Chapter 306

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Beautiful fur!"

In the sun, Lynch looked at the bodies of these leopards and lions and couldn't help sighing. These fur showed a beautiful golden yellow in the sun. If they were given some oil and treated, they would become shining golden light!

It is human nature to love beauty. When people put gorgeous feathers on their heads and arrogantly think that the aesthetics of gods and human beings are consistent, making themselves more beautiful seems to be a common nature. People will be crazy about these things.

Hassana looked at these hanging leopards and lions, smiled and said to Lynch, "I heard that the federates are as thin as you......" he said, "I'm not laughing at you, Mr. Lynch, but you're really too thin. It's better for men to be stronger!"

He pointed to the hanging leopard lion, "the fur of their trunk can be used to make coats, the fur of their limbs can be used to make gloves or bags, and the head can be made into a specimen. I heard that people like to hang the animal's head on the wall!"

It might be a reminder, but his tone seemed unfriendly. Lynch glanced at him with the same smile on his face, "Mr. hasana, the scientists I know are very thin. They don't spend their time and energy on enjoyment, but the things they create play a great role in promoting the process of civilization and maintaining world peace. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hassana laughed, "of course, of course, I understand what you mean..." obviously, he didn't understand Lynch's meaning. Lynch said it in a vague way. Hassana didn't realize the reserved and low-key threats in his words.

Aborigines are aborigines, savage, stupid and stupid.

Lynch stayed here for three days. On the third day, he saw a picture of animal migration from a distance. If you want to say that there may be some shocks, these magnificent natural landscapes have shocked the aborigines at some time, which is much higher than that of civilized society.

Because the aborigines are stupid and stupid, they can't understand the mystery of nature, so they will feel afraid of mystery and unknown, but the gentlemen in civilized society are different. All they think of is conquest!

In three days, hundreds of leopard and lion fur have been sent to the city. Here are craftsmen specializing in tanning fur. They have served the upper class for generations and mastered this important skill.

In these three days, in order not to damage these fur to the greatest extent, at least more than 30 people died and hundreds were injured, but even so, hassana was angry with his nephew.

Because in the process of catching leopards and lions, these stupid hunters disabled more than ten leopards and lions that could be caught alive, and finally had to turn them into fur.

It's all money, glittering money!

This also led to a deduction when they paid the hunters.

Although the hunters complained about this, they only complained. They dare not resist, because they, their relatives and their descendants also have to serve hassana and his descendants.

Having offended hassana, they can only change from a hunter admired by everyone to an ordinary person like the vast majority of people.

On the way back, hasana didn't follow. He just arranged for his nephew to send someone to escort Lynch and his party to leave. He also had to supervise in the camp and stare at those fools. He was afraid that no one would watch. They would turn the living leopard lion into a dead leopard lion, which would cost him a lot of money, a lot of money!

"Boss, I'm troubled by some problems. Can you solve my doubts?", ASIL in the car looked at Lynch with some painful eyes.

They speak the international lingua franca, and the international lingua franca they speak has a strong Baylor federal accent, which is like a "hello" everyone knows Finally, dozens of different versions can be evolved. Even those who are proficient in the international common language can hardly figure out the changes of all accents, not to mention that the driver is still an Aboriginal, an Aboriginal who can't speak the international common language.

Lynch nodded. His eyes were kind. The word may not be accurate, but it was very accurate, because his eyes could be called kind when his ages on both sides were superimposed together.

"Of course, Asher, my friend, if I can answer for you, I will do that!"

ASL squeezed out a smile. "Thank you, boss..." he said. After listening for a while, he asked in an incredible and depressed tone that he didn't notice, "is there a chance to change here, boss?"

"In fact, when you didn't come, I was thinking about this problem. Can everything here be changed?"

His eyes became a little empty, and his tone was also a little vague. "In the Federation, everyone told me that human life is extremely precious. No one can arbitrarily deprive others of their right to live. We did so, and I believe it."

"But here, in my hometown, people's lives may not be worth a piece of money, but more weight. The superior arbitrarily deprives others of their lives. Is it possible to change?"

