Chapter 227

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When Lynch didn't say this face to face, even Mr. Fox felt that this guy was really a.. At the same time, he trembled at the solution given by Lynch.

Trembling from the depths of his soul, because he knew that what Lynch said could really solve his trouble!

As for help, he couldn't see it. He only saw a demon capitalist in human skin standing in front of him. At this time, he thought of many very famous capitalists. They may have used similar means to suck up every drop of people's blood.

Aware of the shock hidden in Mr. Fox's eyes and a little ironic look, Lynch smiled modestly, "I didn't lie."

"I have not only helped them, but also you, Mr. Fox."

"What do you think if a person borrows 1000 yuan from you and he has to sell his house to pay back the money and interest he owes you?"

With Lynch's words, Mr Fox began to fall into thinking.

Such a thing has not happened in the industry of financial companies. They will lend money to those groups with their goals, and then do not remind the other party to repay the money in time, but sit by and watch the crazy increase of principal and interest under compound interest until the other party has to sell the assets coveted by the financial company.

This move is mostly used in the acquisition of land.

Some capitalists take a fancy to a certain piece of land, maybe they have gossip or something.

In short, they believe that the price of this land will increase greatly. In order to get this land belonging to others, they will run against the landlord in business, create all kinds of traps and problems, and let the landlord fall into a financial crisis.

As long as landlords borrow money from banks or financial companies, they will eventually lose the land.

Bankruptcy, and then sell their land at a very low price to pay their debts. They have no other way to go.

Another group of capitalists, who get what they want with little money, may only pay some human favor.

However, the results brought by this are not easily borne by a financial company. The society is happy to report such news. So and so borrowed hundreds of yuan. After a few months and years, he had to sell his house to pay back, and even still can't pay off the principal and interest.

Exposing social evils can significantly improve the positive image of a media. In addition, people's common hatred and curiosity will increase newspaper sales. They will only consider adding more subjective conjectures rather than describing a problem from a fair point of view.

Most financial companies involved in similar problems have to change their names in the end, and even lead to the investigation and filing of the FBI and the Inland Revenue Department.

Mr. Fox looked at Lynch. He didn't pretend to be smart to guess. He knew that his brain was not as good as Lynch, and it was better to wait for Lynch to tell him the answer.

"There is essentially no difference between those who borrow 1000 yuan and those who borrow 10000 yuan, but people sympathize with the former and despise the latter."

His voice drives Mr. Fox's thinking, which is a very magical power!

"For the former, people will denounce your actions. If they just borrow a thousand dollars, you will take their house."

"But for the latter, people will only see jokes. They will say 'he deserves to borrow so much if he can't afford it'!"

"This will save you a lot of trouble, the trouble of public opinion, the trouble of social supervision and some legal problems, and this help is also two-way."

"The borrower has a lot of money in a short time. If he can solve his own problems, such as illness, and a house is obviously not important to life, then the deal will not lose much."

"If he is willing to borrow so much money for enjoyment without any reason, then his house is what we deserve. Anyway, he will lose these one day. Why don't we stay?"

Lynch paused here. "By the way, if you notice the current house price and land price, you can consider buying some real estate in bupayne or large southern cities in a while. There is a lot of room for appreciation, and banks like them!"

"Where did I say?", Lynch was stunned when he finished the previous sentence, but he soon remembered, "for some people who need to work, we can send them abroad by exporting labor!"

"The federal economic recession has led to a decline in the demand of the entire free market. We don't need so many workers anymore, but at the same time, agriculture and animal husbandry have accelerated the development of industrialization due to the lack of labor force in recent years. Now few people can complete the agricultural and animal husbandry work that many people could complete in the past. The surplus labor force has no place to need them, which is the unemployed population The reason why they can't be re employed. "

"But if we look at the international community, you will find that many countries lack a large number of young and strong labor force due to war, and women in those countries have to take on the work of men."

"Set up a company and export these people to other countries in the form of labor force. I believe they will not refuse!"

Lynch turned and looked at Mr. Fox. "So, what's the problem?"

Mr. Fox said, "no, Lynch friend, I have to say that you are a natural capitalist. I have a very personal problem..."

Lynch joked, "if you don't think it's appropriate, you can not ask!"

The little joke was very funny. Fox smiled. "I'm curious. Will you have compassion?"

"Of course!" Lynch replied without hesitation and with great certainty, "philanthropy is also an area of great concern to me..."

Mr. Fox obviously knew what the so-called charity was. He asked, "is that still charity?"

Just as many criminals adhere to the inexplicable code of ethics, Mr. Fox, the boss of a financial company who can ruin his family and break up his wife and children, actually has a strange sense of justice.

Lynch didn't care about his offense. When people are old, they will always be a little paranoid. He just seriously asked a question, "when one percent of the relief received by families in need comes from me, it's not charity, what is it?"

When they came back from the outside, the set had changed, and the heroine was chatting with little fox.

Lynch tilted his head and reminded Mr. Fox, "rather than caring about my kindness, you should consider that your son won't marry such a girl..."

The corner of his mouth tilted slightly, "there will be countless men who have seen her body and released their impulses to her."

Old Mr. Fox jerked from the corner of his eye. After he said "he dare not", he went over and interrupted the conversation. Lynch is so smart. What if he is right?

The basic location of the film has been basically completed, which also gives Fox and his son a new understanding of the film.

In order to save cost and time, before the crew officially starts shooting, they will select the contents of different scenes and shoot them intensively, rather than having a linear narrative process like the finished film. It is possible to shoot the end on the first day.

Many reporters interviewed movie stars after the crew finished their work and asked them about their shooting content and feelings. Most of them would not answer.

It's not that they don't want to answer, but they don't understand what they shot. Everything is fragmented. Only after the final editing can they fully understand their performance in the whole film.

"The film schedule is scheduled for Friday in the second week of January, and we won't have too many competitors.", talking about the manager of the film company, Fox and son hired a young industry insider to deal with these professional jobs.

Perhaps influenced by Lynch, they began to give more trust to young people.

This is good news, but what interests Lynch more is that he seems to be right. He saw some abnormal things from Fox and the girl's eyes. He suddenly looked forward to the development of things. This is bad taste, but first of all, it is a "taste".

The weather is getting colder and colder, but there are more and more beggars in the streets. It seems that the presidential cabinet has disappeared from the Baylor Federation since the beginning of December.

They no longer appear on TV from time to time, sing praises to the president, no longer deceive the people, everything will get better, they just keep silent.

The impeachment case against the president has entered the second round. There will be a second vote around the end of January. Now this stage is all kinds of investigations against the president's impeachment case, investigations against the president, the president's defense in Congress and various hearings.

But it also exacerbated people's dissatisfaction with the president and the presidential cabinet, as if they had forgotten how enthusiastically they supported the president and the presidential cabinet a few years ago.

People are fickle, or people are too realistic, they can't remember things for too long.

This period of time is doomed to be difficult and painful, but it will always get better, and everyone believes it.

On such a day, gap absconded.

Lynch still knew the news through TV. In such a colder and colder winter, gap miraculously disappeared from his house arrest residence. Saibin police department and FBI issued wanted notices respectively.

But everyone knows that it is not easy to catch him.

If he can run now, it means that he has made full preparations, and even the relevant investigators are still wondering whether he "absconded" or "disappeared".