Chapter 253

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch closed the door and isolated the connection between the bedroom and the security of the corridor. The closed space provided Vera with a sufficient sense of security. Through naked eye observation, it can be found that she was a little relaxed, but still trembling.

Lynch walked over and held her hand. The heat in her hand made Vera feel much better. Her expression was a little painful. "Why did things become like this? What did they have to search for? I've given them everything!"

She looked at Lynch and wanted to know why she had suffered all this.

Lynch was silent for a moment and thought it best to tell her, "the state prosecutor is going to sue you for 'concealing forged evidence' when prosecuting others."

"I'm not sure if I should have told you, but now, maybe you should be prepared."

When hearing this sentence, Vera was stupid. She didn't understand why what she thought had nothing to do with breaking the law would make her a potential... Criminal?

"It's funny!" she didn't know how to express it. She could only give Lynch a pertinent evaluation.

Lynch shook his head slightly. "In fact, it's not funny, but some things need such results!" he patted Vera's hand. "Take a break and I'll talk to people outside..."

As soon as he released his hand, his hand was grabbed by Vera. She looked at Lynch with a pitiful expression and eyes, took his hand, and didn't seem to want him to leave.

Lynch turned and hugged her. "Don't worry, I won't leave. I'm just going to know something else."

Vera finally released her hand. Lynch came out of the room and went outside the community. He found a telephone booth and made a few calls. Soon after, Ferrar appeared in front of him in his car.

After Lynch got on the bus, Ferrar drove into the parking lot across the road. The two sat in the car and talked.

"To be honest, you are different from Lynch in my impression!" Ferrar rolled down half the window. He took out his cigarette box, handed Lynch one, and ordered one himself. "You should be more rational, which was beyond my expectation!"

In Ferrar's impression, Lynch is a mercenary bastard gentleman, which may sound awkward, but it accurately describes Lynch's characteristics.

Most of the time, he is a gentleman. He will notice some small details. He never swears and is very polite. At any time, he can be very calm and stable. His calm attitude makes people unable to find any problems.

But this guy is also an asshole. He always makes people make the choice that people don't want to choose, so people don't know how to face him.

Lynch was very calm, with a little smile on his face. His eyes locked on the cigarette butts of the burning cigarettes at his fingertips, and the traces of the flame were eroding, as if he would never stop as long as he gave it enough distance.

"From a rational point of view, I really shouldn't take care of this matter. My company doesn't have any problems in accounting. I haven't slept with that woman. I have to pay her more salary than others every month..."

Lynch said and took a breath. The speed of the spread of the fire mark immediately became strong. The smoke was spit out by him after turning around in his chest. He shook his head, "but you know, we are all human beings. People can't be absolutely rational. If someone can do this, he must not be human."

"We all know the importance of learning, we all know the importance of abiding by discipline and law, and we all know the importance of hard work..." he turned his wrist. "Our rationality lets us know a lot of things to do or not to do, but our life is obviously not so rational."

"I don't care if she's simple. Just hang up as if nothing had happened, but what will happen to her?"

Ferral fell into silence. In fact, many people who are not very clear about women's prison will think that women's prison is better than men's prison. At least women's aggression is not so strong.

This cognition is only based on people's ignorance of women's prison. In fact, women prisoners are far more manic than men in prison. What they do is more terrible than men's.

Not to mention that the guards of women's prisons are mainly men, supplemented by a small number of women, which also means that women's prisons are full of all kinds of birth domination and abuse.

Most ordinary women will not feel better after entering prison. They may become playthings for prison guards and small pets for others in the prison. They will even be deprived of their most basic dignity and eventually go to destruction.

Social discrimination against women has led to some problems that have not been faced up to. A few years ago, there was the problem of pregnancy of a female prisoner in a female prison, and more than one, and even the news that the warden asked female prisoners in a female prison to be recruited, but these news have little response in the society.

People don't sympathize with those women. They just think they deserve it.

