Chapter 330

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the room, some people who looked miserable gathered together.

But then again, at this time, except for those celebrities and dignitaries, who can do it without being miserable?

There is a special luster in these people's eyes. They are preparing to do a great thing, but among these people, one is different from others, or two.

"Martin, I don't know whether this is right or not..." it's an ordinary man in his forties. He's wearing a summer short sleeved shirt he bought a few years ago, a pair of shorts He's worn for two years, and leather sandals are worn in some places, but this is his most decent dress.

The man he called Martin stood by the window against the wall, with one hand across his chest, his palm tucked under the armpit of the other arm, and his other hand holding a cigarette.

The blue smoke in the dark room seemed to turn into a faint yellow. Firstly, it rose relatively straight, and then it seemed to be disturbed by some airflow, began to tremble, and finally disappeared.

He was looking at the hotel diagonally across the road. He came with a task to make a fuss when holding the welcome dinner at the city hall.

As a Socialist Worker's representative in favor of the Conservative Party - this sentence may be a little different. Martin is a worker's representative of the trade union. He was very active in the factory. In the words of the trade union, he was good at organizing workers to act together.

Of course, from the perspective of factory owners, Martin is a real thorn in the head. He not only has the troublesome status of workers' representatives, but also often tangles with small groups to organize workers to strike and stop production.

In addition to these identities, because he is active, he is also one of the full members of the socialist party. The reason for joining the socialist party is that the workers' representative can mix the title of a low-level cadre here and has some power, which is much easier to mix than the progressive party or the conservative party.

As for the political position, he is actually biased towards the conservative party. In fact, the working class is more or less biased towards the political position of the conservative party. Their attitude towards life is the same as that towards work. They don't want any unplanned changes. If there are no changes day by day, it must be the best life.

Not long ago, he received a mission to create some trouble in this diplomatic activity.

In essence, he does not agree with this requirement. We should know that he is no longer the lowest worker who works hard in the workshop all day and makes himself dirty. He is already half a cadre. As we all know, the worker representative is no longer a worker in a sense, he is just a representative.

He knew what it meant to make trouble on such an important national affairs, but the other party made a condition he couldn't refuse. Even now, he still felt his heart beat faster when he remembered it.

Two bank promissory notes of 10000 yuan, or the bank promissory notes of the six major banks in the federal territory of Baylor. These promissory notes do not need any proof. As long as you take them to any formal bank, you can turn them into cash or increase the numbers representing wealth to the designated bank account.

This is a condition he can't refuse. Before the economic recession, he could take 287 yuan and 35 cents from the factory every month. This money is roughly equal to the sum of his income in seven or eight years, let alone the current poor economic environment. This money is even more important.

Facing the inquiry of his colleagues, Martin snuffed out his cigarette end on the windowsill. His expression was strange, "we are not wrong!"

The people in the room looked at him. He looked at them and did what he had been doing all the time, inciting the workers' emotions.

Only in the past, he incited the antagonism between labor and management. Now, he incited the antagonism of the people of the Baylor Federation against the United Kingdom of nagary. He is very good at this.

"Listen, first of all, I must tell you that we are not alone. Behind us are not only our family, but also countless ordinary people in the bailer Federation. At this moment, we stand together."

"I don't know if you've heard that the federal government plans to support a large number of materials in nagalil and help them build factories."

"They are willing to give little money to the barbarians who eat bloody meat, build factories and create jobs for those barbarians, and don't want to look down at us who need help!"

"If we don't fight and make our own voice, who knows what our society will look like in the future!"

"This is not a fight for power for ourselves, but for all of us, for the union!"

Martin used a few simple words to stir up the atmosphere. He used "eating bloody meat" to ridicule whether the nagarins were barbarians. In fact, so far, only a few people in the federal society eat half cooked steak.

Most people still eat well cooked steak. Some parasites and pollution problems have led to serious mass health events, so people will cook the meat as well as possible rather than half cooked.

