Chapter 272

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Truman seems to appreciate you very much!" Mr. waldrick laughed and joked in the distance, "but it's not a good thing to be appreciated by him. He's a guy different from us."

Lynch knew that this was a kind reminder. He looked at Mr. waldrick very seriously, with some curiosity on his face, "why?"

"Why?", Mr. waldrick glanced at Truman in the distance. "Speaking, he is also a military family. His grandfather's grandfather, his grandfather's father, his grandfather and his father, including himself, have been soldiers."

"Truman performed very well in the army. If he didn't want to come back, you might call him 'Your Excellency general' when you see him now."

When talking about these things, Mr. waldrick didn't seem to have some tendency on his face, but Lynch could feel that the gentle gentleman in front of him didn't like Truman in essence.

It is because he doesn't like it that he talks about this person in more detail. This is actually a way to seek an identity.

It's not a special social skill to say someone's most dissatisfied place to resonate with others and become like-minded people.

"He brought his military style into the presidential palace. People don't know whether it's good or bad. You know, I heard a joke. On the first day of Truman's office, he asked the president's security guards to operate every day according to the military system, and the chief security adviser of the presidential Palace had a quarrel with him!"

Mr. waldrick touched Lynch with his glass. "His style is not appreciated!"

In fact, in the mainstream society, soldiers, regardless of whether they are generals or soldiers, politicians and big capitalists in the mainstream society don't like these people.

They always stereotype that soldiers are like soldiers hundreds of years ago. They are violent gangs composed of thieves, robbers and social garbage. They have no culture and do things impulsively. Only when they are more violent than them can they suppress their violence.

Of course, this also has something to do with some scandals in the army from time to time. Those scandals always make people feel that the army has become an independent small kingdom for some people, which is difficult to accept.

What is more difficult to accept is their style. In fact, no matter politicians, big capitalists or anyone else, it is absolutely impossible for one or two to be so rigid when doing things.

Being flexible has become a code of conduct followed by the whole society, and the standard has become the bottom line. People are used to a little below the standard, but the soldiers are different. For them, the standard is the standard, one is one, two is two.

In fact, waldrick did not know that Truman left the army and gave up his bright future to civilian work because he realized that the army could not let him display his ideals.

Truman is an aggressive nationalist soldier. In fact, most of the situation in the army is the same. During his years in the army, he found that even if he became a general and a field marshal of the federal army in the future, he still can't decide anything in a practical sense.

He must respect the opinions of the Ministry of defense. He must obey the requirements of the presidential palace, even if he is a field marshal!

So he simply stepped out and joined the new president. The relationship between the Progressive Party and the military has always been good. The military has basically become one of the representatives of the radicals, so Truman easily got a good job in the progressive party.

He made use of his accumulated experience in the military, his relationships, and his own abilities, and soon came out.

In particular, when his conclusions in some analysis of the trend of international war and relations are roughly the same as the results of the development of facts, the new president thought of him at the first time when he established the international affairs policy research office, making him the first director of this important department.

He always hides his ambition and ambition and has been waiting!

He knows that many people don't like him and hate him, but he doesn't care. These qualities he shows are what he wants people to see.

People hate his unpleasant army style, but that's all. He hides his true self.

After finishing this topic, waldrick paused for a few seconds. He quickly turned the topic to another direction. "I heard you have a big plan in York to build an idle commodity trading distribution center in each city?"

Lynch nodded and said, "I noticed that there is no such place in the federal urban planning. At the same time, the current second-hand commodity transactions often buy and sell stolen goods. It is easy for buyers to encounter some problems here."

"If there is a market and demand, I will do it. It's so simple!"

Most of the guys who set up stalls to sell some high-end second-hand goods in the alleys or streets in the lower urban area are burglars or robbers.

They don't have their own stable channels to sell stolen goods, so they have to sell these things on the roadside.

If they are not caught later, it is better to say that if they are caught, the first thing the police station should do is to recover the stolen goods, and those buyers are likely to be found.

Then the goods they spend money on will be taken away by the police and returned to the owner. As for the money lost by these buyers, the police will provide them with two schemes.

One is to pretend that nothing happened. I accidentally lost a sum of money. You know, the police have taken care of them by not asking them to buy stolen goods.

Second, sue the thief and let the court judge him to return the money. Whether the cost of prosecution exceeds the cost of buying stolen goods is another matter.

But whether it is the first choice or the second choice, it is difficult for ordinary people to accept. Of course, there are more choices than prosecution.

Waldrick's face has more recognition, "you have seized a good opportunity. Are you willing to accept investment?"

"Of course, why not?" Lynch responded quickly and immediately asked.

Waldrick thought a little, "if I give two million cash, how many shares can I get?"

"If you have no other requirements, about 10% at this stage."

At present, the company separated from the star trading company has only completed the subscription of old antiques and has not been made public to the public. According to himself who has actually arrived, in fact, the money in Mr. waldrick's hand has exceeded 50% of the company's book assets.

But some things are not simply calculated according to the relationship between numbers. In such transactions, in fact, part of Mr. waldrick's two million Li is used to subscribe for shares and the other part is used to increase the capital of the company.

To put it simply, if all the money is used to buy shares, the money will eventually fall into Lynch's pocket. This is a deal.

Mr. waldrick used his money to buy this part of the shares from Lynch. He got the shares. Lynch got the money and the equity transfer was completed. However, the company did not get any benefits and did not have any income behavior in this transaction.

What was its net worth before, and what is it now.

However, if it is a subscription capital increase, it is completely different. First, Mr. waldrick bought about 10% of the shares with part of the money, and then the excess money resources were added to the company's assets, and the company's net value immediately improved greatly.

In the process of this promotion, all shareholders benefit from it. The reason is very simple, because the net value of the company has increased, which also means that their shares are more valuable.

This kind of investment behavior is very common, and investors will not have any objection. Perhaps Mr. waldrick may suffer a little at this stage, but in the long run, he has made a profit.

Some other specific contents will be listed in the more detailed contract, such as the adjustment of shareholding ratio and some additional instructions when increasing or decreasing holdings, which can well ensure that this investment is not a huge loss.

Moreover, maintaining a certain capital increase rate will effectively and rapidly improve the company's net worth. Before the company is listed, this is an extremely effective way to quickly heat up the market net worth of a company, and can also make the financial statements more beautiful!

Mr. waldrick's investment in Lynch is not an impulsive behavior. He may have a high opinion of him, but it is limited to this.

For people like Mr. waldrick, investment has become a normal life.

Although it seems that he has no other use holding the shares of Lynch company, when he needs it, he can convert these shares into cash to replace the shares of other companies or offset cash from others.

In the eyes of these big capitalists, anything of value has been virtualized into a number. No matter what their external performance is, they are just numbers now.

After confirming the investment, Mr. waldrick and Lynch met again and began his own social entertainment. Lynch also had his own business.

His brilliance made some people who might have similar ideas surround him and talked about some things in international affairs, including the upcoming upsurge of international trade.

Unknowingly, everyone changed from mutual discussion to listening. Lynch gave full play to his strengths and made him the core of people again.

Whether the event was successful or not, whether the president achieved the results he wanted, Lynch completed his plan.

He exposed his face in front of so many celebrities, made an investment, and instilled a terrible concept in people!

The profit from doing business honestly is never as fast as plunder and more!