Chapter 406

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch dictated something about how to sell well to Richard and left. Presumably, with his ability and his greed for money, he will understand Lynch's pains.

Of course, this marketing method is not suitable for the current Federation. Even if people are willing to believe what he said and join this great money making link, they can't afford enough operating costs to operate this business.

On the contrary, gavra is very suitable. In the war, gavra's native land has no baptism of war, and the overall social mechanism and structure are relatively intact.

Perhaps the war did not bring them more wealth, but it did not cause severe economic problems to their society. On the contrary, as gavra's goods began to be dumped all over the world, the society gradually tasted the sweetness brought by victory.

All walks of life are booming. Even ordinary people can find a job suitable for him as long as they are willing to bend down.

At this time, gevlar is very similar to the Federation a few years ago. The follow-up dividends brought by the war gradually appear. The whole society has entered the war dividend period. People have money in their pockets and hope to invest, just like the reproduction of the Federation a few years ago!

After Richard takes his group to gavra, Lynch will consider transferring wood to work here as appropriate. Compared with Richard's greed for money, wood obviously has a lot of restraint in this regard.

In the afternoon, he walked around the city. This is Lynch's second visit to the city. The last time he just passed by.

The whole city is filled with a very contradictory atmosphere.

Some people sit in the corner of the street in the sun. They look at the passers-by weakly. If someone passes in front of them, they will reach out and ask for some change or just want some food.

But there are also some people who are full of energy, full of a kind of hard work, a kind of energy!

New miracles are always born on the ruins. After such a huge disaster, some people are still confused and can't find the direction, but some people have seen the future.

Standing on the roadside waiting for the car, Lynch took out the cigarette box in his pocket. He took out one and just took it to his mouth. Before he could light the fire, a hand appeared in front of him and waved it.

A girl's hand is said to be a girl's hand because Lynch has a very profound research in this field.

The white skin is like translucent curd, and the sun seems to pass through the wrist and palm. There are no wrinkles squeezed out of the loose skin, but only tight, full and elastic.

That small layer of fine light yellow fluff is enough to imagine her childishness, but also reflects the health of the owner of this hand, which is enough to show that its owner is a girl.

"Are you waiting for someone?", a familiar voice.

Lynch looked up at the girl in front of him. The girl was wearing a sun hat and a pair of sunglasses. He looked carefully for a while before he remembered that he didn't know the girl's name.

Maybe he knows, but in his long work and life, he forgot the girl's name.

"... sorry, I forgot your name, miss." he politely explained why he didn't recognize each other.

After the lighter was wiped, he lit a cigarette, took a sip and looked at the girl around him.

It's the female star who signed a contract with the brokerage company that has a cooperative relationship with fox film. She attended the premiere twice as Lynch's female partner. Lynch's impression of her was ok, but the most profound thing had nothing to do with her, but what the girl's agent said to him when they first met.

The general meaning is that if he wants to play female stars, the agent can find some for him, but don't harm this in front of him. She is the future star of the whole company.

Her agent's attitude is very low, and the image of a victim doesn't make people feel any disgust. Lynch can understand them.

In today's society, it's much harder to praise a star than the place where he came.

In the digital information age, a thing called professional water army is enough to explode a news point to the extent known all over the world in a very short time.

But in today's society, if a person wants to be a little famous, he may need dozens, hundreds or even more media to work together.

Traditional newspapers, magazines, posters everywhere, and constantly participate in various programs on TV, all of which require cost and time.

Every star from an ordinary public figure to a place of great attention has spent countless efforts and money!

At a young age, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people operate once. At a large age, it can't be estimated, because it may also involve some human contacts. For example, some well-known programs can't be measured by money.

If Lynch and the little female star start falling in love, not to mention how her fans will feel, just the possibility of making her out of the circle is enough to blow up the brokerage company.

In the final analysis, the purpose of the brokerage company is to make money. They have invested so much in the girl and don't want these investments to be wasted.

Lynch wants to play. They can help find it, but this... It's hard to say!

Fortunately, Lynch did not think much of these young girls. He had long passed the age of young people, which means psychological.

Young people are like male dogs in heat. They want to dry up with their waist when they see anything. They can't walk when they see the opposite sex all day. They want to hang that thing on their face.

Middle aged people are like tired workers. They try not to go to work when they can't go to work. Pretending to be deaf and dumb is the most common means. If their partner says they want to go back to their mother's house, it is definitely the new year.

In old age... People will find that even couples can be pure as spiritual partners with the same interests.

The girl's face was still smiling like the sun in the sky. She had long been used to Lynch's "amazing words". If she cared about these small things, it was easy to make her depressed.

"Penny, isn't the name so hard to remember?" the girl carried her legs step by step around Lynch like an old scholar, her toes tightened up and fell heavily.

"I remember, Penny..." Lynch repeated, saying that he really wrote it down. He said and asked, "are you traveling?"

"Traveling?", the girl smiled like she heard a joke. "No, I'm here to make a movie!"

This sentence makes Lynch feel very interesting. York is not like lardmore or other characteristic cities, such as the colorful cities in the south, the thick cities in the north, and the wild cities in the West

York State, which is located in the south central part of the Federation, really has no natural landscape that can be sold, and there is no local culture worth exploring. It is a very ordinary state and some very ordinary cities.

"Make a movie... Come here?"

The girl nodded, "I'm not very clear, but the company said that the tax rebate and subsidy in York state are relatively high, so we came..."

Lynch nodded when he heard this. He recognized the reason.

In order to promote themselves in front of the national people, some places will give some preferential policies to local films, such as high subsidies, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, depending on the cost and scale of film projection.

Another example is tax rebate. After the film is released, there is a tax rebate policy, which allows the producers to make more money.

The policies of each state are different, and they vary from time to time. Now York may give more concessions. When there is no designated scenic spot in the script, producers will give priority to areas with better subsidies and policies to reduce the pressure on funds.

In addition, there are many detailed preferential policies, such as free hotel accommodation and additional transportation subsidies.

Lynch watched the girl turn around him twice. He didn't speak, but he didn't want to leave. He probably understood that she had other things, "is there anything I can help you?"

The girl's expression suddenly became more vivid. She nodded, "I didn't know what to do, but when I saw you, I knew..."

"The film I participated in this time invited a very important male star, the first-line one, this guy..." the girl's white face was more crimson. "He proposed to my agency that we both hype the scandal. You know, he is old enough to be my father!"

Lynch flicked the cigarette ash, "your company has invested so much effort in you, you can refuse, and your company won't embarrass you."

The girl's expression is a little tangled. Even if she wears a pair of sunglasses, Lynch can still see her tangle. "How to say this kind of thing? Although the company has invested a lot in me, men are still respected in the film industry."

Her tone was a little ironic, "male stars, especially those front-line male stars, have the right to challenge the production company. My brokerage company probably means that we play a play, but you know..."

"Even if it's acting, some things can't escape."

Lynch nodded with deep feeling. Even if it was just acting, it was really just hyping an affair, but cuddle. Feel it and chew it occasionally. There must be no less.

When a man in his 40s and 50s gave such a black hand to a 17-year-old girl, Lynch suddenly felt that he couldn't stand by.

It's not that he's in heat again, but he doesn't like it, so he's going to step in.

I've lived two lives. I can't even understand this idea. Is it still interesting?

He took a deep breath, threw the cigarette end on the ground, raised his toes and ran it over. "What do you mean? What do you need me to do?"

But even if he wants to intervene, he is also a "Hunter".

The sun just shone on Lynch's face. He narrowed his eyes slightly. His smile was more dazzling than the sun. Inexplicably, it made the girl's teeth itch.