Chapter 207

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
According to the research of federal sociologists and experts, they believe that children living in neighborhoods with backward economic level can hardly have an effective way out after adulthood compared with children living in an environment with better economic level.

Workers at the bottom, or gangsters.

Joining criminal gangs has become their only and few choice.

From children's gangs to joining regular gangs, this criminal culture has been accompanying their growth and infiltrating into their bone marrow. They may not be associated with crime for a long life.

Even if a few people can ensure that they do not join criminal gangs, they can not cut off the relationship and connection between them and criminal gangs, because these are their lives.

Even to a certain extent, in such a bottom society, their criminal experience and their status in the gang have become the standard to measure whether a person is promising.

This is very helpless, but life is like this. It won't open a door for them because they work harder.

The three were arrested and released, which made them gain a great reputation in the small place where they lived. Some children's eyes changed.

In the past, they may only be the kind of people with a little fame, but now they have become celebrities. Celebrities have to do what celebrities can do.

"We can consider hiring a truck. They won't think we'll go again as soon as we come out."

This acquittal has further expanded their courage, and they have a natural hunch that they may become the initiator of a new gang.

The gang on the street disappeared because of the fight against financial crimes, followed by the economic downturn. People are busy with their lives and other things, which also makes there are no organized gangs in the street.

If they can successfully get a sum of money from the warehouse, they are qualified to form this gang, which makes the grumpy young people very excited.

In the eyes of the people here, the gang is also a kind of work. They are loyal to the leader of the gang, do some dangerous things for him, and get a stable income. This is a job.

Moreover, young people who grow up in this environment will have a gang dream. In their dream, the gang is not evil. It is more like a disciplined Grand Theft organization, which is positive and just, although it is not.

Being a gang leader is also one of the children's dreams here.

However, his friend put forward a different view, "we have been found twice. Maybe they will catch us. I don't think those people were easy to mess with yesterday."

He was talking about the people who caught them. He felt a natural fear from them, just like a mouse facing a cat.

The grumpy young man scoffed, "they are businessmen. What businessmen fear most is people like us."

"We are really not the opponents of the rich, but when we are not afraid, they will be afraid of us."

In the Baylor Federation, there is no such image as "barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes", but there is a similar common knowledge - "the rich hate trouble, but the poor are not afraid of trouble".

This is also the reason why there are still so many gangs in the current society. When people are forced to do anything, the poor have nothing. They can bear serious consequences and take risks. On the basis of trampling on the law, they can get some money by criminal means, and naturally they can hurt others.

Rich people can't. Sometimes they prefer to give a little money in exchange for continuous stability.

The grumpy young man looked at the blue strap. The blue strap was staring at him uneasily. He nodded hard, "I listen to you."

"Then it's settled. I'll gather people." the grumpy young man made the final decision and got up to find the truck and helper.

Thanks to their release, there are many young people in the street who want to rise up and are willing to follow them. It's not difficult to find some of their men.

Although blue strap and another young man are reluctant to do so, if they shrink back, they will spread jokes related to them all over the street tomorrow. They can say that they are finished in this street.

At the call of the angry young people, they did not know where to get an old truck that looked about to be scrapped. Then they called five young people on the street and set out in the night.

As soon as they left, Lynch got the news, and he was furious.

When he didn't think about how to deal with these people, they once again challenged their bottom line. Before that, he always treated the world in a special way, but the world obviously didn't have all goodwill.

At more than 10 p.m., the truck was forced to stop on the road near the warehouse area. Before these young people could resist, they were cleaned up by a group of newly discharged soldiers.

When they woke up, they were tied to chairs.

The first person to wake up is the blue strap, which is very surprising, but it is reasonable that he is the best physical quality of these people.

Although the long-term physical labor made him miserable, it also gave him a strong physique. When he woke up from his coma, the severe pain in his head made his memory temporarily confused.

But soon, he remembered, and then his heart sank.

He looked around. It looked like a simple warehouse. The light bulbs hanging above swayed slightly under the action of the wind, which made the shadows shaking on the simple walls around him. It looked scary.

He looked at other places. His companions were tied to chairs like him. He shouted a few times, and these people gradually woke up.

Just before they knew what had happened, more and more clear footsteps came from the outside, calming them down.

Lynch stood at the junction of light and darkness. At most, the light would not exceed his knee. Most of the time, he could only shine his bright shoes.

There were also several young people who were not easy to mess with at first sight. They stood beside him in a "relaxed" way, and these people were the ones who cleaned them up at night.

"What should I do with you?", Lynch's voice seemed a little cold and weak in the open warehouse.

"There is a saying in my hometown, 'a person can be forgiven once or twice for the same mistake, but he should not make it a third time'."

"This is the third time you plan to steal my warehouse. I'm not going to forgive you this time."

Such familiar scenes and pictures immediately reminded these young people of the climax of those classic film and television works. According to their understanding of those films and scripts, these people would raise their guns in the dark and kill them one by one.

At this moment, everyone's hair stood up, and the blue strap roared loudly, "killing is illegal, you can't do that!"

Others told Lynch that first-degree murder is a felony in the Federation. Killing so many people at one time, even if Lynch is rich, he can't escape the review of the death penalty.

The reaction of these people made Lynch feel very interesting, "I won't kill anyone. I just want to teach you some lessons and let you understand that the world is far from as beautiful as you think."

"Break their calves and teach us young friends some lessons."

The staff sergeant beside him hesitated and finally chose to obey the order. First of all, he didn't think it was a wrong thing. Second, he now holds Lynch's job. Lynch is his supreme officer. Of course, he should obey the order.

He hesitated only because during the period from enlistment to discharge, he never considered that one day his opponent would be civilians.

The staff sergeant walked to the light with a steel pipe that can be seen everywhere here. He was wearing a dust-proof square towel and a common duck tongue hat, revealing only his eyes.

He walked up to the blue strap and was indifferent to the blue strap's request. He was not the person who made the decision, he was just the executor.

The leg of the blue strap was lifted by the staff sergeant. It could be seen that the blue strap was very resistant. He was begging and still moving. He promised that he would not do these things in the future. Others were begging for him, and others were cursing Lynch.

Lynch didn't respond to these sounds. He said to the soldiers around him, "go and help him."

He refers to the staff sergeant. The lack of cooperation of the blue strap makes it difficult for him to hit effectively. Fortunately, someone helped him.

Another soldier brought another chair and stuffed it under the legs of the blue strap to keep his legs flush.

Then the staff sergeant raised the steel pipe in his hand and waved it with force.

It was a very special sound, not like the sound when the bone was broken in TV movies. Those sounds were too crisp. The sound here was very dull, like... A dry wood wrapped in thick cloth was suddenly broken.

A thump followed by a violent scream from the mouth of the blue strap.

His scream frightened the others. They began to run their nose and shed tears because of fear.

The staff sergeant looked back at Lynch. He felt his hands tremble, but Lynch didn't change. He even lit a cigarette.

"Go on, don't look at me..."

The continuous sound of fractures sounded in the warehouse, and the guy who scolded the most was also treated the most special.

The grumpy young man has been cursing Lynch in the process. Unlike others, he seems very hard hearted. He even said he would take revenge.

In order to teach the irascible young man a deeper lesson, his two kneecaps were completely broken.

Lynch threw his cigarette butts on the ground. The pair of shoes worth hundreds of yuan raised and stamped out the cigarette butts.

"Remember, this is the last time. The next time to meet you will be hell!"