Chapter 487

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"The riots are continuing to ferment..."

In the house of provincial governor delag, people are gathering to chat. It looks like a leisurely afternoon tea party.

However, compared with the calm of the governor and Lynch, there are more or less frightened expressions on other people's faces.

It is the local police chief who is reporting the external situation. Considering the upcoming riots, it is normal for the police chief to arrange the police around the provincial governor's office before the riots.

After all, the governor is the highest chief executive of MengWu province. Anyone can have problems, but not the governor.

"The large-scale crowd has impacted the living areas of most local foreigners, and the local rich areas have also been affected. They destroyed some shops in commercial blocks, robbed the contents, and set fire to them..."

When the police chief said these words, he had a taste that he couldn't say by himself. He was also a member of a clan, but his position in the clan was embarrassing. Finally, he was appointed to delag as the police chief of the province and city.

He was also a member of the ruling class. When he heard that the foreigners who were jokingly called the "third ruling class" were suffering from this disaster, he had some joy in his heart. He just glanced at Lynch and other foreigners.

But what's more, it's still a kind of panic. There are some cruel things hidden in the depths of his eyes. Once the ban is lifted, he will start to let some people understand that this is not a free Federation, this is nagary, and everything must obey the will of the old man and God.

The old men are in front of God!

The way the Dalit waved his fist frightened the police chief. He often thought of his self righteous bravery when he used to beat and disperse the Dalit with a baton, and he was in a cold sweat.

As long as someone stood up and threw him to the ground, he would soon be torn to pieces by these Dalits.

If they dare to attack these foreigners today, they will not be allowed to attack their ruling class tomorrow. This trend can not be encouraged. They must be killed.

Lynch noticed the change in the details of the police chief's expression. He got up with a glass, turned and faced more foreigners in the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, I was very sad and angry when I heard these news."

"The construction of civilization needs brick by brick to build a magnificent building, but it only needs a barbaric catastrophe to destroy it. I propose and donate... 100000 federal sol first to save and help those who have suffered losses, lost relatives and need help in this catastrophe!"

Governor delag may not have much culture, but he has a high sense of smell and political sensitivity. Even if he looks stupid at ordinary times, he will not be really stupid.

He soon followed, "I also donated 10 million galilees to help those in need."

They looked at each other, only heavy on their faces, but they both saw a very tacit... Smile from each other's eyes.

Lynch took the lead, followed by the governor. This is no longer a "proposal" or "initiative". This is a donation activity. Everyone's eyes are turning around and their heads are speeding up the stirring, trying to analyze some useful things.

"I donated 20000 federal sols..." the third was little fox, and people's eyes turned to him.

In fact, the people in this room are not poor and can give more or less money, but they don't know the nature of this donation and what they can get from this donation.

This is not like a federal charitable donation. After the amount of money donated, the Federation will return more to philanthropists in the form of tax exemption. If they are not restricted by some invisible rules, they may donate all the taxes of that year - in that case, when they need to pay taxes, they do not need to pay taxes, Instead, the tax bureau or the city hall need tax rebates or subsidies.

Here, donation is another question. What are the benefits of donation? If not, how much is appropriate?

They are all waiting for someone to stand up and point out the direction for them, waiting for Lynch to explain more details.

Little fox stood up in time to solve Lynch's many troubles. Lynch nodded slightly and looked at the others. "Mr. Fox has donated 20000 federal sol. Is there only one gentleman with internationalist spirit here?"

At this time, the second man stood up, an unexpected person.

Penny walked in front of the people. She looked straight at Lynch and quietly raised her eyebrows. "I donated all my personal pay to help those in need!"

Lynch was a little surprised. In fact, in his heart, penny was more like a "prenkap ①". She was too young, had not received a higher level of education, family background... He didn't know in detail. It seemed that she came from a middle-class family, which was more than the top.

