Chapter 354

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Healthy Federalists, a private foundation aimed at strengthening Federalists.

There are few such foundations in buppen. There are so many members of Congress. Even if everyone has only two foundations, there are almost thousands of foundations here.

But how can a congressman only have a relationship with two foundations? Some people have shares in more than a dozen different foundations, two... That's laughing at their influence.

The problems are very complicated, but before Mr. Truman started, he didn't think he would be embarrassed, because behind him is the current president. At the same time, he has the support of the military and has good personal relations with some big capitalists.

But he still underestimated the foundation and those associated with it. He was careless.

This is the best feedback on his growing pride and conceit over the past few years. Give him a hard punch in the face.

Since the afternoon, people have been calling to ask him about the purpose and idea of investigating the healthy federate foundation, and want to probe deeper.

He thought it was just the stress response of the Welsh congressman when he realized the crisis, but he was mistaken.

Since a few years ago, federal medical groups have been trying to promote the commercialization reform of medical insurance. They advocate that commercial medical insurance is more effective than social security insurance, and even mislead the public about the role of drugs, especially synthetic chemicals, in diseases to a certain extent.

For example, they always tell people that cheap things are not good things. Drugs are sold so cheap because they have little value and curative effect. Only those expensive drugs that are not in the medical security system can better help patients get out of the disease.

The government does not allow those drugs that are really effective for diseases to enter the designated drugs of insurance, that is, it wants to avoid the high medical insurance cost of the people, and the government is not willing to bear the heavy medical cost.

They also have a very famous slogan - "no one can cherish yourself more than yourself, nor can the federal government!"

TV ads, newspapers, social activists

They have exhausted various ways to promote the comprehensive withdrawal of medical insurance from social insurance, and they are moving forward on the road of success.

Although so far Congress has not passed this reform proposal, compared with this matter, there is no news, and no news dares to report these contents. No one dares to touch this minefield, whether it is the Progressive Party, the conservative party or the socialist party.

Of course, this is another great victory for the capitalists. Even the president has to bow to them.

Mr. Truman was granted a three-day holiday by the president to refresh his mood and face new things and work. As soon as he got home, he saw a truck parked outside his house.

The sensitivity of work made Mr. Truman put his hand into his arms for the first time. He bypassed the truck and saw his wife and children, handing over with two blue vests and drawing on a tablet.

In fact, the great recession the federal government is experiencing is not entirely a disadvantage. At least people are beginning to consider the feelings of consumers.

In the past, these freight companies were not as humanized as they are now. They also asked customers to fill in some forms. They threw things anywhere, and even left directly without notifying the owner. Now this phenomenon is gone.

They are more gentle, considerate and careful than ever before, because as long as customers tick a bad comment, their income will be one point less. If they have more bad comments, they will even lose their jobs.

This may be one of the few advances in the recession.

"What are these?" Mr. Truman walked over.

His wife immediately explained to him, "didn't you send some new things?" his wife's face was full of smiles. "It's a great surprise. Do you still want to hide it from me?"

She mistook these for Mr. Truman's surprise, but she didn't know that the man in front of her was almost the same as her at the moment, but only surprised, not happy.

Just as Mr Truman was about to say something more, the telephone in the room rang.

He stood outside the door, glanced, patted his wife's hand and entered the room.

The first time I picked up the phone, a slightly familiar voice sounded. The voice should have talked to him yesterday, but there were too many people talking. He had forgotten who this person was.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Truman. I already know some more detailed contents. I want to apologize to you for our overreaction yesterday. What you see is my heart. I hope you can accept it."

Mr Truman frowned and replied, "what if I don't accept it?"

The guy on the other end of the phone laughed, "you'd better accept it!"

There was no threat, and even his words didn't seem like a threat, but Mr. Truman felt a confident threat from his words.

He looked back at his wife and children standing at the door saying goodbye to the freight workers. "Your name?"

The person on the phone doesn't seem to be a hero. Of course, it's normal. It's often villains who can defeat heroes. "When we need it, we'll meet, and you'll know who I am."

"But not now..."

Looking at the handset hung up in his hand, a force transformed by anger is quietly breeding and spreading in Truman's body. He knows that he has another opponent!