Chapter 145

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Double standard has always existed. Since the feudal period, people have been deeply aware of the benefits of double standard, especially for rulers.

Lynch does not have the weight to use double standards. In the eyes of the mayor, he is too young. Even if he can make his business as big as he said, he is not enough to use double standards.

Even the most powerful capitalists are unwilling to change things like the minimum hourly wage law, the Employment Act and the workers' rights and interests protection act. It is not that they are unable, but that the cost and consequences of changing these things are too serious.

Little Lynch wanted to change something, which made the mayor's frown suddenly open, and even a smile appeared on his face. After all, he was still a young man.

He doesn't know the world at all. He doesn't know that he needs to be awed in the face of this seemingly simple world.

However, this momentum is very touching, which makes the mayor recall that when he just graduated, he wanted to change the world, but now, he is in his forties, but he is only a mayor.

Maybe he can finally get to the position of governor, but it is still far from his "arrogant" dream when he was young.

Everyone has had such moments, but the reality will teach them how to face the world correctly.

Thinking of this, the mayor may have taken a sip of the wine glass under the action of some emotion. The process of sobering up has actually started before the two people arrived at the restaurant. The ice in the dry ice bucket ensures that the wine is at the most suitable drinking temperature. At the same time, the full contact between the wine and air makes its astringency weak, and even can't feel it.

A bottle of good wine. The mayor raised his eyebrow when he put down his glass. At this time, when he looked at the bright red wine in the glass, he didn't dislike it as much as before.

So many psychological changes have taken place in a very short time. In fact, it is a very interesting and complex thing. He doesn't want to think more. He focuses on other places.

"Compared with this, I have an idea. Do you want to listen?", being a good teacher is always something in people's bones. In fact, it is the real essence of being a good teacher to support their greater vanity by imparting some knowledge and experience to others.

This is an instinct, but the result is not bad, so it is a good thing.

Lynch nodded slightly, and the mayor continued, "I suggest you donate a sum of money to the University and then go back to school..." he paused, and then explained, "I mean you need some contacts that belong to you. This is my advice to you."

"There are nine top private universities in the whole Federation. These universities have been donated and established by a private institution called the Church of peace. If you can become a student of these nine universities, you will have access to the top resources of the Federation."

"If you can become a candidate member of the holy peace church, or even a full member of the holy peace Church..." the mayor smiled, which was a little strange behind his smile, "Congratulations, then. You will become alumni with the governors of most federal states, senior leaders of the three parties, your Excellency the president, cabinet members and lifelong justices who can determine the direction of this society, and even belong to the holy peace church."

The mayor has such feelings, but it can be derived from his strong feelings for Lynch. Once he was such a teenager, but now the edges and corners cut off by years and reality have become more realistic.

So he wanted to give Lynch some life advice. If he had been willing to lower his head and choose a person he didn't like in exchange for going to the school of the holy Peace Alliance, maybe now he is the governor.

The governor of the state is not a few years away from him, but the other party is already a governor and occupies a very important position in the party. All this is because he, the leaders of the Progressive Party and the top leaders come from the holy peace church.

This is a way of rapid promotion. People are willing to give him a chance, for the sake of everyone's alumni and alliance members, but they don't want to give the mayor a chance, because he doesn't have the school emblem of nine universities.

Lynch nodded and said yes, he kept it in mind, and the next topic became a lot easier. Lynch stopped discussing his two big troubles, and the mayor didn't continue to be a annoying role model. They began to talk about some fashionable things and things related to life.

"I heard that your friend is going to shoot a film in Saibin and ask them to contact the social service bureau. At that time, the social service bureau will coordinate some work to make the shooting smoother." the mayor said what Fox and his son were doing recently.

They didn't know where to get a script, and thought the script was good. With a little money in hand, they decided to turn the script into a movie.

In fact, no matter ordinary people or people who have realized their self-worth, they will have an impulsive desire to spend money, as if money is hot. Putting it in the bank will make people feel uncomfortable. Only spending money can make people satisfied.

