Chapter 286

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Behind the state visit, there are often many interest problems that are difficult for outsiders to detect. It is like the Prime Minister of gavra visiting the Baylor Federation. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just the consequence of some measures taken by the president after he took office.

He catered to the needs of the entire international community, changed the once isolated policy of the Federation, and had exchanges with other countries in the world, so others began to visit the Federation, which is normal.

But in fact, behind this state visit, there are also very complex interest and political issues. For example, Mr. President promised to liberalize the two deep-sea ports in the southernmost and easternmost of the Federation, establish a free trade zone, allow gavra businessmen to travel freely to and from the Bayer Federation, and enjoy the same rights as federal citizens in the Federation, Including but not limited to the protection of their personal safety and property safety, in exchange for this state visit.

It can be said that this visit has, to a certain extent, confirmed the positive response brought by the Progressive Party's active integration into the international community and deepened a concept for people. We have chosen the most correct way and have achieved certain results.

But many people don't know. They only have a vague concept. They can only vaguely feel that a new era is coming. It's so simple.

In fact, there are many reasons why gavra invited the federal return visit. As one of the most profitable victors in this war, gavra's harvest was not as great as people thought.

First of all, they did not occupy the capital of any country or capture the leaders of any country in the war. They always waste time, money, military strength and people's precious lives around the long front.

Finally, it is determined that they have won. It is not that they have destroyed the enemy's will through war, but that the other side has no money before them. If they don't surrender, they won't have to fight.

Therefore, this is destined to be a war at a loss. There are also many voices of doubt in gavra. They question why their emperor wasted so many resources to fight such a war, and even more why their emperor raised a lot of funds to develop a rented non permanently occupied area, and the money should be used at home.

The war has covered up some contradictions, but the war dividend can not bring satisfaction. These contradictions will break out. Therefore, if the emperor of gavra can prove that he can bring people what they want, respect and interests, these problems can be solved.

The visit of Baylor Federation expressed respect for the gavra emperor and the people. Their opening of the port represents that the gavra merchants have another market for dumping goods, and their emperor will be loved by people rather than questioned.

In short, this is a very complex issue. For the governor, whether to join or not also needs to be carefully considered. There are some signs of growing factional disputes in the progressive party.

The radicals have constantly organized various salons, secret meetings and activities to publicize their radical theories everywhere, saying that only by showing the national strength of the Federation internationally can they be equal and respected.

It has to be said that in this era full of confusion and uncertainty, many people seem to be interested in radical things, which may also be a "revenge" for the conservatism in the past years. They have wronged the absurd policies for so many years, how conservative they were in the past, and how radical they are now.

According to the truth, the general election in two years... To be exact, the general election in one year and ten months. Now the president is very likely to be elected, but the radicals do not seem to intend to give up this opportunity.

The radicals in the Progressive Party have selected a candidate and will compete with the current president in the party from the s to the beginning of next year.

Then he took part in the election campaign and announced that it was to formulate an election policy for the conservative party, and the new candidate of the progressive party would complete the whole process.

It seems that there is no problem, but in case people vote for the people who accompany them.

At present, behind the invitation to gavra's state visit is the pen of the current president. Joining the delegation to gavra will be labeled as a moderate. Although politicians at the governor level don't care much about these things, they can even resist the president's decree, some troubles can be avoided.

Adelaide sighed lightly. In fact, no one expected that the current situation in the progressive party would suddenly become so complex. In the past, these were only insignificant signs under external pressure, and now they have finally become a fire.

"I'll discuss it with others and then give you some help, but I'll solve the matter in my hand first..." his eyes fell on the list. The governor nodded and agreed with him.

Adelaide originally wanted to invite Lynch to the state capital, but to his surprise, Lynch was already in the state capital before he spoke. His main purpose here is to participate in a conference and an industry conference.

Lynch has a football team composed of all female athletes in his hand, and they also appeared in the state. During this time, they appeared on the TV screen and achieved high ratings. Even the surrounding cities and even other surrounding states have some voices that want more.

Before, the TV station wanted to use very little money to buy the broadcasting of these competitions, but failed. Then they decided to let the intermodal meeting talk about it. Unexpectedly, Lynch didn't talk about it himself and directly pushed the intermodal meeting to the women's rights and interests protection association.

Women's rights people have long coveted the broadcasting income of the intermodal transport meeting. In addition, this is the first female professional sports team, and all aspects of society have paid enough attention, so they are even less likely to give this good thing to the intermodal transport meeting.

Both sides are very strong organizations and do not give in to each other. There is no result until Lynch doesn't come back when buppen comes back. They all feel that this income should be enjoyed by themselves. Only in recent days has there been a breakthrough in this matter, so that they can sit down and talk about principles that can't be talked about before, Some people are starting to play the league.

Yes, women's Professional Football League. This thing really has no technical content. As long as someone is willing to feed those women athletes, pay them, and then find a venue, it can easily hold a league.

The League held this time also has something to do with Lynch. Before, there was a count of kaziril from abroad. He was very interested in this women's professional sport. He took lessons from Lynch and built two teams at one go.

Soon he was not satisfied with playing with himself, so he began to call on some friends, including Lynch and fox father and son, to play a game together. He was personally willing to give about 200000 federal sol as the champion's bonus to the champion of the game.

All the teams add up to six, but it's such a game that can't even count as a grass-roots team, which makes the intermodal transport association and women's rights organizations sit still.

They know better than count kaziril that once the competition is held and becomes a routine, it will mean that all their benefits will fly!

Therefore, at this critical juncture, the principled issues they can't talk about are not principled issues, nor can they be talked about.

They not only invited Lynch, Fox and son and count caziril, but also the operators of two other teams. The meeting they will hold will set a standard for women's professional sports.

No matter how delicious the food is, it's good to eat it in your stomach. The intermodal transport association and women's rights people know very well, so they put down their differences and sit down to their interests first.

When Lynch arrived in the capital and came out of the station, someone came to meet him.

Beside a limousine stood a very professional and decent driver. He held a sign with Lynch's name clearly written on it.

This is the car sent by Ms. Tracy to pick up Lynch. He will have dinner with her family at Ms. Tracy's house this evening.

Tracy wants to introduce her family to Lynch, which expresses her affirmation and expectation of this "friendship". Naturally, Lynch will not refuse the invitation of such an influential lady, so she gladly goes to the appointment.

The capital of York State has a population of almost 300 people. It is the largest city in York state. Once many people were proud of living here, but now

When I got into the car, the car started slowly. After leaving the slightly busy station, the desolation of the big city gradually showed up.

The streets were full of thin people in shabby coats. They put their hands in their pockets, slightly bent their backs and lowered their heads, as if something was pressing on them to let them move forward with a load.

There is no laughter, and I can't see the arrogance of metropolitan citizens. There is only a heavier burden than small city citizens.

When the city is prosperous, everyone here enjoys all the conveniences it brings, but when it becomes depressed, everyone must bear more burden than anywhere else.

When the car passed several supply points, there were some same places as Saibin city. The same team was too long to see. People held food rolls in their hands, waited carefully, and then took a small package as big as a palm from the staff.

Saibin distributed liquid food, but it didn't look like liquid food. He asked the driver, "what's the food here? It looks like solid."

The driver replied humbly, "Mr. Lynch, here is a kind of powder. Mix it with water and boil it on the stove. It will become a kind of...". The driver thought about it and found a word, "thick soup. If you add some tomatoes, potatoes, onions and mushrooms, it's actually delicious."

In fact, this word is used very well. Lynch smiled, nodded and stopped talking.

The car soon arrived at Ms. Tracy's residence