Chapter 315

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Music with religious content is often soothing. Soothing music can relax people's nervous mood. Some religions even add some psychological hints to the music to make the faith indestructible unknowingly.

The music of the local religion in nagary is also soothing, but today there is more joy in these soothing music.

As the float began to move, Lynch unexpectedly found that there were more families with children on the roadside. These girls were very young, 15, 16 and 17. According to the local law of nagaril, girls were adults at the age of 16.

They are very beautiful dressed up by their parents, wearing wreaths, and their childish faces are still a little confused. The blankness in their eyes seems that they don't know what they want to do or face.

The people on the float became interested. They discussed the girls dancing on the roadside and commented on them.

They discussed the tone and attitude of these girls, not talking about a living person, but commenting on a commodity.

"This is not good. Did you see her hair? I don't like such withered and yellow hair. It's not smooth enough..." the hand of a talking distinguished family representative stroked the handrail beside the float, as if he was remembering something

"This girl is good. She is in good shape. I like it..." a distinguished family representative threw out a gold painted wreath prepared on the float.

The girl's family was overjoyed to see the flying wreath and forced the girl to kneel on the ground to express their thanks.

The girl doesn't know what she will face next and what will happen. Maybe her whole life will go to an unknown end because of the coincidental fate of this day.

This scene is constantly staged. The families who have obtained the wreath bow down with gratitude. The families who have not obtained the wreath sigh. Some even scold their daughters or complain to each other between their parents.

People sang and danced and celebrated the festival. There were lively scenes everywhere, and everyone's face showed a smile.

Hundred flowers Festival.

The parade distance of the float is not long. Strictly speaking, there are only two roads suitable for the float parade in this city. The other roads are either rugged or narrow, which can not allow the float and many people to pass.

From the beginning of the activity in the morning to a short rest at noon, the whole festival activity has ended at more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

The float finally returned to the largest temple in the province of Magura, which is under the temple on a hill outside the city.

The mountain is actually a acne on the earth mother's face, and there are considerable traces of artificial carving. It can be seen that in order to reflect the "grandeur" and "dignity" of the temple, they must have spent a lot of manpower to build a mountain in the Great Plains.

The outer wall of the temple painted with gold paint on the top of the mountain radiates dazzling gold in the noon sun. When standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the top, it is like seeing the place where the legendary gods live.


Asher has been waiting for Lynch at the foot of the mountain in advance. He is not qualified to board the float of the hundred flowers festival because he is not a distinguished family, a luxury businessman or a foreigner.

It sounds ridiculous, but it's also true. Fortunately, ASR himself is not unhappy. These days, he has begun to get used to all the unreasonable status quo here.

Asher handed over a towel soaked in ice water. Lynch took it and wiped his face. The cold breath cooled him in the heat of the day.

The towel soaked in ice water covered his face and took a deep breath. The cold breath entered his body with his breath, which more or less smoothed some inner dryness and heat.

It's not good to be in the sun for several hours in the weather of 278 degrees.

After a while, he took off his towel and wiped his bare skin in the air. The dust in the city was very large, and the white towel quickly blackened.

He handed back the used towel to ASR and began to walk up the stairs. He asked casually, "what are we going to do next?"

ASR gave the towel and the basin with ice water to another person. It looked like a servant in his family. When he came, ASR told Lynch about some things in his family. He was very troubled.

Fortunately, Lynch enlightened him in time. Now he seems to have accepted the changes when he was away from home over the years, and his state of mind has become more peaceful.

Asher accompanied Lynch and climbed the stairs step by step. "Next, the high priest will pray, and then the gods will come to pray for everyone. Finally, the end of the activity, and then the festival will be over."

What he said was not very specific and detailed. Lynch didn't continue to dig deeply. As they walked up, they talked about some next things.

"Everything we want to take back has been parked in the port. We can board the ship the day after tomorrow. We can return to the Federation in about three to four days..."

