Chapter 362

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
After the exhibition was over, the sky was getting dark. In fact, it was almost six o'clock at this time, but it was darker in summer than at other times. At six o'clock, the sun set, but the sky was still bright, but it was not as bright as before.

"Wait a minute..." Lin Qi was just about to leave with the crowd. Mr. Truman didn't leave with him, but said, "if you feel bored, you can go outside first. I want some of them to talk."

Although today's non balloon aircraft exhibitions basically ended in failure, for the president, the development of fixed wing aircraft has made significant progress than before. It can be predicted that if these people get more resources and financial assistance, they should be able to produce a suitable aircraft soon.

It may not be able to carry much, but at least it meets the needs of the current military - flying on the sea and detecting killers hidden under the sea.

As for the inventor who is called "flightless egg", he is also invited. In fact, he is one of the reasons why Mr. Truman specially came to the exhibition today.

In the view of Mr. Truman and the Navy, this aircraft that can take off and land vertically without runway is really suitable for the current needs of national defense. It does not need to occupy a large area to take off and land, and it is more flexible than hot-air balloon.

Although today's test flight failed, Mr. Truman and the Ministry of defense still believe that as long as they have enough funds, they can make this design a reality.

So what Mr Truman and the special officials of the Ministry of defense mean is that they can be given funds to speed up their research, but there are some conditions.

Lynch shook his head and said "it doesn't matter". He didn't leave. He stood next to Mr. Truman. Soon, two inventors appeared in front of them.

"I've seen your performance completely. To be honest, I'm very disappointed. It's no joke. Every aircraft needs our excellent young men to fly."

"I can accept their sacrifice on the front line in the military confrontation with the enemy. It is the highest honor for soldiers to die for their country, but I don't allow them to sacrifice on their own stupidity!"

The special commissioner of the Ministry of defense was also staring at the two people. Everyone was looking at them, which put a lot of pressure on them. The inventor of the spiral wing took off his eyes and said "sorry".

"Don't apologize!" Mr. Truman showed a temperament, "what you need to do is make your invention better..." it can be seen that both inventors wanted to say something, but Mr. Truman didn't give them a chance.

He raised his hand to stop the two men. "Although you failed, I saw progress from you, so after discussing with the special commissioner, I decided to give you part of the military expenditure to further transform your existing design."

The two already desperate inventors were stunned. It took them a while to react. They swallowed their saliva and looked at Mr. Truman with cautious and greedy eyes. One of them asked, "how many...?"

"200000 per person in the early stage. If any of you makes breakthrough progress first, we will add no less than 300000 second appropriation, but there is only one opportunity. At present, we only need one kind of aircraft."

"As for the specific terms, Mr. Commissioner will talk to you!"

Mr. Truman looked at the two people with divine eyes. "Please remember, your invention is related to young people who are willing to fight for their country. I don't want them to lose their lives because of the loophole you designed before they see the enemy."

"If you really do that, I will let you go to the military court and stand trial!" he said, reaching out his hand and not allowing the two to refuse. "Then, goodbye, gentlemen!"

After saying goodbye to the two men, he walked out of the grandstand area. Lynch recalled that the helicopter console he had seen was much more complex than what he saw today. He didn't think that under the current science and technology, he could develop a helicopter, a big killer in inland war.

But Mr. Truman is not an emotional person, and he is not easy to be persuaded or even deceived. He couldn't help asking, "I'm curious how the inventor of the spiral wing persuaded you, the one who can take off and land in place?"

They just walked out of the aircraft exhibition area. Mr. Truman didn't explain in words. He found the stalls selling various aircraft model toys next to the exhibition area. After paying ten yuan, he got a purely handmade wooden fixed wing aircraft.

He pulled out the propeller with force, then closed his hands and pressed the small stick used to fix the propeller, rubbing it with force

The propeller flew into the sky in an instant, so fast and so stable. Mr. Truman looked at Lynch. "That's how he convinced me. I asked some physicists. They thought that taking off and landing in place could be achieved as long as the force was enough."

