Chapter 176

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch never thought that paying too little tax was a glorious thing, and he never thought so.

Once there was a rich man who was proud to tell others that he would tax his income in full every time, and the main source of his income was that he hired himself and offered a fairly decent salary.

Some people even wrote articles to praise the rich man's behavior and regard him as the conscience of the society.

But these people never tell the people how much the rich man paid in full tax, because they are ashamed to speak, which is not conducive to the rich man's image in the eyes of the people.

Paying less taxes will make his social image very poor. Lynch doesn't want to be abandoned by the "mainstream group" of society, that is, the middle and lower classes, so he won't do that.

He always believed that the greater the ability, the more wealth, the greater the responsibility, and the more we should set an example.

Vera knew Lynch's request from the beginning. At first, he even wanted to pay taxes in full.

At this time, she also had some curiosity, "how much income do I have to deal with? Maybe I should have a plan in advance."

"Not many!" Lynch said casually. "More than one million in cash and some shares."

These words are really irritating. If they are not many, what is a lot?

Vera rolled her eyes. She liked the feeling of getting along with Lynch. There was no strict class between superiors and subordinates. Sometimes everyone would joke with each other.

They seem more intimate than ordinary friends, but they are not too close. She enjoys this feeling, which makes her very comfortable.

Using her professional knowledge, she gave a complete set of schemes that she thought were most conducive to Lynch's legal tax avoidance. The general meaning was to turn "income" into "capital increase". This part belongs to investment income, and there is no need to pay tax when individuals do not benefit.

At the same time, the company does not need to pay tax for this, because it is not sales or business income, and naturally there is no tax problem.

Of course, some legal means are needed. After that, the money can be placed in the public account of the company controlled by Lynch. What's more interesting is that Lynch is the only one in the company from top to bottom.

Then Lynch can squander the "public funds" belonging to the company and spend all kinds of private consumption in the name of the company. Because he is an independent shareholder, he will not be held accountable.

When he feels almost the same, he can toss the company into "bankruptcy" through other methods, and then through some means, he signs an agreement with the property right party in his personal name at a very low price to win the property rights of all the companies.

Most of the time, the property owner will eventually become a bank.

Reasonable and legal, a large number of taxable assets have entered people's pockets through several links that are not mysterious to some people, and they do not need to bear any excess legal liability. Even the federal tax bureau is difficult to find a way to deal with them.

Perhaps there will be some moral problems in doing so, but for capitalists, morality can exist only at the charity party held to save money.

As for life?

That's impossible. Morality can't sell money, so they won't keep these things!

Lynch didn't make a statement. Naturally, Vera knew that her ideal tax avoidance scheme had not been recognized by Lynch. This situation had actually happened several times. At first, she felt that she was not used to it, but now she has begun to get used to it.

Lynch's strength is different from others' strength, which is more acceptable. Of course, only vera may think so.

Later, she made a new plan. Lynch probably had to pay tax for the transaction, which was roughly divided into two parts: the cash part and the cross shareholding part. Generally speaking, Vera could help him reduce the tax rate legally and reasonably.

"After a rough estimate, you probably have to pay at least 16 tax points for this transaction." in fact, it can be reduced, but Lynch disagreed.

Lynch nodded with satisfaction, "please work harder. At that time, I hope those tax certificates can be well preserved."

"Of course!", Vera is used to Lynch's requirements for details. He always requires that any bills should not be lost and kept properly, just like someone wants to check his account anytime and anywhere.

After talking about this, Vera soon returned to work. She was responsible for the company's and Lynch's personal financial accounts. It seemed that the company was small and nothing happened, but it was not.

Branches everywhere are in the process of establishment, and various expenses and revenues are constantly generated. Most of them need to be reviewed in the end.

Not long after Vera left, two 14-year-old children knocked on the door of Lynch's office.

Their faces are more ruddy than before. Recently, they have a good life. Lynch also negotiated with their welfare home to adopt these children.

