Chapter 347

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch talked with the mayor for a long time, and it seemed that the mayor had made some kind of decision.

In fact, it is time for him to make a decision. The progressive party stands in line to deal with the changes in the environment. In this turbulent era, as long as he is a little careless, he may be slapped in the face by the times, and then he will be left far behind.

Two years later, Saibin will usher in a new election. Although the mayor did not hire a survey agency to conduct a public opinion survey for himself, he knew that his public opinion score would not be too high.

During the general strike, we can't say that his performance was not good. The leaders in many places haven't performed as well as him, but we can't say how excellent his performance is. In fact, his performance is not as good as he and other people on his side think.

The general strike soon subsided, but he also offended some people, such as those who lost their jobs during the general strike.

Of course, they will hate their immediate boss or other factory owners, but they have no direct and effective way to retaliate against their immediate boss.

It is impossible for them to rush into other people's homes, even in the yard, and curse each other with something that can be recognized as "offensive weapons" by the judge.

It would only attract a bullet and death, but there was nothing else.

But they can retaliate against the mayor, and the method of retaliation is very simple. In the new election a year and six months later, they just don't vote for the mayor.

It can be said that no one will find their names and information from those secret ballots. They don't need to worry about their revenge. They just need to quietly watch the mayor be kicked out of the city hall by the new mayor.

Therefore, the mayor knows very well that his support rate is very low, and there are not many roads he can choose. Either he can make a "deal" before he leaves office and complete the transfer of power through some tacit black box operation.

Exchange the position of mayor for the status of a state councilor, and then abuse people all day in the state house to kill your life.

Or find a way to pull back the public opinion, lead the whole Saibin city out of the dilemma, become the most prominent leader in the adverse trend, and then use the power of these capital to complete a leap that many people can't complete in a lifetime.

From a leader in a third tier city to a member of the house of Representatives.

In the future, he may have the opportunity to climb up again, or join some important committees and hold a post, so he can still contribute his light and heat to this country.

In the face of a dead future and a shining future, it is absolutely appropriate to gamble at this time.

After returning from Mark's villa, Lynch didn't go home and went directly to his parents' house.

Lynch's mother Sierra was very surprised and surprised at Lynch's visit. She became a little different.

In the past, Sierra was more like an ordinary housewife, with a little cowardice about life on her face. She walked around the kitchen and living room all day. Only in the afternoon when she didn't wash clothes did she have a short time of her own.

Timidity, numbness and simplicity are the most true portrayal of Sierra, but now she is different.

She changed into expensive brand clothes, made her hair and wiped some cosmetics on her face, which made her look several years younger than before.

"You didn't say you were coming back!" Sierra took Lynch's bag and gave it to the servant to hang in the cloakroom.

She took Lynch's arm, followed him into the living room and sat on the beautiful sofa.

"Tell the cook to add one more person for dinner and make some delicious food with the best ingredients..." Sierra told the maid very familiar. Lynch looked at her with some emotion and some sigh.

This woman may say so without much respect, but the expression of this sentence will not be affected.

This woman learned to fear life with more than 30 years of life, but she began to enjoy life in just a few months. This is the value, power and charm of money!

"Shall I call Nell back?" Sierra asked enthusiastically. "He should be on the construction site now!"

Some of Lynch's construction projects are contracted to Nell's company. They do what is suitable for them, and they subcontract to qualified companies if they lack qualification.

Of course, the construction company is actually held by Lynch through some third-party holding companies, which not only saves costs, but also facilitates him to put the company's money into his pocket.

It seems illegal to say so. Of course, the facts are a little illegal, but illegality does not mean that it is illegal. This is only the content that has not been clearly defined by the law.

Lynch is a major shareholder's company, and perhaps another company that employs Lynch at a little premium. All procedures are legal, and the shareholders have no opinion. If it is exposed, it is a little irregular, but no one will say it before it is exposed.

As for the fact that Nell is Lynch's father and works as a manager in the construction company, according to the federal family culture, they are actually independent natural persons in addition to the legal father son relationship.