Especially at the moment of spending money, the kind of happiness... Can hardly be described in words.

Lynch has never heard of this, but it doesn't prevent him and the mayor from dealing with it. "I heard that there will be some subsidies for shooting everywhere?"

This is also a common practice. For example, in Baylor Federation, people mainly shoot films in two film and television cities. On the one hand, the supporting work of these cities is well done, and many places similar to film cities have been built to facilitate scene collection.

The second is the local subsidy policy. Making films in these two cities can get more subsidies, including tax exemption, which is the real reason to attract those filmmakers.

However, this does not mean that other cities have given up their efforts in this regard, especially the leaders in the city hall. A film can drive more passenger flow than people think, and it is very helpful to improve the overall human environment of a city. Therefore, each city still retains the subsidy policy.

The mayor pursed his lips. "Sometimes I don't think you're a 20-year-old at all. Your friends are not as smart as you."

He means that the fox father and son have not thought of contacting the social service bureau so far. If they contact the social service bureau, not only will the official come forward to coordinate some work, but also help them apply for subsidies.

It's amazing that an old guy who has been fooling around in society for more than 20 years doesn't know, but a young man who has just been out of school for two years knows the situation.

The mayor fiddled with the napkin at the table, "you know, the situation of the whole society is not good, and the finance of the city hall is also very tight, so the subsidy of no more than 100000 yuan can be given at most, but the use cost of all public facilities can be exempted. If the road needs to be closed, it can also be solved through negotiation."

Money is not much, but what matters is not money, but the mayor's attitude.

When making movies, you often need to close roads or empty a building. Once a famous shooting team wanted to shoot a scene of road chase, serial collision and big bang.

On the ground of "threatening public security", the local government not only did not provide convenience for them to use the built urban ring road, but also asked them to review the safety of their scripts.

Finally, the crew had no choice but to go to some abandoned remote countryside and rebuild a highway with the help of the original abandoned highway to take these pictures.

Money is second. It's a big problem to prolong the release time of the film.

Then the mayor coughed softly and said quietly, "my little daughter likes watching movies very much. She was very excited when she heard that someone was going to make a film locally. Do you think she can go to the scene or guest play one of the roles?"

"Why not?"

Several problems have been solved in one meal, and two problems remain unsolved. For the mayor, this meal is valuable. His relationship with Lynch has been further improved, and the problem of 1000 jobs has been solved at the same time.

Yes, eight hundred became one thousand. Lynch didn't refute. Everyone knew this kind of thing. He just said that if he could do it, Lynch would do it. If he couldn't do it, it doesn't matter.

But neither Lynch nor the mayor seems to mention Lynch's two big troubles, but they have not forgotten it. Maybe people will mention it again when they don't know.

After dinner, Lynch was curious. Instead of going home directly, he asked the driver to drive him to the place where Mr. Fox currently lives.

Just entering the room, you can feel an artistic atmosphere of creation. A group of guys obviously like cultural people are discussing some details of the story around the table, and little fox is also involved.

Lynch's arrival stunned everyone, but he soon turned his attention back to work.

Under the guidance of the servant, Lynch met old Mr. Fox on the open platform on the second floor. The old man was playing cards with several old people of similar age. There were not many chips in front of him, but everyone was very happy.

"Just a moment, just a minute..." Mr. Fox nodded and the game was over soon. These little old men looked at Lynch curiously, and soon smiled and settled their chips with Mr. Fox and left.

Seeing these people leave, Mr. Fox took a comfortable sigh of relief, stood by the guardrail at the edge of the platform, patted the handrail with both hands, "this is life!"

He sighed, then looked back at Lynch, "you see?"

Lynch nodded. "Of course, we all know that Mr. Fox is an old fox, especially in terms of money, but it's also a pleasure. At least it's healthy!"

Mr. Fox laughed, "I knew you could see through it at a glance. Sometimes I envy your parents for having such a smart child as you!"

Lynch didn't care. "I think they'll envy you more for being rich, Mr. Fox."