Chapter 332

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Wait a minute..."

Mr. Truman, standing at the corner of the hall, looked at the second commander at a loss. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand to stop the original actions of the two agents around him.

After Lynch told him about it, he contacted the people of the security committee. In just one afternoon, he mobilized many security committee agents to come and follow Truman's orders.

Mr. Truman is not a politician in the traditional sense. He has a very rich experience in the military. The elders of his family, regardless of their official positions, are all military origin and have deep contacts in the military.

Most of the people in the Baylor Federal National Security Committee come from the military. This organization is composed of military elites to deal with some individuals, organizations and events that may threaten federal security at home and abroad.

Thanks to Mr. Truman's rich experience, even if he is not in the military, the military still regards him as his own person. Naturally, the National Security Council, which has a close relationship with the military, will not treat him as an outsider.

As a representative of the radical faction in the current military, many people in the military believe that Mr. Truman will be the candidate to change the current situation of the Federal Military, and he is also the most hopeful.

As we all know, the world was dominated by the conservative party a few years ago. The Conservative Party took reducing military spending, reducing military budget and reducing the number of people in service as its campaign slogan, which was deeply welcomed by the people.

Under the background of the previous era, the military seems to have become a source of sin and fear. As long as you say something against the military, you will be recognized by people.

The military has been pressed by the Conservatives for too long, so they are even more unlikely to miss this opportunity.

He stopped the agents from clearing the scene and glanced at Lynch around him. They were still talking about nagariel. An unexpected incident interrupted their dialogue, but Mr. Truman was not anxious.

Lynch didn't foolishly ask him what to do if he didn't stop these people immediately and had a great impact.

There is no doubt that no matter what the impact, the first foreign minister, who is mainly responsible for the reception, must bear all the responsibilities.

And he happens not to deal with Mr. Truman, and the latter has no need to wipe each other's ass in time.

He has to wait until the situation becomes worse, so as to reflect his importance. Through comparison, he can also make the second minister appear particularly incompetent.

Lying in a pool of blood, the demonstrators shouted some black slogans. Lynch couldn't help shaking his head as he looked at them.

His subtle movement was caught by Mr. Truman. "Are you soft hearted?" he said and smiled, "but I don't think you're a soft hearted person."

"Only farmers worry about a newborn calf that must be put into people's stomachs. People like us have long lost the qualification to be soft hearted. I shake my head and just sigh that these people's sacrifice is worthless."

He turned to Mr. Truman, "sacrifice is the most direct and effective way to change the reality, but before that, we should plan well, not blindly sacrifice."

"Blind sacrifice is not sacrifice, it's just stupid."

He stood on the edge of the crowd with some mockery in his tone and some smiles that let people relax and get close, but at this time, these smiles seemed a little... Strange, "and it's not about sacrifice, it's just a group of fools who are used."

Bailer Federation is very free, which has always been people's view, but in fact, this view is not completely correct. Whether the government or consortia will take out their eight generations of ancestors to study the people who enter the middle and high levels.

The reason for doing so is very simple, to avoid some conspiracies from opponents and to determine that this person will be his own in the future.

It sounds a little incredible. When did the free Federation start to do this, but in fact, this is the most realistic essence, but many people at the bottom don't understand it.

For example, in a presidential election in federal history, a high-profile candidate was recognized by the vast majority of people. Almost everyone and all the media thought he could win with an absolute advantage.

His opponent was an actor, a comedian, called a comedian at that time, an actor who could bring happiness to people.

Although the actor can bring happiness to people, he is not a good candidate. There are many presidents who came from actor backgrounds in history, but this guy obviously does not have such potential.

During the campaign, there were heavy revelations about the comedian. For example, he was a fag, for example, he was seriously depressed and needed to take a lot of drugs regularly

No one thought the poor comedian could win, but surprisingly, he won.

His victory was seen by some as a miracle of the union, and the bottom was also elated, because only the bottom liked the performances of comics and comedians.

But in fact, his victory is not that he has received people's support, but that his competitor, who is favored by "everyone", has a problem with his background.

