Chapter 197

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Now factories all over the world are facing some problems. There are always several different workers under the factory owner.

These people are basically the organizers or leaders of the workers' Union in the factory, so it is inevitable to talk about the operation mode of the workers' Union.

They will let their registered members unite workers in their factories, and then form a factory workers' Union to unite workers.

When people get together, they must have a leader, some middle-level, and these people often end up becoming one of the thorns of the factory.

When they are on the assembly line, their laziness can slow down the speed of the whole assembly line, and a large number of processed parts that need to pass through the assembly line are overstocked in each link.

This is a serious waste of time, which is equivalent to reducing the intensity of work, but the salary has not been reduced.

In fact, the workers support these assassins. Because of their own reasons, they can make most of the work in the assembly line workshop idle and slow down. Even some factory workers will deliberately do so five times away from the mountain.

In the early years, when the factory had good efficiency and there was still extensive room for domestic demand, the factory owner had to compromise with the workers and let them work hard again with extra meals or an extra hour or two of overtime pay.

Over time, such behavior has become a common way to rest. Looking at the development history of factories all over the world, it is actually a process of struggle between workers and factory owners.

Workers try their best to strive for more benefits, higher wages, more comprehensive security and various measures.

As long as they work, no matter how much they do, the factory owner should at least pay them according to the minimum standard, otherwise the workers' Union will trouble them and the lawyers will trouble them.

When Lynch said he wanted to change the employment structure, the mayor and his superiors immediately scolded him and even wanted to take this opportunity to dismiss him, but Jack's words soon resolved the crisis and the potential crisis in the future.

"This is the cigarette Mr. Lynch gave me. He asked me to smoke with him for a while."

Looking at the remaining cigarette, the supervisor was silent for a moment. "Don't let me see these things next time, okay?"

Jack nodded and obediently returned to the office waiting for the travel needs of other owners.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Back in the room, Lynch called the child Wang to come. He adopted the children through legal procedures and placed them in a nearby community.

The main reason is that the price of the house over there is lower. At the same time, the house is bigger, which can hold more than a dozen and a half children.

Child Wang is the oldest of them. He is 15 years old this year. He is also the first child in Lynch's memory to rush over and poke the iron rod into the newspaper head.

His name is Noel green, and he also has a brother, Vern green. It is reasonable that they all want to change their name and Lynch's last name, but Lynch refuses this. They still maintain their original last name, which is also their respect.

As he said at the beginning, even if Lynch adopted them, they don't need to call Lynch father, but bosh.

Noel came quickly. He was still panting after entering the door. It seemed that he ran over. He was out of breath, "sir?"

Lynch waved to him and asked him to sit down. "You run outside every day. You must know something about some shady things in Saibin, don't you?"

Noel nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Your work hasn't changed recently, but you should pay attention to whether anyone has the idea of our company or mine. Do you know what I mean?"

Noel nodded again. "I know, sir..." he hesitated. "Can I know why?"

Lynch just said in a very flat tone, "our warehouse has been stolen."