It took them a week to come, mainly because they were on a cruise ship. The cruise ship was not a two-point one-line voyage. They had to stop at several ports on the way to hand over some letters, goods and passengers, so the speed was slower.

Lynch thought they were slow, so he hired a cargo ship this time. There was no middle docking place, and the fuel could be filled up at one time. If the situation on the sea was better, he could arrive at the easternmost port of Baylor Federation in about three days.

Lynch nodded, and Asher continued, "federal journalists have also been found, including some heavyweight paper media such as the federal daily and the federal times, and new media such as federal television, Eastern television and northern United television have also accepted our invitation."

Lynch paused as he climbed the stairs and thought for a moment, "write them an extra check for $500 each. We don't ask them to advocate for us, but we must report truthfully."

This sentence is actually very interesting. It sounds as if Lynch did this to ensure that his report will not be distorted by some people with ulterior motives. Of course, these people do exist.

Lynch, as one of the more radical people in the current trend of the Federation, is a little famous and cutting-edge. There will always be some people who disagree with him in their positions, distorted reports and untrue reports, which are all useful methods used by politicians.

Publicity is always a very important position. People can't get in touch with the real face of society and foreign situations like Lynch or other politicians and rich people. They all get these important information through the media, and it's also the only channel.

The blocking of channels will make people regard what they know as the real facts, because there is no other option for them to compare and question, and they will become quite "simple".

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the reports are not modified and distorted. This is why many political groups and even politicians have their own newspapers or even television stations. They should ensure that their ideas are not modified and understood by the people.

But in fact, Lynch's purpose is not to maliciously give him distorted reports, but to make the news media "truthful" reports.

The news media haven't been to nagariel, at least not in a short time. They don't know what's going on here, but someone knows that this person is Lynch.

What Lynch said about truthful reporting is actually to let these reporters not refer to other information and directly release the content he wants to express to the society. What he said is "Truthfulness".

ASL nodded hard. He looked at Lynch who walked up to the top of the mountain again. He worshipped him. The sun and the magnificent temple became the background to decorate Lynch, making Lynch full of light.

He was only twenty-one, but he gave ASLE an unspeakable shock.

Looking at some Lynch who had gone far away, ASL regained his consciousness and followed closely for a few steps.

As mentioned earlier, it was just a acne on the earth mother's face. Lynch with strong physique soon climbed to the temple.

There are already some people in the temple. Surprisingly, these are girls who stand on both sides of the street during the float parade.

Something made of a special spice was burned in the temple, emitting a sweet and greasy smell. The girls' faces were abnormal. They knelt uneasily in the yard, and some looked like they were drunk.

On one side are the girls' parents. Everyone's face is a smile that can't close their mouth. They bend over, lower their heads, line up humbly and receive a wooden magic card, which forms a sharp contrast with the childish blankness on the girls' faces.

Some people always say that life is precious and priceless because they live in a pleasant environment. Once they leave the comfort circle, they will find that their previous exclamation is a fart.

Life is not only not noble, but also very cheap. It only needs a piece of broken wood to dominate the future of these girls!

The wooden magic card is the lowest one in the nagary religious system. It is not the same order of magnitude as the gold inlaid magic card on Lynch.

But even so, it is difficult for 80% of the people to get this divine card and enjoy the benefits of the lowest divine power. For example, they can enter the temple to worship and they can enjoy some public facilities - this is a joke that is not a joke.

Public facilities are built not only to show foreigners and international human rights organizations, but also to reflect class differences.

Only those who hang wooden magic cards can use these "public facilities" for free.

They can also take the train and buy tickets at a relatively low price. They can go to the hospital and see a doctor directly without waiting in line with ordinary people. Even their children can wear God cards to read in the library!

This is enough to attract every family to want to improve their social level, and their only way is to donate the girls in the family.

These girls will become saints in the city after the favor of some gods (gods will come to some priests and guests participating in activities in some way, and they will become the representatives of gods in a certain period of time). This is the most possible way for ordinary families to improve.

Maybe it is cruel and cruel, but it has long become a folk custom and a distorted and backward culture.