If an ordinary woman like Vera goes in, she may go crazy or die before she gets out of prison.

Lynch can look at the bloody reality behind a cold figure in a report like the mayor. It's very simple to be indifferent and indifferent.

But sometimes he is a little softhearted and some are not so rational.

Lynch turned to Ferrar. "I can't do that. I hope I can live well myself and everyone around me, so I want to reach out."

"Maybe for me, what I lost was someone's opportunity, but what I saved was a life, a person's life."

The topic suddenly became heavy. Lynch quickly broke the heavy atmosphere with a smile. "How, do you suddenly think I'm actually great?"

Ferrar smiled wildly. "You're an unexpected guy..." he said, pausing. "Do you remember the guy I told you last time, the governor's chief of staff."

Lynch soon remembered this man. He thought he was a gentleman. He nodded, "Mr. Adelaide."

Ferrar affirmed this, "yes, Adelaide, he is the chief staff of the governor's staff, and his relationship with the governor is also extraordinary. If he can say a word, it can be solved, but you know, it's not easy for him to speak."

Ferrar's expression has expressed what he didn't say. It takes a lot of resources to persuade people at the level of governor's staff.

Lynch didn't speak. He was silent for about half a minute before he put out his cigarette, "so how much do you think I have to spend to solve this?"

Ferrar thought for a moment. "It has nothing to do with money. If money can be used to let him work for you, he would not be around the governor." Ferrar said and then remained silent for a moment. "I heard you were invited to attend the inauguration celebration of the president. If you can perform well in front of the president, maybe it's just a word."

"But in order to prevent you from performing so well...", Ferrar took out his business card holder, took out a business card and handed it to Lynch. There was only one name and one phone number on it. There was nothing else.

"This is a very special guy. He has an advantage. As long as he has money, he can do a lot of things for you, but if it's not necessary, you'd better not contact him. This is a greedy devil!" Ferrar's tone is full of contempt.

This also made Lynch more or less enlightened. "Lobbyist?" he asked, and Ferrar nodded yes.

Lynch put away his business card and went to pull the door. He had stayed here long enough. Just as he stood outside the car, closed the door and was ready to leave, Ferrar suddenly stopped him and asked him a question he felt impulsive.

"Lynch, if one day I need your help, will you reach out?"

Lynch turned around and looked at him. He swept the corner. "Of course!" he smiled and shook his head, turned around, crossed the road and entered the community.

Ferrar in the car lit another cigarette. In fact, he felt that Lynch didn't need to do so, but I don't know why. Lynch's decision made him have a very special feeling. He couldn't say what it was, but it was definitely not bad!

After returning to the house, the police were preparing to leave. During Lynch's absence, the police station asked nearby people to come to support immediately on the grounds of sudden suspected criminal activities nearby, including the police in Vera's room.

In fact, everyone knows how these small hands happen, but they won't say it.

After the police left, the middle-aged man of the two agents smiled and said, "Mr. Lynch, your means are very clever."

Lynch did not use his means to make these policemen go back to the police station, nor did he embarrass them face to face, but by asking them to support the nearby police.

Even if they came in vain, it could only prove to be a "false alarm". No one could say that Lynch let them leave. He kept his dignity and didn't make the police too ugly, which is very rare.

You know, some people always like to put their dissatisfaction in the open so that people can see it. These people are stupid. When they hurt others, they will hurt themselves.

Lynch smiled politely, and then walked to the bar as if he were at home. He poured himself a glass of wine, and then looked at the two, "wine, coffee, or juice?" before the other party returned to him, he reminded him, "I won't use the coffee machine and juice machine. If you use them first, you can only do it yourself."

This makes the two agents have more smiles on their faces. No one hates to get along with people with a sense of humor. The male agent smiled and said, "although we have rules and regulations that do not allow drinking at work..."

He glanced at the young female agent beside him, "but why not?"

This is the power of senior FBI agents. The codes in many manuals have little restriction on them. They have more independent power in action.