It's bullshit, but it's real.

With more and more projects and work, Nell has adapted to his new identity and wandered around the entertainment and construction site every day.

Lynch raised his wrist, looked at the watch on his wrist and shook his head. "No, he should be back in an hour."

His words are taken seriously. Even if he is Sierra's son, Sierra will respect his choice.

On the one hand, family affection is more about Lynch's wealth, which is also a very realistic thing.

They watched TV and chatted for a while. They thought Nell would come back early. As a result, Nell didn't come back until almost nine o'clock from more than six o'clock.

During this period, Sierra called several times, but he didn't contact Nell. In this era of lack of mobile communication, if a person doesn't take the initiative to contact others, no one can find him!

Nell came home with a smell of wine. When he saw Lynch sitting on the sofa, his eyes were a little stiff, and some of his confused consciousness recovered after an inspiration.

Suddenly a little nervous again.

"Come to the study and let's talk..." Lynch said, getting up from the sofa and walking towards the second floor.

Nell, who has changed his home, also got himself a study, which makes him look very stylish.

At this time, Neil, who was happy outside, looked back uneasily at Sierra, his lips moved, and finally went upstairs.

On the second floor, Lynch stood by the door of the study waiting for him. When he entered the room, Lynch closed the door and sat on the chair behind the desk, which was where Nell should sit.

"I don't want to peep at your private life, but the special perfume on your body makes me realize that I've been waiting for you for hours. You're not just making friends for the benefit of the company, but you're fooling around with women. I'm disappointed."

Just at the moment when the door was closed, Nell had a light perfume on Lynch's nose. As a person who studied all aspects, he could clearly distinguish the difference between women and perfume.

There is no doubt that the faint fragrance of Nell comes from a woman's perfume. In this society where men and women are not tolerant, there is no man who can use perfume exclusively for his own sake. That will only lead him to die from society.

Facing Lynch's accusation, Nell apologized at the first time, "I didn't know you were coming today..."

He did not deny or refute, which shows that Lynch's guess is not wrong.

Lynch looked at him. In the past memory left by this body, this man actually had many problems and male chauvinism. Now he seems to give people a sense of injustice. In fact, his life is still limited by Lynch's control.

If there was no Lynch, or if the construction company was his own, he might be another way.

After a period of time, Lynch shook his head, "I'm not interested in your private life. You fool around with other women. That's your choice. You have to bear the fruit in the end."

"But I must tell you that you can fool around, but you can't marry those women. I don't want my money to be distributed to others when I'm worthless."

"No marriage, no illegitimate children."

According to federal law, if the deceased has no will, illegitimate children also have the right to share the inheritance, which is why there are countless lawsuits about illegitimate children and inheritance every year.

The house where Nell now lives, his savings, including some of the company's shares he holds, if there is an illegitimate child or multiple illegitimate children, it will be a trouble.

After saying this serious topic, after a slight pause, Lin Qicai continued, "I'm going to let you go to nagariel."

This sentence suddenly sobered Nell up. He looked at Lynch in amazement. "I just drank too much and had an affair. I didn't even sleep with that woman. Are you going to send me to nagariel?"

"It has nothing to do with whether you cheat or not. I'll build roads there. You'll do the job."

Nell still doesn't believe it, "but it sounds like a tyrant telling someone he doesn't like, 'you're fucking exiled'."

"If I say that you can accept it, then you listen as if it is!"

"I don't care what you think. You must leave with the company in July at the latest. We don't have much time."

Nell knew it was an unchangeable thing and could only sigh, but he still held some hope, "how long will I be exiled this time?"

Lynch shook his head. "I don't know. It depends on the progress. We have to win at least one or two provinces... You can understand that there may be more highway network construction in one or two provinces. Maybe you won't come back in three or five years."

Nell's attention didn't focus on time at this time. He just frowned and asked, "are the nagarils so rich? I watched some TV reports that they are very poor. Where do they get money to build roads?"

Lynch took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and took out his lighter.

With a Tink, the flame rose. He looked up at Nell sitting opposite the desk, "I lent them..."