Chapter 359

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The Baylor federal government does not restrict government officials from engaging in commercial activities. We can see this from those members of Congress. Each of them holds the equity of a large number of private foundations, and there may be one or two companies.

There are few companies, but there are many foundations. The reason is to avoid suspicion.

In fact, in the final analysis, we should avoid suspicion.

Charter and legal permission does not mean that you can do business unscrupulously, which involves a problem, the transfer of interests.

How to judge whether a normal business behavior belongs to benefit transfer is actually very simple. It depends on the cause, purpose and result of the business behavior, as well as whether the beneficiaries born and derived from this matter meet the standards of "job-related crime" in federal law and whether they meet the characteristics of benefit transfer.

To put it simply, official a holds shares in company A. company a and company B have had business activities, and company a has made a lot of money in business activities. At the same time, official a also makes company B or the shareholders of company B obtain benefits in some aspects through some way or simply personal operation.

This is a typical job-related crime and benefit transfer, which are strictly prohibited by federal law. Businessmen pay benefits by allowing the company controlled by officials to obtain huge legitimate profits in exchange for the convenience given by officials in other aspects.

This kind of thing is difficult to prevent. Without careful investigation, it is difficult to find out who is really holding shares behind a company, such as Dyson asset management.

On the face of it, it is a federal natural person named Dyson who holds shares jointly with another asset management company, but there are other companies holding shares behind the other asset management company. If no one makes a detailed and thorough investigation, no one knows that after many layers of changes and shareholding, Who is the real owner of Dyson asset management.

Everyone is doing this because it can hide things that they don't want others to find, and it's also to protect themselves.

But when people need it, they can cut off others' tracking as long as they simply cancel a company and complete some necessary legal procedures.

This also provides some opportunities for those who fall out. They will create a transaction that looks like secret benefit transfer, and then accuse their targets of suspected job-related crimes and benefit transfer.

Therefore, most members of Congress, including senior politicians, may intervene in many foundations, but they will not easily run their own companies, which will only give others to break through their defense gap.

If Lynch really becomes a congressman, his current business may become a breakthrough. He doesn't want to step into the ranks of providing for the aged so early.

Every month, I get "donations" from various foundations one after another from various groups, then speak for these groups in Congress, vote for their proposals or vote against their opponents, and deal with various lobbying groups, brokers and interest groups all day.

Many people will envy that kind of life. They walk in all kinds of dinners and parties every day, and deal with all kinds of celebrities and dignitaries every day, which always appears in people's sight.

However, in Lynch's view, such a life is no fun. It is like a puppet, like a beast kept in a cage. It can move in a small range and do very little.

He doesn't want that. The world is so big and wonderful. He still has a lot to do.

They looked at each other. Lynch's attitude was particularly firm, which was also reflected in the change in his eyes. He was firm, unwavering and flawless.

"Well, when you change your mind, maybe we can talk again..." although Mr. Truman is a little discouraged, he is not too disappointed. Lynch said before that he won't be in politics, at least he can't be in politics in a short time.

Then Lynch put forward some further negotiations. When the delegation and the Baylor Federation reached an agreement on the final opinion, that is, to establish diplomatic relations, the next step is deeper political, commercial and cultural negotiations, and perhaps more content.

Lynch would like to add that, "let nagariel bear our burden for the Federation. I have been thinking about this idea recently. We should encourage more people to go to nagariel to look for opportunities, rather than waiting for relief food at home."

Last time they discussed this issue, but last time they talked about it in some general terms. Truman frowned, "but our people are not necessarily willing to work in a far away and backward place."

"There is no TV, no newspaper, no cinema, only barbarism..."

Lynch interrupted him, "but there is money there. We want people to understand that there is money everywhere. As long as they look for it, they will find it."

He pursed his lips. "Make an idol!"

Mr. Truman's expression is very serious. He has a unique perspective on the changes of international relations, but he is not his specialty in some detailed work.

