Chapter 396

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Preston has very rich experience and experience, and he is also very smart. Otherwise, he can't get to where he is today. In the end, he didn't fall into his own intelligence. He just lost to the mistress of the goddess of destiny.

However, it is undeniable that he is a capable and smart man. If his opponent is not Lynch and the Federation that can't wait for a victory, another person and another country may have a different outcome.

He looked at the girl in front of him, with a strong makeup. She tried to make herself look more mature, but she must be young.

Women can hide their true age and face in a variety of ways, but they can't hide their hands.

When you look at a woman, you can know her approximate age and physical condition by looking at her hand.

This is a very young girl. Youth means stimulation. For the elderly, this is the best panacea.

Just as Preston was about to refuse, he suddenly thought of something, "I don't like playing outside!"

Cheap happiness has a cheap way. The girl quickly responded, "I have a place not far from here!"

"Take me!" Preston didn't ask about the price. It's no exaggeration to say that as long as it's a woman who comes out to engage in the meat business, there's nothing he can't afford.

The girl thought the man's requirements were strange. In fact, most people who wanted to play would focus on the price rather than where to play.

Even some men prefer this kind of stimulation in public. They will humiliate her with dirty words, sometimes beat her, and even expose her at any time.

Those people like these tunes. Everyone is a pervert. This is the first time she heard that someone doesn't like it in the street.

After a brief shock, she subconsciously looked back at the dark alley, but then a force pulled her back and pulled her attention back.

"If I were you, I wouldn't let your little friends disturb our game. I can give you fifty dollars."

Preston is a villain and a bad guy. He knows how to mobilize the enthusiasm of girls. Fifty yuan is not less at this time. It can even make a family have relatively good living conditions in half a month.

The girl hesitated for a moment and grabbed Preston's hand, "come with me..."

They shuttled between light and dark, and soon came to a basement not too far from the station.

There was a rotten smell in the room. There was rubbish everywhere. A few heavy sponge pads that might have been stolen from school and some wet became places to sleep.

Kick away the garbage at your feet. When you walk to the "bed", another strange smell comes from the nearby walls, corners and even sponge pads. The smell of gene residue.

Disgusting room!

Preton just looked at Preton casually. The girl has quickly completed the pre requirements of the game. She knelt on the mat and looked up at Preton

Just before dawn, Preston had awakened from his sleep. Although it was smelly and disgusting, his young body made him energetic.

The moment he opened his eyes, his hand touched under the cushion. His bag contained not only money, but also weapons.

He got up and startled the girl. The girl looked at him. He sat up and took out his bag. He took out an old twenty dollar bill. "Go out and buy something to eat. I'm hungry, and then we need to talk."

The girl nodded her head, put on her clothes and left quickly. Looking at the closed door again, Preston suddenly had some new ideas.

His previous idea was to find a remote place where people don't pay attention to it for a while, but even in a remote place, there will be some dangers.

Rent a house, buy a house, new neighbors, people will always pay more attention to these people who suddenly appear around their lives, which is very dangerous and will increase the risk of being caught.

But what happened last night provided him with some inspiration. He could hide well among the local people with the help of the girl's identity.

Even if his whereabouts may be exposed, people will only search some hotels, rental rooms and possible hiding places first. No one will go to some lower urban apartments or other people's homes to find a wanted criminal.

He can perfectly avoid the initial search, and then find a chance to leave, or continue to hide. This girl is the breakthrough.

At this time, the girl was stopped by her friends outside. One of the handsome boys complained, "you shouldn't lock the door. We slept outside all night!"

The girl was stunned for a moment. She remembered that she didn't lock the door. Whoever wanted to go and leave the basement all the time, but she didn't explain. Maybe the man locked it.

He complained in a low voice, but his attention soon changed to another place, "how much did he give you?"

Another young boy leaned over, "do you have ten dollars?"

The girl hesitated a little. She lied, "twenty dollars, and I'll buy him breakfast."

She took out her 20 yuan, and her nominal boyfriend grabbed it. "20 yuan, you must make him very happy. See if you can let him stay a few more days. If he is willing to spend more money on you, we can get more money."

The girl reached out to get the money back, but the boy pushed it away. She looked embarrassed. "He asked me to buy him a breakfast. You should at least give me money for a hamburger or hot dog."

The boy tilted his mouth and said indifferently, "I know you've slept with... And you can give him a good job for breakfast." the guy in his mouth is a guy who sells pancakes in the street. Of course, he also sells hot dogs, but he doesn't have hamburgers.

Some girls will find him when they are hungry or want to improve their food. Both sides can get what they want.

Sometimes people hate this recession, but some people love this recession. If everyone didn't have a job and were hungry, how could those young girls lie in those dirty beds so easily?

"Listen, it's not easy for me to take you in. Don't make trouble for yourself, will you?" he shook the money in his hand. "I deserve it!"

The girl looked at the back of the two big boys leaving in a daze. About a few seconds later, she smiled disappointed. Maybe this is life.

She came to the corner of the street, next to a pancake stand in operation, and said in some embarrassment, "... Hey, can you give me a pancake? I need it very much now!?"

... glanced back at the girl, "ninety-nine points..."

The girl's expression is a little sad. She may be rebellious, may be willing to degenerate, maybe... But she never thought that she would have nothing to do for a breakfast. "Listen, it may be a little embarrassing, but I don't have money now, and I need it!"

She turned around. Her short skirt and bra made her really have no place to hide money. "Please."

It's about fifty dollars. She's lost twenty. She doesn't want to lose another fifty.

The guy selling rolls stopped his eyes on the girl for a moment. He lowered his head and began to make it, "you have a few minutes..."

Ten minutes later, the girl returned to the basement. She gave Preton the pretzel with an attractive smell. It seemed that she was greedy, and her eyes were tightly locked on the pretzel.

Preston glanced at her. "Didn't you eat yourself?". Instead of asking for change, he asked with great concern.

The girl first shook her head, then nodded her head, "no... yes, sir, I've eaten."

Preton said as he ate the rolls, "I'm in trouble. I need a local to help me hide from my enemy. I can see you're a good girl. Maybe you can help me."

The girl listened and shook her head slightly. "I can't help you, sir. I can't even manage myself. I can't help anyone."

Preston didn't immediately refute or refuse. He just asked softly, "where are your parents?"

"Divorced long ago."

"Who do you live with?"

"The judge said I couldn't give it to my father until I was an adult, so I lived with my mother."

"Then you..." Preston looked around and asked silently.

For the sake of money, she may have encountered too many things in this short time, and she has nothing that can be called "self-esteem" to keep her final dignity.

She now has some desire to talk, "my mother is married. You know, sir, a woman in this society can't survive by herself. She must find a man to live."

"That's an asshole. He would hit her, sometimes hit me, and even..." the girl laughed twice. "He also wanted us to sleep in the same bed, and then I ran out."

"Then I met another group of bastards, sir. I can't help you."

Listening to the girl's tragic life experience, Preston doesn't have much feeling. He has done too many bad things and seen much more tragic things than what happened to the girl.

He just kept a proper silence and said, "what do you think if you are given a chance to let that man die?"

The girl still shook her head. "What will my mother do if he dies?"

"As long as you have money, there is no problem that can't be solved in the Federation!" Preton patted his calf bag. "3000, 5000, 10000, 20000 or more?"

"What you need is not a man, but money!"

The girl looked at Preston as if she was distinguishing whether what he said was true or false. After a while, she whispered, "your trouble can't be solved with money?"

Preston didn't avoid the question, "but you can!"