Chapter 157

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
If the destruction of some worker related bills can bring some jobs

The mayor quickly cleared the idea out of his mind, which is a very dangerous behavior. Especially under the current situation, once someone destroys the link representing harmonious coexistence between the working class and the capital class, it is likely to cause more terrible consequences and bring more terrible impact.

Before reaching the limit, the mayor does not intend to consider some ideas put forward by Lynch, but his other idea can be considered, that is, commodity export.

Now after the end of the world war, all countries began to rebuild their cities that had been destroyed in the war. The artillery not only made their cities ruins, but also destroyed many infrastructure and ordinary factories.

In fact, everyone knows that now is the best time to do import and export trade, but it goes against the previous plan of the president's cabinet and the conservative party, the isolation policy plan.

They don't want to stand in line because of trade, which may be seen as standing in line in war.

In fact, during the world war, the navies of the two camps have been blocking each other's waterways at sea, and will also sneak into each other's waters to attack merchant ships.

Before there was no more advanced mode of transportation, sea transportation was one of the most suitable methods to solve long-distance transportation, so the value of sneaking attack on merchant ships was sometimes better than destroying a warship.

This also reflects a situation that trade will be seen as standing in line.

But now that the world war is over, there is no need to close the country. It is time to open international trade, but the president's cabinet seems to have different ideas.

This may be an opportunity for the mayor to think about these things. Perhaps he can use these things as a means of attack to let the senior management attack the Conservative Party's policies, so as to attract some swing people to stand on his side

He thought a little far and soon recovered. At present, the first thing to solve is the things in front of him.

Mark's factory has begun to purchase production raw materials from the surrounding farms. It has to be said that the agriculture and animal husbandry industry is indeed one of the strongest industries, because people need to eat at any time. As long as people need to eat, their agricultural products can be sold.

Not like the goods made by these fools, they are stacked in the warehouse and can't be sold even at a discount.

Food rolls are basically printed, but these are not the root of the problem. Only working for people can make people settle down. The mayor's eyes stay on Lynch. This time Lynch realized this, and he smiled and nodded to the mayor.

The mayor also nodded slightly to show that he felt his respect and responded.

The meeting for more than an hour finally broke up unhappily. In the second half of the meeting, some people put forward some worthless suggestions. For example, they suggested that all kinds of taxes should be abolished from now on and some of the taxes previously paid should be refunded. In this way, their financial pressure will be small and can be maintained for a longer time.

Yes, after the meeting, it has changed from how to solve social problems and provide more jobs to how these capitalists discuss how to make their enterprises survive longer and how to get more benefits from the government.

Without any constructive opinions, the mayor directly ended the playful meeting, but the influence of the meeting without any results began to spread quietly to the whole city.

After the meeting, Baron Reynolds found Lynch again. He was very interested in establishing a women's football team, and Lynch really needed such a role. In fact, from a certain point of view, establishing a women's football team is equivalent to providing jobs for the society, which is a good thing.

He specially invited Baron Reynolds to visit his club and talk about more details. It happened that he also needed to meet the new coaching team.

At about 3:30, the party came to the outside of the club. To Lynch's surprise, there was a long line outside the club. There were men and women. Manager Kane waited on the roadside early. At this time, he saw Lynch's luxury car coming, immediately took the initiative to stand on the roadside and opened the door for him when his car stopped steadily.


After getting off the bus, Lynch tidied up his clothes and asked him about the queues on the roadside, "what's the matter?"

Kane scratched his head. "We're recruiting athletes..."

The situation of the club is like this now. The coaching team Kane found is actually a football coaching team of a first-class university. The head coach of this coaching team thinks he is a little overqualified to teach in the University League. He should have a broader world, and then wants to enter professional football.

Every year, many coaches will have similar ideas, but most people can't even realize them. On the one hand, successful clubs have their own coaching team. Until there is no irreconcilable contradiction between the coaching team and the manager, both sides will continue steadily.

Secondly, professional football clubs and other professional sports clubs are not likely to choose coaches who have not proved themselves in the professional field. No one will bet tens of millions of players and seasons on a group of novices.

Professional league and College League are completely two concepts, and only the coach of College League may think they are similar.

So even if these coaches have these ideas, they can't find anyone who is willing to give them a chance and can only continue to teach in the University.

After the news that Saibin is going to build a new professional club spread through the intermodal meeting, some coaches who want to improve themselves sent their intention, which is also the inevitable way from small circle to big circle.

Many excellent coaches start from the lowest league or work as assistant coaches for some professional coaches. Kane found one he thought was good in many recommendation lists, so he told Lynch.

Last time, Lynch meant that he felt he could do it without ruling Lynch, because Lynch knew very well that he knew nothing about the things in it. If he intervened, it would only make things more troublesome. It was better to delegate power to Kane directly.

As a professional club manager, Kane knows how to use his power correctly.

This kind of decentralization also made Kane feel very sad. At least he felt that Lynch did not deceive him under the guise of Renaissance Club, but really planned to do so, otherwise he would not be given so much power.

At this time, when Lynch asked, he remembered that he had forgotten to tell Lynch, and talked about the reason a little uneasy.

In fact, the reason is also very simple. Lynch's available "indicators" for Kane are not enough. They directly introduce professional athletes. Even if the trading market is relatively depressed, the transfer price of an ordinary professional football player in the transfer market is more than tens of thousands.

The idea of relying on direct purchase of athletes to quickly form combat effectiveness... Is basically unrealistic. At least invest more than a million dollars to maintain a second-class professional team. Lynch obviously won't invest so much money in exchange for a relatively bad result.

If you want a first-class excellent team, only the transfer funds should be more than 3 million, plus some substitutes and the wages of these people, it has to be said that Lynch's current capital can't afford this top sport.

So Kane discussed with the coaching team. They decided to recruit some potential young ordinary workers as team members in the name of "sparring", and then spend money to "compete" with the University Alliance teams of local and surrounding universities to select the most suitable people.

This is also the way that the head coach of the coaching team can think of. This guy is still a little famous in the College League, otherwise he won't want to drill into the circle of the professional league.

It's not a big problem for him to contact, and Kane thinks it's a good way.

Before the beginning of the school season in September, they had to finalize a general team as soon as possible, so they advertised in the newspaper. As a result, many people wanted to apply for the job.

This also reflects people's worries about their future life and the situation they encounter in their current life. It's just a cheap training job. The candidates have lined up on the sidewalk. Just a rough look, there are at least two or three hundred people, and some people are lining up with newspapers.

At this time, Reynolds had already come down and listened. When Kane said almost, he asked curiously, "is that the same way you choose women's football players?"

Kane didn't know Reynolds. Lynch introduced him. Kane immediately understood Lynch's meaning. He quickly nodded and said, "we set the group of women athletes on the group of young, healthy, energetic and beautiful girls. After all, we all like beautiful girls..."

Reynolds listened carefully. He seemed to really want to do it. Lynch didn't know he just wanted to play, or he thought there was something wrong in it. He should just want to play.

Then the group entered the club. The head coach of the coaching group heard that the boss of the club was coming and hurried out of his work.

The head coach is just in his early 40s this year. He is in his prime of life. In addition, he has won the title of champion coach of College League once, which makes him breed the idea of coming to the professional circle.

The professional circle is completely different from the University League circle, not only in terms of athletes, but also in terms of administration. In a nutshell, investors, that is, the boss has absolute power, followed by the club manager, and the third is the head coach. Sometimes some star players are even higher than the head coach.

This is different from the University. In the University League, the coach is the one who ranks first. They don't even pay attention to the president and school directors, let alone those students.

The manager seems to be prepared, he is very positive and modest.