Lynch did not expect that a "bamboo dragonfly" persuaded Truman and the military to allocate funds for such a thing that has no shadow behind the bamboo dragonfly, but this also shows why the enthusiasm of the federal people for invention can continue to burn at this time.

He couldn't help thinking of the advertisement that had been posted all over the street, "Ai ruidai, a trace of a Niu Dai!".

Perhaps it is the investors who are easy to be deceived that the whole invention and creation market will be so hot. Lynch smiled and shook his head. Instead of continuing to ask on this topic, he went to the next booth in the plan - Fish gun with Mr. Truman.

Fish guns are commonly used by fishermen on the beach, and some lazy people like to use them.

Compared with the slow pace of fishing, some people like to sprinkle bait where there are schools of fish, then wait for the opportunity with a fish gun, pull the trigger and harvest a big fish.

This is much more refreshing and time-saving than fishing from a sensory point of view.

The fish gun they are about to see, or the fish arrow fired by the fish gun, is what Mr. Truman is concerned about.

This time, not only the military personnel, but also representatives of WeiPai industry and several other military industrial enterprises will also appear at the scene. They will make a comprehensive evaluation and then make a decision.

The inventor is obviously different from those in front. He has enjoyed the era dividend of invention and creation. He has received more than one check from the Ministry of defense or military enterprises. Even a technology in the torpedo provided by WeiPai industry for the Navy also comes from the inventor.

This is a typical representative of successful people. Success gives him more money to complete his creativity. He can harvest a lot of money without work and meet his hobbies. This is also the reason why many people invest in this industry.

If nothing happens, he may go bankrupt gradually after his inspiration dries up. He just sells ideas and can't run his own business. This is also the saddest place for such folk inventors. They don't even have the power to kneel in front of capital.

The inventor of the fish gun is showing his invention in front of a huge glass water tank. The exhibition is like this. Round after round of people will constantly show their inventions in addition to the "one-time" exhibition of aircraft.

The inventor is a thin man with a beard. He wears a high waist rubber suspender. Farmers and fishermen in the south like to wear it because it is waterproof.

But wearing it in summer is a very painful thing, because even if it prevents the water outside, the water inside will make them sweat all over.

While wiping his sweat, he demonstrated his newly invented fish gun.

"... see, guys, this process may be fast, not everyone can notice, so I took some special photos in a special way..."

"... when our fish arrow is launched, the air bomb in the fish arrow rod will be ejected and broken. Only then can compressed air be ejected from the air hole in the front of the fish arrow and create some bubbles at the moment before the fish arrow enters the water."

"This will significantly increase the initial speed of the fish arrow into the water..."

Mr. Truman, the people of the Ministry of defense and representatives of various military industries are full of strength, but Lynch can't understand it, but it can be seen from their serious and focused faces that this should be a very important invention.

Lynch was not very interested in this. He said hello to Mr. Truman and walked around.

I don't know. He thought radio technology should be very sophisticated in this era, but he found himself mistaken.

Radio technology has passed the initial mysterious period. Sometimes you have to admire these folk scientists and folk inventors. They always make people feel a sense of confusion of the times.

In the busiest place, Lynch saw a middle-aged man in avant-garde clothes, wearing a motorcycle helmet modified hat with two spiral coils, which seemed to have some small electric sparks.

He is trying hard to introduce his products to others - according to himself, as long as he wears this helmet and goes through a period of meditation, he can find other people's brain waves without instruments and understand other people's inner thoughts.

Two beautiful young girls didn't seem to believe all this was true. They wrote something on a piece of paper with the inventor behind their back, and then the inventor easily read out what they wrote.

More and more people come around, and many people are scrambling to let the inventor get their inner thoughts. Anyway, the inventor can always accurately say the inner thoughts of each person he selects

It's a typical liar, but people believe this, just as people believe that a professional called psychic can communicate with the dead, just as people believe that a professional called diviner can easily control the fate of others

This is an era of rapid development of science and technology, and also an era of fraud. Here, swindlers perform on the same stage with masters. Will these people feel funny when they think of this scene again many years later?

Or treat it as a precious memory?