Chapter 244

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch politely listened to each other's narration for about seven or eight minutes, then shook his head apologetically, "sorry, I have no plan to increase investment in this area for the time being, and..."

He glanced at the fox father and son in the crowd not far away, took back his eyes and said with a smile, "I invest in people, not companies. I'm sorry!"

The vice president of surprise box production company had some regrets, but politely expressed the regret that he didn't reach his intention, and then left calmly.

Because of the financial tsunami, those large companies have been affected more than many small companies. Surprise boxes have basically been wiped out in some investment projects in non entertainment projects.

This makes their cash flow a little difficult. If they don't want the company to have problems, finding some new investors and cash is the best thing to do.

Now the entertainment industry is in a very strange situation. It is clear that the federal government has relaxed various policies closely related to the entertainment industry, but investors are more cautious than ever.

Obviously, many people can casually list some reasons why the entertainment industry will be the next growth point of the federal economy, but they just don't invest money.

They are still waiting and watching. Before they know whether they can make money or continue to lose money, these people will never easily invest money. They have suffered a loss in the stock market, and the residual pain is still stimulating their nerves. They will briefly remember these lessons before these pain disappear.

The departure of vice president of surprise box made Lynch's "girlfriend" just end the chat with other women and return to Lynch.

According to the etiquette of this occasion, they come together, so they must go together when they go. Anyone leaving alone will be regarded as inappropriate impoliteness and even secretly ridiculed.

There is no doubt that girls don't want to be the latest joke in the entertainment industry, and Lynch doesn't really care. Of course, if he can choose, he doesn't want to be a negative conversation.

The two stood close together, but there was nothing to say, which made the young girl a little embarrassed. She felt that the normal situation was that the two people should talk about something naturally, at least like a normal "couple".

After thinking for a while, the girl decided to break the somewhat special and embarrassing atmosphere. She asked a question, "Lynch, do you usually watch movies?"

If Lynch answered him, in fact, most people would say so, because this is raldmore, which is the core of the film industry. How many people here don't like watching movies?

As long as Lynch answers that he watches movies, the girl can extend the topic, such as talking about the types of movies he likes, talking about the types of actors she knows, and even telling a little theater joke.

In this way, the atmosphere between the two people will not be too embarrassing and more natural.

But when she didn't think of it, Lynch shook his head directly, "I don't watch movies!"

The smile on the girl's face solidified for half a second, and she covered up her embarrassment by stroking the jewelry on the side of her hair.

She didn't think she could talk to Lynch. He just killed the chat.

In fact, Lynch knows what the girl wants to do, but he is not interested in the girl. He has experienced so many things in his previous life, such as the various relationships between two different genders, which have been difficult to attract his attention.

Compared with these short and empty short-term happiness, a higher level of achievement is what men of his age pursue.

Money, power, status and every success!

Successful men should hold the whole world in their hands and play it wantonly. Only losers will linger in the vulgar fun between beds. Lynch is an elegant person.

The cold meal, which was destined to make the girl feel bored, finally came to an end after more than half an hour. As the final end, Lynch and the girl left together.

When the car they took passed the girl's current residence, they put the girl down and sent Lynch back to the hotel.

He won't leave here until three days later. In Baylor Federation, the box office changes in the first three days are enough to reflect the total box office of a film under normal circumstances. People have a set of scientific calculation methods to calculate these.

Even if it's not accurate, it's not bad.

Not only Lynch, Fox and son are waiting for the first film to be released in the new year, but also more people are waiting, and the whole industry is waiting!

Early the next morning, Lynch finished his exercise in the hotel gym. On his way back, he happened to meet little fox. He had some uncontrollable smiles on his face. When he saw Lynch, those smiles were more difficult to control.

He was in the corridor, laughing and making a sound. In fact, it was very rude, but now... Whatever!

"The pre-sale box office came out at 490000, 30% more than the distribution company predicted!" little fox was a little too excited, but it was understandable.