His eyes focused again, and stayed on Lynch, and his tone was a little anxious. "Even if it can't become a federation, it's not like that now!"

Lynch looked at him as if he were looking at a fresh food. "I never knew you were a person who likes to think about such a heavy problem!"

Astor was stunned for a moment. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed and lowered his head. "I don't know what happened to me. I just can't see everything since I came back. I always feel a little uncomfortable. I may be ill."

Lynch raised his forearm and pointed to him, "you are not ill, but you see the society clearly."

"You think the rulers here are cruel. In fact, it is not themselves who cause these, but the people you think live in despair."

"It was these people who gave way step by step, allowing the ruler to approach step by step. Finally, they fell into the abyss, and the ruler looked down on them from the edge of the cliff."

"If someone stands up and resists the fate they are now bearing, even if he will die, the ruling class will begin to face up to the demands from the largest group in society."

"Even if they are hypocritical, they will begin to care for these people, improve their living conditions, and open a way for some people to rise."

"But they didn't do that. They retreated more in the face of more brutal oppression, which made the ruling class always think that the way they treat these people has not touched their bottom line, and the situation will only get worse and worse."

ASR had an unbearable feeling. He always thought it was the ruling class that caused these situations, but Lynch's statement made him more uncomfortable.

People have killed their hopes with their own hands. Is there anything more cruel than this?

He was silent for a long time and his chest fluctuated violently. After a period of silence, he suddenly laughed at himself, "I shouldn't think about this. I'm just an ordinary person. It's just a little uncomfortable to see the people here bear such a fate."

"Sorry, boss, I said something I shouldn't have said, which disturbed your interest!"

Lynch felt nothing. He waved his hand. "No, I haven't answered your question just now. In fact, the way to change all this is very simple, that is, to awaken the whole society with death and blood."

"No subversive change can be reached through friendly negotiation. Only death and blood can wipe off the disguise of whitewashing peace, expose the darkest reality and awaken people's paralyzed soul."

"Asher, you are not such a person, but I believe that one day there will be such a person to open a ladder to heaven for all the people here who are in hell!"

The next drive was always quiet. ASL was thinking about what Lynch said, and Lynch was actually thinking about these things.

Until the team entered the city, their original plan was to send the Lynch hotel to the world, but there was a slight delay on the road.

When the motorcade entered the city center, it met two floats. The drivers chose to stop at the roadside and wait for the floats to pass.

There are many women sitting on the float. These women are not old. Their condition seems to be abnormal at this time. There is some abnormal blush on their cheeks and their eyes are not so clear.

Everyone stretched their limbs lazily, as if they had no bones.

"What's this?" Lynch seemed curious about everything here.

ASL looked back, glanced, and then remained silent for a moment, "float and Saint..." these words were obviously not finished. Lynch was still looking at him, so he restrained his mind and seriously introduced Lynch.

In nagariel, religious people, priests and high priests, including other gods, can get married and have children. No one stipulates that they can't get married and have children. It's ridiculous.

There is absolutely no hope for people at the middle and lower levels of society to cling to the rulers. The rulers do not look at their origin and family conditions and will not give them the slightest opportunity.

So they targeted the priests and magistrates, who had better contact with them.

If some families have beautiful girls, they will dress up the girls after the girls grow up and send them to the temple in the name of candidate saints to serve the gods.

The gods will come to some priests and priests anytime and anywhere every day, and then enjoy the service of these girls to let them complete their mission.

Once a girl is pregnant and her child has been recognized by some "gods", then the child will become a new priest or even a priest after training.

The status of the girl herself and her family in society will also be significantly improved. They can start to enjoy some public facilities, children can also go to school, and the life of the whole family will change greatly.

Of course, not every girl is so lucky. Most girls don't have such good luck. These girls will probably be sent back when they are 17, 89. The temple can't afford so many people. They will focus on the new batch of saints.

These saints will have some changes, especially spiritual ones, because they have been treated with all kinds of special treatment from body and spirit for a long time.

The saints in front of these floats are those who have been "returned". In ignorance, they give their best to the gods, but what is waiting for them at this time is the most tragic fate!