Chapter 477

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Promoting the appreciation of nagary will be of great help to our cooperation and the process of helping nagary realize industrial autonomy!"

In the heart of buppen, Mr. Truman is chatting with diplomats from the United Kingdom of nagary to discuss the issue of promoting the appreciation of Galilee.

The two sat in the yard. The ground was covered with tender green turf. The price of each foot of turf was as high as $4.505. Outside the low fence, there was a busy street.

Taking stillness in motion also has a different taste.

Occasionally, people passing by the roadside will also notice the two people chatting on the lawn in the yard. Some people will show a slightly confused look. One of them must have some impressions, such as where they met, but they can't remember for a while.

Busy life and work let them not have much time to stop and quietly think about things that have nothing to do with work. They are also destined to leave here with doubt, envy and jealousy.

The lawn costs several yuan per foot... This is no longer an ordinary luxury.

These lawns will only stay here for about two or three months. After its color becomes darker, the owner of the house will change it.

There are at least hundreds of square meters of lawns here. The price of replacing these lawns is beyond the reach of many people. This is the reason why people envy and envy, but it is also the driving force for them to redouble their efforts.

Here, having wealth means having everything.

The two people who were regarded as landscapes on the lawn didn't stop and continued to chat.

The diplomat in nagary was holding a coffee cup and stirring in the coffee cup with a stirring spoon in his other hand. He was a little absent-minded.

Since the two sides submitted their credentials, Mr. Truman advocated the appreciation of Galilee, but the opinions of diplomats and the central government of the United Kingdom were put on hold for the time being. They always felt that the federates would not be so kind.

It's actually a good thing to look at it from the perspective of the nagarian people, because the appreciation of the Galil means that the money in their hands has become more valuable - this kind of currency value appreciation will not be obviously reflected in the domestic economic structure, but it is particularly obvious in foreign trade, especially import trade.

For example, now, if the nagary people want to import a commodity worth 100 federal sols from the Federation, they need to pay 10000 yuan of Galilee, which is just a hypothesis.

Then, after the currency appreciated, they may only need to pay 8000 galilees to buy this commodity.

On the basis of no increase or decrease in the issued and circulating monetary base, they can spend less money and buy more things, which does no harm to the nagali people and the country.

They can buy more things with the same money, which is exactly what they need most now. If they want to develop more rapidly, they can't lack economic support.

But the problem is that we all feel that the federates will not help them so kindly. In the process of concluding diplomatic relations this time, the diplomatic corps, the central government and diplomats in nagary have seen through the federations.

Many people say that nagary is a backward and barbaric country, but they think that compared with the face of the federal ruling class, they are really barbaric!

"Mr. Truman, I know what you mean. I'm also actively communicating with China..." the diplomat looked helpless. "I'm just a diplomat. There's no value in embarrassing me."

What he said was pitiful and looked pitiful, but everyone knew exactly what the real situation was. It was just the usual "gossip".

Mr Truman pursed his lips and smiled. He took off his sunglasses, played with them twice, and put them back. "What do you think of here during your time in the Federation?"

The sudden "chatting" surprised the diplomats in nagary, but those who could be diplomats reacted very quickly. He put down his coffee cup and really chatted.

"Yes, the life here is indeed very rich. It is more interesting than that in nagariel, but there are advantages and disadvantages. People here regard money as too important and power as too important, which makes them lose their desire for money and power."

"It's not like nagary at this point. We have firm faith. Even money and power can't shake the faith of nagary people. We may be poor, but we are mentally rich!"

The diplomat also talked about his words just now, "this is also a word I learned recently, spiritual wealth. I didn't know how to express this kind of thing before, but now I know that spiritual wealth is described very accurately."

"We are poor in material, but rich in spirit!"

This is the most appropriate explanation he can find. He can't lie with his eyes open. He can't say that nagalil is richer or almost richer than the Federation, nor can he say that nagalil people just like poverty and enjoy poverty. Therefore, he offsets the poverty of material wealth with the wealth of spiritual wealth, so as to recover some face for himself and his country.