In fact, the investment of this film is not large. The total cost is less than 750000. The shooting cost is only a small part, and the rest is publicity and distribution.

In fact, even if it sells very mediocre, Lynch they won't have any losses. They still have the agreement of the heroine's next five adult films, which can sell at a high price.

But they obviously want their business to be successful. It has nothing to do with how much money they get. It's just a pursuit of success.

Soon Mr. Fox and the heroine appeared in the restaurant of the hotel. They had breakfast together.

He talked about this problem with Lynch in private. He just coveted the young and energetic body.

He also talked about this issue with his son little fox. Little fox will not have another stepmother and will not share the money belonging to their father and son. However, in the process of communication between Fox and the girl, he hopes little fox will maintain a little respect for the girl.

This is not mandatory, but simply does not want to cause some ethical trouble.

Who knows that the federal society is a dirty society, but everyone, including itself, will use morality to disguise their purity. If they don't want to be different, they should "gregarious".

As for the girl herself?

She can take off her clothes on the screen for money. Why can't it be because money lies next to a rich man?

In fact, Mr. Fox is not old either. He is only in his forties but less than 50. Moreover, he is well maintained and younger than his actual age, which is more appropriate.

When talking about these things at the dinner table, everyone's interest is very high. The interest of Fox and his son comes from their upcoming income, while the interest of the actress comes from her becoming a female star, even a pornographic star, which also means that her income is about to double.

In the future, she can take off less clothes, make more money, and even publish a book. She has a name, which is called put on clothes.

"The distribution company told me from the strategy team that our final box office may be between 4 million and 5 million, and we can get about 1.5 million to 1.7 million!"

Little fox had cooled down from his ecstasy. He talked about the news from the distribution company, "apart from all kinds of necessary expenses and expenses, we can make the least money in this film..."

He used his brain, which was not very sensitive to numbers, to calculate laboriously, "about 600000 profit!"

He did not forget to comment, "this is an amazing profit. We only spent more than three months on it, and the rate of return is close to 100%. Maybe we can continue to deepen our investment in this industry."

Lynch nodded noncommittally when he heard this. According to his 30% equity, he would have an income of 180000. It feels good to have an income without doing anything!

Instead of accepting it immediately, Mr Fox looked at Lynch. Instead of considering these things himself, why not listen to the views of smart people.

Lynch also understood Mr. Fox's eyes. He took out a five dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the girl, "go outside and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

The girl just glanced at Mr. Fox, then twisted her waist to stand up, smiled, took the money from Lynch's hand and left.

She knew that she was not qualified to hear the next words, which suddenly made her have some other ideas.

The money at hand seems to be less sweet at this moment. The girl who gets money by taking off her clothes suddenly wants to be respected by others, even if she can only stay quietly.

Thus, for people who lack control and depth, success may be a more terrible poison than failure!

After watching the girl leave and no one else nearby, Lynch tore the bread and said, "you can buy some comic publishing houses and novel publishing houses first, mainly for the copyright of their literary works and comic works."

"Compared with the new creation from scratch, some works with a fixed audience and fanatical believers will have more simple and intuitive benefits after they are changed into films. At least it can ensure that we will not suffer serious losses."

"However, don't invest too much money in this area, and don't buy those that look..." Lynch found several words to accurately describe his ideas, "... for works that are difficult to express through existing technologies, such as magic knights, we also do inappropriate light and shadow effects, or we can do it but need more investment, which we don't need."

"Popular, simple, intuitive, love and hate should be obvious. In addition, don't let go of the adult version. It's best that the actors we find are willing to cooperate with the adult version..."

Fox and his son tried to use their brains to record everything Lynch said, and Lynch selflessly gave him some help.

Any successful person will not have only himself. Those who want to grab any benefits into their pockets can only live a "wonderful" life in real life except in novels.

Moreover, Lynch did not pay any attention to the current insignificant interests of the federal domestic entertainment industry. His eyes had long been focused on international trade and all kinds of trade plunder.

A blockbuster movie will never rob a country of higher profits.

Not before, not after, never!