According to federal law, a person who is not married can not adopt children. People will question whether the adopter has the knowledge needed to raise children and their motivation.

Especially after a single middle-aged man adopted and killed several girls in succession, which shocked the whole world, people have very rigid standards for the conditions of adoption.

But this is only when people have time and energy to pay attention to these marginal groups. Now is obviously not that kind of time!

The welfare home finally agreed to Lynch's request, and there were no girls among the children he adopted, which avoided the most sensitive bottom line in society. Although it did a lot of harm to boys, people always subconsciously ignored these problems.

The two children came here to convey the news to Lynch. The dean of the welfare home invited him to talk about the rest.

Then Lynch took the car and two half-year-old children to the saint daylight welfare home in Saibin. Its predecessor was a monastery, which later became a welfare home. There are actually many such welfare homes in the Federation.

Many monasteries have also undertaken the work of welfare homes. In the commercialized capitalist market, these places have gradually changed their shape, but some things have remained, such as the abbots in monastic clothes and the nuns who play employees.

"Welcome very much, kind Mr. Lynch!" the dean of the welfare home hurried out of his office, a little panting.

He looks more than 50 years old, bald, wearing a pair of round black rimmed glasses. He has very obvious legal lines, which makes him look very serious, rigid and frightening.

At this time, even if there is a smile on his face, it is difficult to feel that it is a smile, more like an indescribable strange expression.

The ancient monastery is covered with moss and some vines, which has a very historical flavor. Some people stand in the distance and secretly observe the situation here. They dare not approach, and even leave quickly because of the eyes of some nuns.

It can be seen that the dean and his nuns are very authoritative here.

Lynch reached out and shook hands with him. Under the guidance of the Dean, they entered the dean's office, where there were group photos of past presidents and some celebrities, as well as some donation documents.

"Please sit down!", the Dean looked very solemn. A young nun gave them light tea, simple flower tea, which was not so strong and had a faint fragrance. Many people liked it, and its price was not so high.

After a short pause, the Dean spoke, "Mr. Lynch, in fact, until now, I don't agree with your adoption proposal. You are still very young and can't meet the standard..."

He said and stopped. Maybe he didn't get the feedback he wanted from Lynch's face, or maybe he thought he was too boring to say these words now. He sighed.

Just as he was about to say something, Lynch took a check out of his pocket and put it on the table.

At this time, the power of no words can be more weighty than a check. The dean's attention was immediately attracted by it. He stretched out his hands as if he wanted to touch, but took them back. Lynch gently pressed a corner of it with a cup.

"Cash check, any bank can cash it directly, and transfer the money to any account at the request of the person holding the check!" Lynch said slowly. He looked up at the dean, "The meaningless dialogue that we all know is needless to say. You can give me the document directly. No one will know what the number on this check is."

Lynch will only leave this time with the adoption documents. These documents are the basis for these children to pay social insurance in the future. Otherwise, it is difficult for them to get the social insurance number. That is why they have freedom, but still have to rely on the welfare home.

The Dean weakly refuted, "it's not what you think!" but soon he returned to his desk and handed over the sorted adoption documents to Lynch.

This is a secret deal that no more people know. On the surface, Lynch will take one child, but actually more than one. These are just for others to see.

Those children have been working outside as child laborers. They rarely return to the welfare home and leave after they are 16, which also provides an opportunity to operate. Anyway, people in the welfare home will not know whether those children have been adopted or have been working outside, except the Dean himself.

Looking at the pile of adoption certificates, Lynch took it in his hand and looked at it. When he confirmed that there was no big problem, he picked up the cup and took a sip, which just gave up the check that was pressed in a corner.

The check immediately fell into the dean's hand. He looked at the numbers on the check and looked satisfied in his eyes.

Of course, even the dean of a welfare home should have certain acting skills. He quietly put the check in his pocket, took off his eyes, squeezed out some tears from the bridge of his nose, "I really don't want to give up these children!"

Lynch's mouth also showed a little sarcastic sarcasm, "you are really a kind man!"