His father was a senior federal official. He once targeted some capitalists with the president who stepped down after only one term. They wanted to curb the crazy spread of capitalism, but they obviously failed.

At that time, the president was ousted without a chance of re-election, including those in his presidential cabinet.

The candidate was revealed to have such a background. Major consortia began to buy tickets and bribe him. These may be full of ugly shady transactions in the eyes of some people. They were soon properly solved under the decoration of money.

A politician who was likely to become president was abandoned by the top of society when he was about to win the election because of his father's political position.

In fact, such things have happened many times. Capitalists know how to divert people's attention from "why failure" to "miraculous success".

People always yearn for good things and naturally give up pursuing "why did they fail". As for those who are able to pursue the truth, they are one of the people who create "miracles", and it is even more impossible to disclose these things.

The truth is always buried in the gravel at the bottom of the long river of history. People can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

At this moment, the files of these troublemakers and demonstrators outside have been marked with a red stamp. If the mainstream federal regime does not change in the future and the world pattern will not change much in the future, these people, including their descendants and grandchildren, will always be at the bottom of society.

In fact, the middle and high levels of society have abandoned them at this moment, but they do not know that they will not become "martyrs" and "Warriors" in some populations.

Only occasionally did someone mention the losers in this matter... Lynch glanced at the foreign minister who began to take action. Only when people commented on his stupidity would he mention some more stupid people.

The deputy foreign minister is asking people to drive them out, but the police obviously have a problem. They are not here to maintain order. They are more like... To destroy the atmosphere.

No matter how the deputy foreign minister asked them, even if he showed his prominent identity, these people still beat the demonstrators in front of many guests and in front of the nagalil diplomatic delegation.

The demonstrators rolled out of their wounds in the broken glass and looked very scary. Some timid women fell in the arms of their husbands in the scream.

The scene was even more out of control, and there were even some riots. The interim speaker suddenly turned to look at Mr. Truman, who naturally knew that he couldn't do without playing.

In fact, Mr. Truman thought that he could wait a little longer and wait for the second speaker to make a little more ugly, but it was obvious that the interim speaker had some different views.

"What would you do?" Mr Truman turned away from the interim speaker's eyes, looked at Lynch and asked.

Lynch took a sip of the wine glass in his hand. The sweet champagne was actually more suitable for women to drink, but the vice minister asked that the reception must use low alcohol wine. The hotel could not supply a few yuan a bottle of fruit wine at such an important dinner. They could only serve champagne.

After feeling the burst of bubbles in his mouth and the full smell, he said with a smile, "the majesty of a big country!"

Mr. Truman was stunned for a moment. He turned his head and looked at the two agents around him, "great power majesty? I like the word..."

He whispered a word to the two agents. Lynch avoided suspicion and moved away. The two agents looked at each other and nodded. One of them raised his arm and shook it a few times. Some neglected agents in the hall began to intervene.

Mr Truman himself went to the interim speaker to explain the sudden storm.

Soon the storm ended with a shot. The second commander looked at Truman with a blue face. "You actually let your people shoot. You should be responsible for what happened today!"

Shooting in diplomatic activities is a serious mistake, even if it is not a formal meeting, but a dinner.

Mr Truman ignored him, but explained the reason to others, "ladies and gentlemen, please don't panic, everything is under our control..."

His speech speed is not impatient, very soothing, has the effect of calming people's hearts, and people gradually calm down and look at him.

"Those people are neither federals nor federal police. They are members of a group of international criminal organizations. They are employed by an international businessman called 'Preston' to destroy the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Federation of Baylor and the United Kingdom of nagary in order to achieve their terrible purpose..."

Originally, these people in nagary were very unhappy and planned to suspend the diplomatic activities temporarily. The federates were obviously hostile to them.

Since they decided to try to take the first step to contact some other countries, they would not be limited to one country. The Federation did not welcome them, and the people of the Federation did not welcome them, so they went to find someone who welcomed them, and they would not hang from a tree.

But Mr Truman's words seemed to have magic, which changed their thoughts of preparing to leave.

People were looking at him and what he was going to say.