Chapter 409

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The easiest way for the governor to seek re-election is to meet people's demands.

So what are people's demands now?

The answer is very simple, that is to have a job, even if the benefits can not reach the lower limit of various labor-related legal provisions, but as long as there is a job.

With a job, people will have a bottom in their hearts and will not hesitate like now.

With a job, people will be full of hope and energy for the future!

As long as we can solve this problem, even if we show the attitude of "we are on the road", we can win the support of the people. If we can make some effective results, there is no doubt that the governor will be re elected.

But the question is, how to solve these problems?

Everyone knows how to solve one thing. It's like a tramp on the roadside using the money donated by others every day - why not beg?

Because begging is illegal in the Federation, tramps have to change their way of work. They will find something people care about or don't care about, set up a donation box, and persuade some passers-by to give them the help they can.

It's mainly financial help, but if some feminists are willing to warm them up, the tramps are also happy.

The advantage of this is that the Federation can be proud to say that we have no beggars.

After drinking up the spirits bought by the donors, these tramps often lie in paper boxes and newspapers and think that as long as they sleep, he will find a job at dawn.

Even if it is manual work, he will conscientiously complete it, then change himself and strive to become a valuable person and a living person.

However... This is always wishful thinking. The poor know that making money can change their lives, just as the governor knows that increasing employment can save York and seek re-election.

Everyone holds the truth, but they can never stretch out their arms to touch the truth.

He is a politician, not a businessman. He can only command the following city leaders from a higher angle in a tone similar to that of the ruling class, "Hey, I said, our employment rate should be improved, understand?"

Nothing can be done except to emphasize these problems and give orders.

Of course, this is only an essential performance, which does not mean that everyone is like this. For example, the governor interviewed Lynch, and he also interviewed more people to change and promote this change more directly.

He looked at Lynch seriously. The miracle created by Lynch has shocked the whole Federation. Maybe he can still create a miracle this time?

Lynch thought for a while. He didn't expect that the governor would ask such a profound question as soon as he came up. He needed time to sort out his ideas.

About seven or eight minutes later, Lynch had a number in his heart, and the smile on his face was brighter.

"We need industry trust, we need monopoly giants!"

Stone's startling words directly raised the governor's eyebrows.

Monopolism began to prevail after the first batch of federals who came here taught the aborigines what love is and what peace is with their weapons with flowers and colorful knives.

A business is only done by yourself, and the profit obtained far exceeds that of everyone doing it together. What makes everyone rich together is just a hypocritical reason for the weak to keep warm and fight against strong strength.

Anyone who has the strength and foundation of monopoly will not say such stupid words from a rich man.

At that time, the federal business atmosphere was very chaotic, and businessmen often equated with violence. Taking the original railway tycoon as an example, he used various violent means to destroy other people's tracks, smash or even assassinate competitors, so that almost half of the railways in the whole Federation belonged to him directly or indirectly.

Every industry is so chaotic that the newly born federal government can not resist these capitalists with hundreds of armed forces, and can only let monopolism prevail.

The birth of oligarchs cast a shadow on the Federation for at least 40 years. The Federation did not embrace the sunshine of the free market until the federal government decided to completely eliminate these monopoly capitalists who endangered the society and the personal and property safety of the people.

Since then, the Federation has promoted dozens of laws on eliminating the emergence of commercial monopoly groups, and strictly monitored all domestic capitalists.

Anyone involved in monopoly is afraid to avoid it. Even there is an organization called "anti-monopoly measures committee" in the Senate, and there are corresponding institutions in the national security committee to investigate monopoly enterprises.

Antitrust has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but at this time, Lynch actually put forward the saying that "monopoly enterprises can save York State", which made the governor feel that Lynch might be dizzy at the first time. He must not know what he was talking about.

But then, he thought Lynch's words were a little interesting.

He didn't show his likes and dislikes for Lynch's statement on his face, but he still listened carefully, nodded slightly and said, "go on."

With such a sentence, Lynch knew that the governor began to resist at the first time and began to explore the possibilities.

He easily cocked his legs and pulled out a cigarette. With the permission of the governor, he lit a cigarette and took a sip.

The cigarette was caught in the gap between his fingers, and the hand was pressed on the knee of his upturned leg. The smoke curled up, and he vomited slowly. Suddenly, a stream of smoke changed invisibly between the two.

Through the changing smoke, Lynch looked at the man opposite, "we are always afraid of monopoly and unwilling to touch monopoly, but the ultimate goal of most businessmen is monopoly."

"Because monopoly can bring huge profits, we can control an industry, formulate our own standards and have pricing power."

"Even if it's just a stone, as long as we monopolize it, we can sell it to the price of gold, because no one can get it anywhere except us."

"We always say that monopoly will bring destruction and instability. Our understanding of monopoly still stays in the period when monopolism was prevalent in the past. We only see bad things and ignore things that can not be bad."

The governor repeated, "can't it be bad?"

"Yes..." Lynch nodded. "In fact, it's also a good side."

When he spoke, his tone also strengthened slightly. "Mr. governor, you know that the steel tycoon monopolized 70% of the federal steel business. In addition to making some businessmen run into bankruptcy, what else did he bring?"

The governor shook his head. "I don't have any research on this, but I'm sure you know."

Lynch took another puff of smoke and flicked the ash. "Yes, he has brought countless jobs."

"For ordinary people, monopoly or fair free market has no direct impact on them."

"Whether they are capitalists in monopoly business, small entrepreneurs and factory owners, they have to work."

"If the price of things is unreasonable, people will not buy them, so before the anti-monopoly law came out, the real injured were capitalists."

"Those small and medium-sized enterprises have become the object of exploitation by monopoly giants. Although ordinary workers are also within the scope of their exploitation, this does not mean that small and medium-sized enterprises will not exploit workers, or that only monopoly giants will exploit workers."

"What if we remove the bad and leave only the good?"

"Under the packaging of the existing world outlook, values, ethics and sound laws, what will the newly born monopoly enterprise look like?"

Lynch put out his cigarette in the ashtray, "local pillar enterprise!"

"In fact, monopoly has always been around us and has never left. It just changed its face to face the world!"

"The situation in some cities in York is more severe than that in other places. The real reason is that some pillar economic enterprises have gone bankrupt. The impact of these enterprises' bankruptcy far exceeds that of the economic tsunami."

"If we want York to quickly restore its economic ecology, we need a dominant Monopoly!"

In a sense, ristoan group is a large group company with the prototype of local monopoly enterprises. It is precisely because its collapse and the economic tsunami have triggered a series of chain problems.

If the ristoan group did not fall down now, then with the Union's victory over gavra in the naval war and gaining more status, the federal goods began to be sold all over the world, and the economy would immediately improve.

There is no doubt about the ruling power of pillar economic enterprises. Combined with the power of a state, it can easily defeat most non pillar enterprises.

Overseas, it also has enough ruling power. If the federal government gives some benefits, such as tax rebates, or reaches diplomatic cooperation to exempt goods, the federal economy will begin to recover rapidly in three or five years.

But the problem now is that there is no such enterprise in York. It lacks ruling power and cohesion. Large and small enterprises are like a plate of loose sand, fighting each other and even competing with each other.

This internal friction, coupled with the competitiveness brought about by international trade, will only lead to the bankruptcy of more and more small and micro enterprises, making it difficult for large enterprises to survive, which is almost predictable.

They didn't want to unite and twist into a rope. After all, there are a lot of interest issues involved here. Of course, it has something to do with their inability to sing.

How did you sing that song?

By the way, unity is strength!