Chapter 345

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Nagary has become a huge treasure in the eyes of many people, especially within the progressive party.

From the president to the following ordinary members of the Progressive Party, they have clearly realized that nagariel has everything the Federation urgently needs, otherwise the Federation would not spend so much effort on a Preton pirate force.

So what are the benefits? Some people know that these people are often the planners of things. They must know what benefits they will bring by doing so before they can do it.

But others are not so clear. They just instinctively follow this trend, this general trend.

Just like at this time, Saibin mayor Langdon led him into the progressive party. The guide who gave him a lot of help in the process of his climb talked with him in private. If you have the opportunity, let him talk with Lin Qi to see if you can get some important political resources for mayor Langdon.

At the level of mayor of Saibin, if you want to go up to the level of governor or congressman, what you need is not personal ability. It can even be said that personal ability has become unimportant.

What matters is how many people are willing to help you.

This is very important. In federal politics, every politician who wants to climb up clearly knows a formula that money is equal to upward lift.

Money holders, capitalists, can invest and build factories, revitalize the local economy, provide jobs and make people have money in their pockets.

Capitalists can enrich the types of goods on the market, give more goods a chance to enter ordinary people's families and improve people's happiness index.

They can also bring more things, medical care, education, industry and even technological progress, which are inseparable from money and people who hold money.

If the mayor can get some benefits from this time in nagariel, if not much, it will be a great progress for him.

He doesn't seek to hold such an important post as governor, but should there be no problem with being a congressman?

With his good relationship with some enterprises and good personal friends with people like Lynch, for example, the Committee related to capitalists should have the intention to absorb him, which also gives him the capital to become a congressman.

The national assembly is composed of the Senate and the house of Representatives. Members of Congress also come from these two places, but there are also differences between Congress and members of Congress.

For example, there is not a slight difference in status between a congressman who holds positions on several congressional committees and a congressman who has no position at all.

According to the provisions of the federal charter and federal laws, the Congress can only have 24 committees at most, of which eight are permanent, that is, the kind that has been in existence all the time, including the military committee, the Development Coordination Committee and the Budget Allocation Committee.

Six of the eight standing committees belong to the camp of the Senate and two belong to the house of Representatives.

Next, the Senate and the house of representatives will each form eight non legislative committees to deal with the work of the country.

Such as the "health care reform committee", these committees will end or be established with the changes of proposals or topics promoted by the president. However, in general, the Senate always has the most and key committees, and although the number of members of the house of Representatives is large, they do not have many opportunities.

But whether it is the Senate or the house of Representatives, the Standing Committee or the Interim Committee, it is inseparable from money!

Money is a good thing!

If his nephew mark can get a lot of money through the development of nagariel, and if he takes care of some large local enterprises and gets the assistance of some capitalists - they must hope to have an interest spokesman in Congress. Even if the spokesman is useless, they can only send them a message.

But Congress is Congress after all, and congressmen are congressmen after all. This tiger skin is much better than the mayor, and sometimes better than the governor.

That's why he came to Lynch to see if he had a chance and if Saibin had a chance.

Lynch pondered for a moment. He also needed someone to help him. Any successful businessman or capitalist needs to have his own spokesperson in politics to express his views through them, which is particularly important.

He once heard a joke that a group of politicians sat together to discuss who went to the front line to die. After a night of discussion, there was no result. Everyone had a reason not to go, and no one could convince anyone.

Such quarrels and silence lasted until midnight. Many people seemed very tired, but after dawn they would send people to the front line to die. They must discuss a result at this time.

At this time, an old gentleman couldn't help but pull himself in his pants. He proposed to suspend the discussion for convenience. Naturally, everyone agreed.

After the old man left, someone suddenly proposed, "why don't you let the old man go on our behalf?", and the reason he gave was also perfect, because the old man was "highly respected".

The problem of quarreling all night was solved at once. Everyone voted for it. Until the moment the old man came back, they immediately told the old man the "fair and just" voting results.

This story may not be very funny, but it is worth pondering.

Sometimes when we are faced with some huge problems, what you need is not a person who can turn the situation around for you, but a person who can say "no" for you.

Yes, or no, there is a great difference. No one cares about the opinions of those who lose their voice.

Lynch also needs his own spokesperson in politics. Now there are a large number of successful politicians behind them, and Lynch's business can't expand to bupayne in a short time. Maybe investing in the mayor is a good choice.

After a little silence for some time, he put forward some of his own views.

"We should abandon some of our current views...", Lynch said frankly, "we actually have no advantages we can take, such as light industry and processing industry. As long as someone invests in these things, any region can quickly form an industrial chain."

"Industrial chain, can you understand what it means?"

The mayor nodded. The word is not particularly difficult to understand.

"What we have, others have, and even better than us, so we have to give up these industries where we can't take advantage and look for some new development directions."

"Of course, local things will not change, but what we have to do in nagariel will be a little different."

At this point, Lynch asked a question, "what do you think of the use of human resources?"

This is not a good question to answer, and it suddenly reminds the mayor of several periods of social development in the history of the Federation. A large number of cheap foreign labor force were sent to the Federation by various criminal organizations to work.

Their wages are a fraction or even a dozen times that of federal workers, but their working hours and intensity are several times that of federal workers.

These people are consumed like consumables in the next door and in the wilderness. They use their bodies to lay the most important mode of transportation in the country and build all kinds of amazing rivers and buildings.

But most of them were repatriated after the project was completed because the Federation did not need them.

This is a history that all federals are unwilling to recall. Unwilling to recall does not mean that people are full of guilt and guilt and can't face that history, but simply don't want to let their expensive clothes be stained with some small dust.

Even history books ignore this part. If you read history books alone, historians hundreds of years or more may be full of confusion about this history. How did the railways and canals appear.

Perhaps these will be attributed to miracles by a divine stick, and eventually become an unsolved mystery in history.

Now, people can't completely forget it. The mayor soon realized what Lynch said, "do you want to do the population business?" he said and couldn't help adding, "now the population business is banned internationally. If we do so, we will be blamed. Not only you, me, but also the Federation will be involved."

Lynch shook his head. "No, it's the labor export business. We organize the surplus labor force in nagary to work abroad to earn foreign exchange. During this time, I have observed many places in nagary and I have a very clear idea."

"What most people in nagary have to do every day is get up, wait for food, and then wait for bed."

"You'll see a lot of nagary people lying on the side of the road. They just lie there doing nothing all day."

"On the one hand, women in nagariel have a low status. Men will hand over their work to women. It may sound ridiculous."

"On the other hand, it is difficult for them to find stable and paid jobs except temporary workers, so they are willing to lie still, not consume the energy stored in their bodies, and not to move around."

"These are the money!"

"Gavra's construction in Amelia has gradually begun. Do you know what their hourly salary is?"

The mayor's attention was soon pulled back from other places by the question. He asked subconsciously, "how much?"

"Sixty seven cents an hour, GEP!"

GEP is the currency of gavra, but now only on small money, people will use the official saying of GEP. When facing large banknotes, they like to call coins with "golden emperor (100 yuan)", "silver (white) Emperor (50 yuan)", "Prince (20 yuan)" and "minister (10 yuan)".

Lynch's answer made the mayor slightly raise his eyebrows, and the price exceeded his imagination.