Mr. Truman smiled and looked at him, "you are a qualified diplomat. You are honest and humorous...". Both of them know what "humor" in his mouth stands for.

"The Federation has the most developed science and technology in the world. In the forefront of science, we are ahead of the world, which also means that we can create more valuable wealth and give people better life enjoyment and experience."

"Moreover, we have a free social relationship structure. Everything is free, including elections..."

Mr Truman is also a good speaker. These diplomats can't refute what he said, so they can only nod their heads and cooperate with him.

Just after he said a few words, there was a sudden turning point, "have you considered settling here?"

The diplomat of nagary almost fell off his chair. He quickly bent down and straightened his trouser legs to cover up his embarrassment. "I'm a nagary or a diplomat, Mr. Truman. Your question is insulting my personality. If you plan to tell me this, I think we can end this conversation."

He was firm and his position was clear.

But Mr. Truman didn't intend to let him go. "I investigated you. You belong to a first-class clan of the central government in Nagar. You're not here to fight us diplomatically. They just took you as a scapegoat..."

The diplomat's personal history has long been clear. He studied in gavra. The rulers of nagary are rich one by one. As long as they are willing to pay, Preston can operate them anywhere to study abroad.

After gavra's diplomats who were edified by imperialism returned, they were not popular. On the one hand, some of his ideas ran counter to the mainstream ruling class of nagary.

For example, improving the quality of the people can certainly enhance the national strength, but it may also breed dangerous ideas for some people. Secondly, the so-called powerful country needs to pay too much cost. This is no longer something that can be accomplished by one family name. It requires all clans and rulers in nagalil to unite together.

But is that possible?

These people have fought for hundreds of years. The struggle between political power, theocracy, and between political power and theocracy is not the kind of cruel struggle they say, but the kind of cruel struggle that losers really die.

It is impossible for these people to put aside their prejudices and unite together, so he is also an alternative.

In fact, in the final analysis, he was brainwashed by imperialism during gavra's study. Of course, it can be said that he recognized the disadvantages of nagary, but in short, he was not a likable member.

The purpose of being sent to the Federation this time is to throw this guy who has been delusional about some impossible things all day to live and die.

Well done, he won't be praised.

If you don't do a good job, you just blame him and kill more with one stone.

"I've heard some stories about your last semester at the Royal University of gavra..." when talking about this, Mr. Truman showed a very thoughtful look, "you are a very thoughtful person, but nagariel can't support your dream. They will even regard you as an enemy."

"You must remember Lynch. He once said something. I think it's right. You have excellent ability and need a perfect stage. There's no one there, but there's one here."

"In nagariel, your unrealistic ideas are possible here. At least I like some of your ideas very much."

"You just said that spiritual wealth, whether material wealth or spiritual wealth, will not fall from the sky. People need to pursue it. What about your pursuit?"

With that, Mr. Truman drank the coffee in his cup and stood up. "Consider my proposal. Stay here and you will have a broader stage."

"Call me after you think about it. I'll wait for your good news..."

Standing on the side of the road and watching Mr. Truman's car go away, the diplomat's expression was a little strange.

He knew that the federal investigation into his past, but he didn't think it was an excessive offence, which reflected the importance the federal people attached to him.

Because only when you attach importance to a person will you want to know more. You will explore all the information of the strange girl you like, but you never want to find out why those tramps wander.

The Federation attaches great importance to him. He is a little proud, but it is a little absurd. He is also very clear that the olive branch thrown by the Federation is actually to let him take the initiative to contact China and persuade them to agree to the appreciation of Galilee.

He was a bridge between nagariel and the Federation, and although some people did kick him as an annoying guy, people should respect his opinion.

He returned to his position, bathed in a brighter sun, enjoying more dazzling sunshine, warmer temperature, more pleasant breeze and more mellow coffee. His thoughts were like swirling leaves in the wind.