Henghui group. The local industries of Henghui group will be auctioned in accordance with federal laws. Part of the money from the auction will be used to pay huge fines, and the other part will go into local finance.

As for how much money these assets can make in the end, it is completely uncontrollable market behavior, sometimes higher and sometimes lower.

After all, even large companies like Henghui group can only operate through tax evasion. Maybe some people think that high-quality assets are not high-quality?

Well, these are just some unimportant questions. The important question is that Lynch wants to participate in the auction, but he is not qualified to raise his cards.

Ferrar meant to let him get in first and feel the cruelty, coldness, blood and madness of the upper class, which can also be regarded as letting him feel the most real side of the society.

Ferrar is a good man. He thinks Lynch needs to feel this atmosphere. In his opinion, Lynch may be very "magical", but after all, his foundation is too weak. His birth gives him no chance to touch the real side of the society.

Without contact with this side, it is equivalent to living in a less real world, which is not helpful to his development and growth.

Only by making him realize the cruelty in this, will he become more careful and mature.

Before the wolf is injured, it will regard the attack from the same kind as a kind of play. Only when it is injured, it will understand that sometimes "play" is also fatal and can arouse the ferocity of the wolf.

Lynch raised his eyebrows and kept the card properly. For kindness, Lynch never let others feel disappointed and offended.

Not long after that, ferral left. Recently, their staff are very busy. The attitude of Mr. Neo, President of riston, makes the city hall and the mayor very passive, and the mayor does not intend to compromise.

Once the two sides split and the ristoan group withdrew from Sabin, the problems left by him must be solved, otherwise it will become a disaster, which is related to the life problems of tens of thousands of families!

In fact, neither the mayor himself nor Mr. Neo, President of riston group, expected that the situation would deteriorate to this stage.

The uncompromising attitude of both sides has caused them to have no basis for compromise. In other words, no one can bow his head first. This is no longer a small problem. Someone can let go.

If the mayor chooses to give in, he can indeed leave the ristoan group, but he will also ruin his political life.

Mr. Neo, the president, can also make concessions, but his concessions will make him lose his position as president. It is even possible for the board of directors to start the equity recovery mechanism and take away his shares.

This is no longer a farce tossed out for the purpose of distributing interests. It has become a display of power. One must submit!

Judging from the current situation, the mayor is obviously unwilling to bow to the ristoan group. He doesn't think his future is limited to the title of "mayor".

He is not willing to bow his head, nor can Mr. Neo and ristoian group take the initiative to compromise. In the wild world, concession is not a virtue, but a manifestation of weakness.

After watching Ferrar leave with a serious expression, Catherine in Lynch's room called and asked her to come down.

In some large houses, there will be a telephone in each room. In order to avoid interference to each other when they are used at the same time, there will be a semi-automatic switch for such large houses.

In fact, it is not as complex as people think. Each phone has a separate number, but they can directly connect other phones in the same section from the switch by dialing the "semicolon", so as to realize short dialing.

"Finished?" Catherine changed her clothes and came down. She didn't see the man who looked very powerful just now.

Originally, a man she knew in her bones suddenly became very strange in some aspects. This feeling is actually very fresh.

Lynch nodded and dealt with it, then said, "remember what we said last night?", the girl nodded, and Lynch continued, "do you have any goals?"

"For example, what major do you want to go to, or do you have your ideal university?" he said and walked to the porch. "Let's fill our stomachs first, and then go to the university you want to go!"

He stood at the door and looked at Catherine. The girl couldn't help laughing. "Is this the life of high society?"

Looking at some doubts in Lynch's eyes, the girl smiled and said, "spend every day eating and chatting?"

Lynch was stunned for a moment, then expressed his affirmation of the girl's point of view, "I'm glad you have a new understanding of my life now!"