It's like a boat floating on the sea. Everyone has to perform their own duties. He can identify the direction, but he can't help with how to let the boat go.

Lynch can, his ideas, his ideas fit well with Mr. Truman's own ideas, and Lynch thinks more.

"When more federals begin to go to nagary to seek opportunities and development, some problems and contradictions in our domestic society will be alleviated, and the wealth from outside will enable us to quickly complete some of the current changes."

"This is not a war, but we will solve internal problems!"

Lynch's words still make Mr. Truman feel a little frightened. There is no doubt that his plans are not only these, but also some, even many, he did not say.

It's not that he doesn't say it now, but that the opportunity is not mature. Mr. Truman believes that as long as the opportunity is mature, he will take it out, and it may be more amazing than what he says now.

The two people talked for more than two hours before ending the "make-up class" during this period. At this time, they have reached a little more. After losing their high concentration, they begin to feel physical discomfort, that is, hunger.

This is thanks to some fast food trucks near the presidential palace. In fact, at the beginning, some people thought that the mobile fast food trucks on this street should be cancelled, because this is the core of bupayne and the core of the Federation, but later this idea was not supported.

Many politicians forget lunch as soon as they are busy. Coupled with the federal people's indifference to lunch, they even think lunch is less important than breakfast, so most people don't take lunch seriously.

A hot dog, a bread with meat, or a vegetable with meat can make do with it, which also allows the mobile fast food truck on the street to survive.

This is also a very magical thing. Even today, fast food trucks still exist and people who buy fast food still exist.

While eating fast food, Truman asked, "do you have anything else this afternoon?"

Lynch thought for a moment, "no, what's up?"

He nodded. "There is an exhibition in the afternoon. There are some new things on it. Maybe you will be interested."

"About what?", Lynch also ate the things in his hand. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the residual oil stains and food residues on his hands and mouth.


In fact, there are all kinds of quaint exhibitions all over the country every year. Now we are in an era of technology explosion. Although many people don't know this, it is in fact.

On the one hand, the value of the exhibition is to publicize the degree of scientific and Technological Development and some new things. On the other hand, it is also to enable inventors to find some suitable investors to fund their continued research.

Normally, scientific and technological development should be the business of scientists, but in fact, many inventions and creations have little to do with cutting-edge technology. These inventions and creations that may not have cutting-edge technology content also play a key role in promoting social development.

In fact, these inventions do not need much sophisticated scientific and technological knowledge. They are more like an assembly and improvement of existing technologies. Some people also call them folk science.

This word may make people feel very funny, and the attitude towards science is not rigorous enough, but in fact, it is not as unbearable as expected.

Many small things and inventions on the federal market now come from these folk scientists and inventors.

In the past, they had to show their inventions to the appropriate companies one by one, seek cooperation, or sell their inventions.

Later, with the birth of some "myths", more and more idle people joined this group and imagined that they could create inventions that would change the world one day.

There are exhibitions everywhere. I don't know whose initiative, some exhibitions began to appear.

They bring their own works, inventions and show them to everyone. If anyone is interested, they can talk about cooperation and investment.

In recent years, many inventions and creations have gone through this step, and gradually some exhibitions with heavyweight inventions and creations have begun to attract much attention.

High attention will attract more excellent inventors to participate in the exhibition. This is a virtuous circle, even including the modification inspiration of the new generation torpedo of WeiPai industry. It is said that it is an invention from folk scientists.

Starting today, in the next half a month or so, some excellent inventors from all over the country will bring their products to an open space outside buppen for exhibition.

Lynch listened with interest and agreed.

Truman later arranged the afternoon work in the office, and then left with Lynch. About 40 minutes later, they came to the exhibition hall in the suburbs.

It's like a holiday here. There are not only representatives of various industrial groups, representatives of the military, social elites, stockbrokers holding small yellow lists, but also many ordinary families with families to see novelty.

"Sir, do you know what a radio reconnaissance array is?"

As soon as he got off the bus, a stockbroker found Lynch and asked him something he had never heard of.