Chapter 137

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The reception ended in such a strong business atmosphere. After the governor's personal officials said some "ulterior motives", they left first with the mayor. It is said that they want to adjust the next development direction of Saibin city.

However, this is also normal. Although it is said that this is an exchange reception held by people from the Progressive Party, most of the participants are capitalists and businessmen.

It is not a good choice for a small number of politicians to appear here, which will give people a very terrible negative sense that their elected politicians are colluding with capitalists, although the two have not been separated.

At the cocktail party in the second half, the business atmosphere became more serious. Many people had a simple chat with Lynch and left contact information with each other. They are now businessmen in the same camp. If there is a need, they can also provide each other with some small help within their power.

Human society, social human relations, if you don't help others, why should others help you?

This is why there are always some people who break their heads and want to get into small circles. In many cases, circles and success are equal signs.

The influence of this wine club is far beyond the guess of the participants, or they are in the Bureau as participants and do not know the changes of the outside world.

Less than ten minutes after the governor's aides said "unity", the board of directors of the riston group launched a teleconference.

Almost all directors who had time participated in the conference call, including Mr. Neo, president who was suddenly called back.

This is not too nervous. Sometimes roles such as mayor and governor can't easily express their attitude and maintain some possible concessions in a vague and implicit way, but they can't be too weak. What should we do?

Then the aides around them can play a role. The words of the governor's aides have obviously been interpreted, which is not good news for the riston group.

As a listed company, they are well aware of the elusive and real close relationship between the attitude of local governments and stock prices.

If they can't solve these problems before Monday's opening, it's very likely that ristoan's stock price will go all the way down.

As the mayor imagined at the beginning, when you talk about morality, ethics, social responsibility and rules with a group company like riston, he will only pretend that he doesn't know anything. What they pursue is always more profits.

As long as profits are attractive enough, violating morality and ethics and trampling on the law, they will not become an obstacle to their pursuit of interests.

Only when they feel pain and their wealth begins to shrink can they start thinking about what people should say like a person.

"Who is in charge of the policy office now?"

At the beginning of the conference call, President Neo had not had time to preside over the meeting with his magnetic and well-known voice. Suddenly, everyone was stunned. This was the voice of the chairman of the board of directors of riston group, an old man named Auburn ristoan, which was actually founded by his grandfather.

But after so many years, this originally could only be regarded as a small family business. Under the management of old Alban and his father, it gradually evolved into a large group company.

Of course, the company no longer belongs to them in a strict sense, but their wealth has increased countless times than when they completely controlled the company before.

The old man usually doesn't care much. Now he asks the policy office in the first sentence, which immediately makes people realize that he is relieving pressure for president Neo. At present, Mr. Neo, President of the group company, is the son-in-law of old Auburn.

Every large company will have an office dedicated to policy research. Perhaps the name of this department may be a little different, but their purposes are the same.

From the policies promulgated by the government, find some policies that are beneficial or may be dangerous to the development of the company, and then create opportunities for yourself, or promote the state legislature to review whether this bill has value.

This is also one of the significant gaps between small companies and large companies. Many small companies have not realized how much positive looking for policies can help the development of the company.

For example, there is an encouraging policy in this state. If factories or enterprises set up vocational skills training schools and train a certain degree of students, they can get certain tax cuts and financial subsidies from the government.

Many people don't know that there is such a policy, and even some people feel that it has nothing to do with themselves after knowing it. However, for large companies such as riston, each factory vacates a room to train workers to master technical skills. The method of this training is to let them work normally, but someone will guide them when they work.

Many workers refer to this so-called training as a "guidance holiday". They do not need to work under great pressure on high-intensity assembly lines. Factories let them receive guidance in turn, and get tax cuts and education subsidies ranging from thousands to tens of thousands.

Don't underestimate the support of these policies. A dozen factories, enterprises, all relevant tax cuts and education subsidies can add about hundreds of thousands of additional net profits to ristoan every year.

In fact, there are many policies like this. Special people need to keep an eye on the policy trends promulgated by the government and study the relevant contents. The annual tax savings and various subsidies are amazing figures.

Now, the chairman of the board of directors robbed the teleconference that should have been the first to speak by Neo and directly transferred the responsibility to the policy research office. The people participating in the teleconference already know the next development.

President Neo then opened his mouth and explained, "Mr. chairman, the consultant of the policy office is not qualified to attend the board of Directors..." after all, he is only a consultant with political background like Ferrar. The company will not give these consultants shares, let alone the opportunity to attend such meetings.

"Really?", your Excellency's voice was filled with some natural accidents, "I'm sorry, I'm a little older. Coupled with what happened at night, our consultant didn't give early warning in time. I'm very dissatisfied with his work."

This sentence is bullshit. Everyone knows what's behind this. If Neo's tough attitude didn't get him and the mayor into a fight, it wouldn't happen now. Even big people at the governor level are going to enter, which is definitely not good news for ristoan.

All problems that can be escalated will not be simple problems. Neo and the mayor are not willing to compromise. In the final analysis, they actually come from the struggle within the ristoan group.

Some people think that Neo is not very suitable for the current position of president, and these people think that Auburn has occupied the position of chairman of the board of directors, and then let Neo become president, so that their son-in-law can indirectly control the ristoian group belonging to all investors.

Yes, ristoan group does not belong to the old man Alban ristoan or the president Neo. After its listing, it only belongs to all investors, such as Alban and Neo. They are also one of the investors, but the investors trust them and give them their current positions.

Since a few years ago, the development of the group has slowed down, which makes many shareholders dissatisfied. In addition, Henghui group, which has a close cooperative relationship with the group company, was suddenly investigated and closed down, and part of the company's business and assets were involved. Some people in the board of directors believe that they should win most of the "heritage" of Henghui group, To compensate those assets and businesses cut off by the group company in the process of filing and investigation.

At the same time, we also want to complete the transformation or upgrading of the group company with the help of some industries left over by Henghui group.

This was originally a good idea, but the person who put forward this idea and encouraged the board to vote was neither Neo nor Auburn, but another major shareholder.

The world of capital will never have friendship. The major shareholder has bred the intention to send the couple Weng's son-in-law to step down, which leads Neo to have to show a tough side, otherwise the other party may launch a board meeting to remove Neo from his post.

At the same time, the contradiction between Neo and the mayor makes him temporarily unfit for transfer within the group. If he wins, no one will mention the struggle during this period.

If he loses, the group company also needs a scapegoat to get the forgiveness of the politicians of the progressive party. The current president of a group company is better than a former president.

Facing heavy pressure, Neo and auburn decided to put all their eggs in one basket. They originally planned to use the conservative party to promote the competition between the two parties and win, but now it seems that the progressive party does not intend to compromise, which makes their ideas fatal.

After a pause, Neo didn't avoid the problem. First, he apologized to all members of the board of directors. After all, the plan he is committed to promoting has affected the strategy and stability of the group company, and he has unshirkable responsibility.

Then, his words turned and talked about the current situation.

"I've heard from some other sources that even if we bow down, I resign as president, apologize to the mayor, the governor and others, and seriously repent, our situation will not get better."

"Since the previous year, our financial report has not made significant progress. From the perspective of the outside world, our operation is normal, but..." Neo suddenly sighed, "I need to apologize to you again. In fact, with my benefit, I let the financial department cheat on the financial report..."

All of a sudden, the sound of the broken cup, the overturned chair, the sound of some things being thrown on the ground, and some curses came from the receiver

Among these voices, there were two faint to almost inaudible laughter, which came from Auburn, chairman of the board of directors, and Neo, President of the group.