In this way, if the girls from the family do not receive higher education, they can only play the role of "vase" or "prenkap" as Lynch thinks. They will not have too high political literacy, but this time, Penny's move surprised Lynch.

He has already figured out how to tell reporters how to write this article, and tell the nagarins that the federals are different from the foreigners before.

Look, we also made voluntary donations. Even independent women donated. Both foreigners and locals can enjoy the benefits brought by this donation.

Just when people were still hesitant, there were two gunshots outside the house, followed by more than a dozen more. The chief of the police station turned around and went outside to find out the situation.

Lynch didn't seem to hear anything. His expression didn't change. He looked at those people who were a little shocked and smiled. "Miss Penny's benevolent heart is moving. I believe that if this matter is sent back to China, more people will become your fans."

Lynch's voice has calmed everyone's attention from the outside, but it is more suffocating and quiet. He said with a careless smile, "ladies and gentlemen, don't be afraid. I promise with my personality that as long as it is my friend, I won't let them be hurt!"

A small businessman in his thirties seemed to realize something at once. He rushed to people, raised his hands and shouted, "Mr. Lynch, I donate... I donate 5000!". His expression was struggling and explained, "this is all the money I can take out now, but I believe someone needs it more than me!"

Lynch's face softened. He even held out his hand and shook hands with the gentleman. "God is moved by your kindness. Thank you very much for your donation. If you have problems with funds, you can go to President Joe griman of Jinhui bank. As long as you mention me, he will be happy to talk to you about solving your problems!"

In fact, these small businessmen are no different from Simon who has become a dead ghost. They can't find opportunities in China, can't get orders and are on the verge of bankruptcy. Their only way out is to follow the call of the government and the consortium and come to nagariel to find opportunities.

They are not like rich people like Lynch, PATU or Mr. waldrick. Tens of thousands are not money.

Five thousand yuan is all his savings. He didn't leave any way for himself. He came to a strange place to do business from the Federation. Isn't it gambling?

So now bet a little more. He gambled all he had and won.

As long as the bank is willing to give him money, he will soon be able to build factories here, and then produce a steady stream of cheap goods and sell them all over the world.

For more than half a month, these people have probably figured out the way to make money here, which is basically equivalent to free labor, which can save them an unimaginable cost!

The federal government employs 100 workers, and the expenses of eating, drinking, Lasa should be included. No matter what they do, they should be given at least 25000 yuan of salary and other expenses every month.

Even if the factory loses money, the money can not be saved, otherwise they will ask the workers' Union for assistance, get back their share through judicial channels, and take more fines.

To maintain workers' expenses, if a factory sells 100000 a month, the factory owner must ensure that the net profit is more than 40%, because there are other expenses, depreciation, etc. in addition to workers, but what goods can maintain such a high net profit and continue to sell well? (non mechanized production, a production mode with human being as the main productive force, which is also one of the reasons for promoting mechanized production)


But everything is different here. The profit space released allows them to make a lot of money even if they produce things that do not make money in the Federation. What they earn is actually the wages of the labor force here.

The larger the factory, the more employees, regardless of more profit points, even if there is less than 10% of the net profit, you can make a lot of money!

As long as the bank can give loans, he is not afraid of how much, because everyone knows that the more loans they give, the more workers they hire, and the more profits the factory will generate!

It's full of huge profits!

The surprised face of the businessman who was held by Lynch was full of irreducible smiles. His cheekbones became higher, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his muscles were uncontrollable, which made him smile.

"Mr. Lynch, thank you so much. I can't describe my excitement in words..." he bent down, but still held Lynch's hand tightly, telling his surging mood at this time.

Lynch's expression was still so calm, with some wisdom beads on his face, some reserved, but there was a kind of pride in his bones. He was like a king, emperor and even gods who could dominate the fate of others. He sat high in the clouds and watched mortals express their joys, sorrows and joys under the steps of his throne.


① , plaincap, a life substitute with wide use and practical significance.