Chapter 459

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the bright room, Preston lay in bed and watched the brand-new TV. He had to sigh that the Federation is indeed the most suitable country for people to live in the world.

This is a multi-ethnic country. You can see any race you think they really exist in the world on the street. People will not make anyone unable to breathe because of their different skin colors.

This is just a kind joke. After all, this is a free country, a fair and just country, and that will not happen.

He once settled in gavra. The situation of gavra is much worse than here. The arrogance of gavra makes them despise all races except gavra.

They will give all kinds of ugly nicknames to the non gavra people they see. If you are serious and angry, they will look at you with arrogant eyes and ask you in an angry tone. Can't you hear that this is a joke?

If you continue to be angry, they will attack you with "the inferior of the inferior nation who lacks self-restraint, and they will never understand the humor of the superior" until you are defeated by their language, or punch them, and then sent to prison.

If you bear their sarcasm, they will call you by "nickname + name", and finally directly become a "nickname", which is still an ugly nickname.

But here, there is no discrimination and everyone is equal. You can raise your middle finger to those well-dressed gentlemen and ladies without any consequences. You can also stand at the door when your neighbors come home in the evening and get in touch by scolding the governor or the president, and you don't need to worry about the presence of the gendarmerie in front of you, Hang you in the square.

With developed science and technology and a more inclusive society, as long as there is enough money in your pocket, this is heaven.

Preston felt that he should go to the countryside sometime. The document management system in the countryside was very loose, and there was no supervision organization that would keep an eye on the place in the countryside.

He can easily put his birth certificate into the file of a town by some means to make himself a federal citizen.

The money in his secret account is enough for him to spend his life here. It's time to say goodbye to the past.

He picked up the hot dog and took a bite. The hot dog sausage was wrapped in fragrant cheese and various sauces, which made him have the idea of another bite in his heart.

The television is broadcasting some news related to nagary. The news says that through the efforts of the president, the nagary joint development company has recruited about 35000 construction teams from the society and is going to nagary in batches to help the people of nagary get rid of poverty and hunger.

And the president promised that they would open up more international trade channels and establish the possibility of mutual business with more countries, so that federal goods can sell well all over the world!

People on TV cheered and danced, as if the federal economic problems had been solved overnight, and the president's personal support rate continued to rise.

Preston looked envious. In his eyes, the Federation and the people of the Federation are contradictory. They are very sad - most people actually serve the capitalists all their life and help them exploit and oppress themselves.

Since their birth, the fate of almost 99% of them has been established and will not change.

But they are very happy, because in this country, sensitive things such as identity and class are not as distinctive as gavra.

People of any class can enjoy the treatment of any class. Civilians can never enter the occasions or facilities that aristocrats can enter. They are not even allowed to use all kinds of daily necessities with some special symbols and patterns, because they are exclusive to aristocrats.

But look here, as long as people have money in their pockets, they can go to the places that most rich and politicians often go. As long as they can pay, they can enjoy everything that a small group of people at the top can enjoy.

Contradictions are also enviable.

There was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door. Preston put his hot dog on the bedside table by the bed. One of his hands quickly inserted under the pillow of the next bed and held a pistol.

In the Federation, as long as he had money, he could buy anything, including a pistol with its number erased.

The cold and heavy touch gave him a sense of security, and the door opened.

The young girl came in wearing simple clothes. She carried a paper bag in her hand, put the paper bag by the bed, and then began to change her clothes.

She didn't avoid the man in bed. She didn't even pull up the window completely. She took off her coat, changed a bra, and then a more conservative women's shirt. She was going to work soon. The work in the supermarket made her have to wear more conservative..

Since Preton lived with her, her life has gradually returned to normal.

For some reasons she didn't know, her stepfather flinched in front of Preston and gave advice. Then Preston rented a good house with her nearby. She broke away from the shadows of the past and began a new life.

During the period, the boys came to her once, but Preton drove them away. Then she took Preton to the dealer selling contraband in the street and got a pistol and some bullets from him, which were used to protect themselves.

And she, now looking for a job, is working in the supermarket.

From 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every day, seven hours of working hours make the salary of this job destined not to be very high, but it is enough for her.

To return to the right path of life is the greatest gift given to her by God. She no longer wants anything.

"There is some food in the bag. I may come back later in the evening. Today we have to count the shelves and everyone needs help." the girl explained to Preston a little.

In the economic downturn, employees are not forced to participate in some "compulsory" labor, which is the freedom of federates, but dismissal and layoff are also the freedom of the company.

So whenever the supermarket needs to do something, everyone will consciously take the initiative to help, and do not ask for any overtime pay.

Preston nodded. After the girl packed up her changed clothes, she went to the bed, bent down and kissed him on the forehead.

At first, Preston was not used to girls using this action to show intimacy, because kissing the forehead in gavra was a blessing given to family members by grandparents, Godfathers and family owners.

It is more like a symbol of each other's status between the dominator and the dominated. Preston feels that he is not a dominator, but now he is getting used to it.

After his young girlfriend left, he focused on TV again. Federal TV and rich channels are really a fucking good thing. Even people like Preston think he can lie down forever in bed or in the sofa in the living room, as long as there is a TV and a phone.

"In a decadent country, people have lost the spirit of struggle and will only be content to enjoy the status quo!" Preston satirized the value of TV, then changed a channel and began the happy journey of shit and urine fart.

After watching it for more than an hour, the metabolic function of the body told him that he needed to deal with excreta. When he got up, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the window and was slightly stunned.

Across the road, there was a black commercial van with dark glass.

Mr. Preston had heard this joke before coming to the Federation - "in the Federation, you can intuitively distinguish the identities of 'Police', 'federal agents',' federal agents' and 'tax investigators', even if they hide their identities."

He always regarded this sentence as a joke. Until he began to really integrate into his life here, he found that it was not a joke.

The police will always pinch their waist and talk to you, because they will habitually press their hands on the holster and handle of the gun at work. This habit will be brought into life, whether at work or after work.

Federal agents will always wear dark suits, and almost all clothes of the same brand and version. They will behave very "reserved". In fact, it is a special kind of "arrogance". They will feel superior. This feeling is cultivated by them in their work.

As for agents, they will try to avoid direct contact with you. They always have a set of careful plans. Sometimes these careful plans are too rigid, but they can easily be exposed.

As for the investigators of the Tax Bureau... If they knock on the door and you choose to be silent, they will intimidate you first, intimidate you in various ways, then smash the door, smash the window, and finally tell you that they will take coercive measures if you don't open the door again.

Look, these people can be easily distinguished.

The car across the road, almost without guessing, is the car of federal agents, because according to federal law, non-governmental special vehicles are not allowed to use dark glass or paste any reflective ornaments.

This is to protect the police staff who can clearly and intuitively see what the people in the car are doing, whether they are holding weapons and whether they have raised weapons.

So when a business van with dark glass stopped on the road floor, Preston knew it might be for him in 0.1 second.

He was silent for a moment, then fished on the bed, took the gun in his hand, went to the toilet to pee, then swaggered out of the door and pointed to the business bus across the road.

For a moment, some agents flashed out behind the surrounding grass, in the bushes and in the attic of the opposite house. They pointed all kinds of weapons at Preston. As long as he made any change, they would shoot.