Chapter 472

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
During this time, Lyme has always tried his best to adapt to his role. In fact, he has done well, but he doesn't think so.

A few months ago, he was still at the bottom of bupaine, making a living by selling small yellow bills that couldn't be sold.

He has seen a lot of big storms in this industry - most of the time when it's his turn to bear these things, there are only foam in the water, but he has still seen a lot of things.

Most of the big things that happened there, he can tell anyone in detail.

He always thought that he could succeed one day, but when the day came, he didn't adapt so well.

Everyone you contact is better than you. Their tone of voice, their way of thinking and some of their body movements can't be learned at a glance.

If you can't learn the essence of their arrogance, then you are just a clown. He has worked hard, but he doesn't think it's good enough, because he has an example and a goal, that is Lynch.

Lynch's experience is legendary. He is a living miracle, which also inspires these people, because he is also a successful person who gets up from an ordinary person. He does better than anyone. People like Lyme are looking up to him, following his footsteps and following him.

"Traffic, yes, local traffic is a big problem..." Lynch only took less than five seconds to let people start the previous topic again.

But this time, the person who presided over the topic was not LEM who couldn't cope with it.

"When we came to the hotel, we all saw that the traffic in nagary is a big problem. If the traffic problem is not solved, the region and even the whole country will not develop."

"That's why I invest here. Of course, I hope you don't misunderstand me. I'm not a philanthropist. I'm just a businessman who wants to make money. Isn't it shameful?"

Lynch's way of joking is very special, and his statement is also very special. People think it's very interesting. Everyone smiles and caters to him, "of course not, Mr. Lynch, there's no shame in making money. Isn't that what we want?"

Lynch pointed to the speaker and took the initiative to shake hands with each other. "Yes, it's not shameful to make money. I'm here and your purpose here is not to make contributions, as some donkey eggs in China say."

"We're here to make money, and make a lot of money!"

"Railway is a business worth investing in. I believe you all know enough about it, otherwise you won't pay attention here."

Everyone nodded and said yes. It was because they knew something about the railway that they were interested.

"We plan to build a perfect railway network around the whole MengWu province. The whole province will rely on this perfect mode of transportation, whether it is the flow of goods or personnel."

"Coupled with the upcoming large-scale development, the more people use the railway and move on our tracks, our income will continue."

There was something convincing in Lynch's voice, "here, only we have the legal right to build and operate the railway. Gentlemen, we all know what business makes the most money, don't we?"

His smile is revealing a message to everyone that this is a monopoly and exclusive business.

It may not be national, but it is not easy for a region or province to be exclusive.

Several investors were quietly exchanging their opinions. Lynch took the opportunity to glance at Lyme, who also looked at him. They made eye contact and soon separated.

LEM's eyes showed something of respect and admiration, which Lynch was familiar with. He had this emotion when he looked at someone before.

Learning makes people happy and rich.

"Mr. Lynch, we don't worry about the local dominance of the railway company. We just worry that its rate of return is not as much as we think. If we wait too long..." the speaker is a gentleman in his 60s. He smiled at others and looked at Lynch, "this is not in line with our investment idea."

In addition to pursuing the rate of return, commercial investment has a certain demand for the efficiency of return and the number of years of return. Of course, this demand depends on different investments and their investment purposes and attitudes.

Like banks, they can invest in agriculture and animal husbandry. Even if they enter the return period after a few years or more, they are not in a hurry.

But for ordinary investors, fast and effective return is what they pursue.

Just now Lyme was baffled by these problems, but Lynch didn't, "gentlemen, many people only noticed the development of industry when talking about the railway."

"They will consider how many industrial enterprises can invest and build factories around the railway capacity, and whether the freight transportation can bring them enough returns, but they, including gentlemen, seem to have ignored another problem..."

Lynch reached out and took a glass of wine from the passing waiter's tray. He sold it for a while, which made people itch.

People's eyes are tightly locked on Lynch, hoping that he can drink faster, but keep the respect in their eyes. This feeling makes Lynch very happy. In life, he always needs a little evil interest to be interesting.

When he took out his handkerchief and wiped the alcohol left by self delivery, he smiled and said all the unfinished words.

"... you ignore the local population, gentlemen."

"There are 200 million people in nagary, which was announced to the world by the central government of the United Kingdom of nagary, but I don't think this is the real figure."

"There are many people outside the city circle. These people are called Dalits. They are not in the official population statistics, but they are not in a minority. I have reason to believe that the actual population of nagaril may be 300 million or more."

"So have you considered a problem? Suppose everyone generates a dollar in the cost of trains every year. In terms of transportation alone, there is a market of 300 million federal sols..."

Lynch threw out a huge cake, and the faces of these gentlemen suddenly changed.

Because what Lynch said is not wrong at all. Before that, they had not considered other issues at all. They only considered whether the benefits generated by enterprises if they used railways could satisfy them.

They don't consider that the railway will lose money. In fact, there have been few cases of loss since the birth of the railway. It's just the time span of different knowledge returns.

They are interested in the investment here, but they are not so persistent. They are worried that the rate of return is too slow.

But Lynch's words immediately let them see a bright future.

Before that, people never thought about it. They didn't consider this problem. After all, compared with the transportation cost of a train carriage, how much can a person buy a ticket bring?

Just when they were shocked by the big business of "300 million a year", Lynch took the initiative to reduce the number before they reacted, making his words and these data more convincing.

"Even if it is impossible for everyone from nagaril to come to us to take the railway, the population of MengWu province has exceeded 10 million. For us, this is also a huge market. If we add the transportation cost of industrial transportation..."

Lynch smiled softly. "It will be a business that can double everyone's property!"

Reducing the scale by 1 / 30 is still a greedy profit. After the railway is paved, the maintenance cost is not as expensive as that of the federal government, because the local labor force is particularly cheap, and the only cost is steel.

With the deepening of the exploration team, once the iron ore is found and the steel-making problem is solved, the steel is not a problem, and the maintenance cost is almost zero!

The rest is naturally profit.

The man in his sixties couldn't help asking, "Mr. Lynch, we all know what you said. It's really tempting, but I have one last question, that is, how can we make people take the train at least once a year?"

Others began to pay attention to Lynch's answer because they also wanted to know how to make everyone take a train.

Lynch said with a confident smile, "just give most of them a job in the field every year!"

The gentlemen around Lynch were stunned and then laughed.

"So it is. Mr. Lynch, your thinking and methods are amazing. No wonder some people say you are a new generation of young leaders. I believe it now!" the 60 year old investor praised Lynch with all his strength, and he even used honorifics.

What seemed troublesome to him and others around him was just a one sentence thing in Lynch.

Yes, it's that simple. Give them a job in other places. They must come back every year. As long as the distance is far enough that they don't consider walking, they must take the train.

And this method is not just talk. Those capitalists who are hiring will be happy to use this method.

In the Federation, although there is no such wise saying as "people leave their hometown cheap", there are almost similar proverbs. Hiring foreign workers is more stable than hiring local workers, at least not involving local workers' groups and local clan forces.

Even if it is impossible for everyone to leave here and work in other places, reduce this number tenfold to 3 million, and cut it in half, 1.5 million.

As long as 1.5 million people work in other places and they come back and leave twice a year to buy tickets, they will provide a gross profit of at least 3 million.

In addition to other income, it is not a dream for the gross profit to exceed $5 million a year. The net profit is compressed to 15%, and there are also 700000 net profits. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of the method of promoting population mobility proposed by Lynch, the profit will only be more and more.

It takes a few years to get back to the capital, and then start to enter the income period. This business... Seems to make a lot of money!