This kind of way that higher civilization laughs at lower civilization has been well recognized by people. They say something and scold something in indignation.

Martin looked at his companion with deep eyes. "Believe me, we didn't do anything wrong!"

His companion did not persuade him any more, but sat back worried.

At 6:45 p.m., some distinguished guests began to enter. Martin snuffed out most of his cigarettes and threw them on the ground.

At this time, there were more than a dozen cigarettes lying on the ground beside him, and the whole room was full of strong smoke smell. His heart was definitely not as relaxed as he showed.

"Let's start, brothers, let those lords listen to our voice!"

The people in the room began to act in silence. At this time, they didn't shout or roar, but they seemed particularly powerful.

Diagonally across the road, the mayor of port city is welcoming some important guests. A large number of media are around the door of the hotel. The flashing of magnesium lights makes a small place here look like day.

Promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations with nagariel came from the order of the presidential palace, so many heavyweight media came this time. Whether they are on the side of the president or not, they need to truthfully report the news.

This has nothing to do with the position of these media organizations. After that, they can still spit fragrant greetings to Mr. President and his political ideas that may look like deformed children in some people's eyes, but there are some things that we need to stand together. This is the rule.

When the interim president of the Senate arrived at the scene, he directly raised the standard of the reception to at least two levels. You know, there is no need to disturb politicians at the level of the interim president of the Senate to receive a visiting delegation from a small country such as nagalil.

But here he is, which also indicates the president's determination.

When the media took crazy photos of the students in the flash center and raised their hands crazily, the shouting sound across the road suddenly made the bustling hotel door appear extremely short-lived and dead silence.

A group of ragged workers rushed over with a series of clearly targeted slogans, such as "we need food", "we need work", "politicians are giving our money generously to others", and in an instant, the police in charge of security, FBI agents and a small number of national security commission agents took action.

But the problem is that this is not in a private place, let alone in the remote mountains. This is the center of the city, and there are heavyweight media from all over the country.

The interim speaker of the Senate, who was baptized by the magnesium lamp, left his position and walked towards the hotel as soon as he found the problem.

The mayor's subsequent apology only received the interim speaker's words of "get here as soon as possible".

However, since this matter has been stirred up, it is naturally impossible to solve it so easily. So many domestic and foreign media are watching that the Federation is establishing a positive image in the international community. It is impossible for them to suppress these demonstrators in front of these media.

The police, agents and agents just controlled them not to get too close to the impact hotel. In addition, they could only stare at them fiercely.

The FBI and the local police have been mobilizing more police to maintain order here. They don't know whether there will be more and more unexpected emergencies. Everyone's nerves are highly nervous.

The second minister, who was entertaining in the hotel, listened to the noise from the outside. Those reporters were not afraid of making things big, but were afraid of making things small. They asked questions loudly around the demonstrating workers. In the process of opening and closing the hotel door, the voice came in.

Then he saw the interim speaker of the Senate and took the initiative to welcome him. "It's a great honor to invite you..."

The Congress of Baylor Federation is a very special institution. When the president's authority has not reached the peak, the power of Congress is obviously higher than that of the incumbent president, especially in the first four years. When the president's authority reaches the peak four years later, even the Congress has to make concessions when facing the president.

Now the president is still very "dangerous". Obviously, Congress has more power. It is normal for the Deputy Secretary to make such a low attitude.

But the interim speaker was very unhappy. He did not hide his unhappiness. "I hope this is not a decision to regret. You should deal with the situation outside as soon as possible!"

With that, he reached out his hand and shook hands with the second minister casually, then walked into the hall with a cold face and let the second minister stand in place in a daze.

Less than a minute later, his assistant came back from the outside with a worried face and said something in his ear, which immediately made his expression terrible.

He did not show a ferocious expression, and the muscles on his face did not shake. He was not much different from ever before, but everyone could feel a terrible thing from his face.