Chapter 495

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
On the lawn, two people sat opposite. Bursts of autumn wind blew. The bleak autumn feeling was like a killer's killing machine. It was as warm as spring, but it made people feel a chill in their bones.

The diplomat wrapped his clothes and became silent.

Mr Truman openly admitted that he did all this. Although it was annoying, it would not be hated.

It's much better than finding out the truth after a long time after he made a decision. A annoying... Well, there are some annoying guys, but they're not disgusting. Such an explanation suddenly feels much better.

In fact, at this stage, he doesn't have many choices to choose.

Once he returns home, the royal family will certainly attack him. Over the years, he knows too much about that rotten and backward country. Each of them wants to master more power, and each of them is unwilling to listen to any valuable suggestions.

Nagary is not weak, which is an idea he has always had since he graduated from gavra, including going to the Federation to indulge in the decadent capital life every day, and he never thought nagary was a weak country.

It may not be well developed in science and technology, but this country has a large population, and population is the potential for development. Unfortunately, the domestic clans only want to make their own profits, and they don't even want to listen to some of his ideas

Now, he has no more choice.

Go back, he will die, his family will die, but he will stay here

He glanced at Mr. Truman sitting opposite and looked at the smile "you have no choice, you'd better surrender early" on his face. He was a little angry.

He leaned forward and almost crossed the table. He waved to Mr. Truman. The latter thought that the diplomat had something more secret to say, so he came together.

Then... A fist was hammered on the bridge of Mr. Truman's nose, and nasal blood gushed out in an instant.

Yes, it's spray. It may be because the discomfort caused by the rupture of blood vessels makes Mr. Truman's lung lobe contract. He hopes to use the air flow to rush out the "foreign body" in the nasal cavity. This is an instinctive response of the body, which also leads to the initial nasal blood splashing out!

He sat back in his chair, spread his hands and looked at the blood on his arms, including his pants.

The surrounding agents have jumped into the turf. They quickly lean over with guns in their hands. As long as the diplomat makes any misunderstandings again, they will shoot without hesitation.

The diplomat sat back again. He felt much better. He picked up the coffee cup and tasted the fragrance of scented tea with his little finger raised and his ears pinched like gavra's aristocracy. There was a satisfied smile around his mouth.

Mr Truman raised his hand and told people to put down their guns and leave the neighborhood.

He took out his handkerchief, pressed his bleeding nose and looked at the diplomat across the table. "You have fewer choices."

The diplomat shrugged casually, just like Mr. Truman before, "why choose? We will soon become colleagues, but the premise is that my family must appear in front of me intact."

Mr. treman's couplet had more smiles, which was the best result, but he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do this because..."

In the astonished eyes of the diplomat, he said the facts, "they are all false."

"We found your friend and bought him out with only 20000 yuan and the identity of a federal citizen. Then he forged this telegram and helped us forge the Royal telegram. In fact, your family is doing well now."

"If we rashly bring them back, it will cause some unnecessary riots. At the same time, it is also very unfavorable to you. Your current work is very important."

After hearing what Mr. Truman said, the diplomat laughed, "you're a bastard, Mr. Truman!"

He has made a choice, and he is not qualified to repent. This is also the reason why he is angry and funny. He was cheated by this inferior trick!

In fact, as long as he waited a few more days, he would know the truth. If the royal family of the United Kingdom of nagary really wanted to arrest him, they must have sent diplomats to replace him on the way to the Federation, and they must have sent people to take him back.

As long as he waited a few days, three or five days, no ships came, no new diplomats and those who arrested him, he naturally knew that these things were fake.

But people can't be so calm and objective to face and analyze the world.

The telegram sent by his close friend has become a straw for him to be sure that this is not a fraud. The people who know his relationship with him may not find many people in the whole world, which is also the most reliable layer of protection in his opinion.

In addition, the contents of the telegram were shocking and appalling. Even if his psychological tolerance was good, he was in a mess.

"How did you find him?" he didn't care much about how much money the other party charged. He was just curious about how Mr. Truman found the man.

Mr. Truman spoke in a muffled voice, "we checked the nagary people who were also in gavra during your study abroad and found several interesting characters, including your friends."

Well, the other side has paid attention to this degree, and the diplomat can only sigh, "what do you want me to do?"

Mr Truman's expression was subtle. "It's not 'you', it's' we 'what to do next!"

Three days later, a heavy envelope was sent ashore in a sealed letter box at the coastal port of Mengu Province in nagary. Under the escort of the party, the letter box will eventually be sent to the face of the great president, chief and king of the United Kingdom in nagary.

This is a very complex name. According to the nagarian people's own point of view, they only have big chiefs, and there are no big presidents and kings. They are all external names.

The local clan is said to be a clan. In fact, in the early stage, it was a tribe linked by blood relationship. The governor was the chief, and the chief of the largest and strongest tribe was the big chief.

The big president is added to cater to the international mainstream forces. At least the president is more in line with the civilized society than the chief.

The king is a title similar to a virtual post after they integrated all resources and defined a fixed chassis.

In short, it is too complicated and unnecessary to discuss this matter. Let's always call it the king.

At the same time, three people and a dog came down from the boat.

"Damn it, it stinks here. Do people here never take a bath? I can imagine the thick grease on them!" the former lady, a little dog, will never be idle.

The dog she was holding was a little bigger than her palm. She didn't like this place full of stench. Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans. People who just came here can't stand the smell here, let alone the dog who lives in developed countries.

It sneezed and barked, as if fighting the invisible smell in the air.

Then the young man who got off the ship was also full of dislike. What he disliked was different from others. He disliked his dead ghost. Mr. Simon, his father, chose to settle here after abandoning them, married the smelly woman here and gave birth to a smelly son. He was indeed an unreasonable man.

As for the last lawyers, they do not seem to be affected here.

"Don't you think it stinks here?", looking at his spring smile, the lady couldn't help asking.

"Smelly?" the lawyer was surprised. "Of course, it's really smelly here, but as a professional lawyer, I should also show absolute professionalism in front of my clients!"

Don't say it stinks. As long as the money is in place, he dares to eat even shit.

He calculated 40% of the lawyer's fee. According to the employers' dictation, there were at least 200000 to 300000 Vlas (Vlas), which was enough for him to rest for a long time,

Even if he loses the lawsuit, he can get 12% of the fee, about 40000 fra. He has no reason not to laugh.

This is the advantage of the job of lawyer, especially divorce lawyer and estate lawyer.

Win or lose, there will be a lot of money in the account.

"Where are we going now?" asked the lady, covering her mouth and nose. "It stinks here!"

"Go to the local judiciary first. We have to understand the local inheritance law first, and then it's best to..." he looked around. "We can get the help of some local capable people. If someone is willing to speak for us, the next thing will be easier."

"Capable people?", Mr. Simon's son repeated. He didn't quite understand what this sentence meant.

In these years, he only learned how to make a loss, and did not gain some experience because of the loss.

The lawyer smiled again. "Yes, Mr. Simon's rich friends and political friends can help us."

"I don't know if you've heard a word!" he said a famous warning saying in a tone rich in some special emotion, "the victory or defeat is always outside the court!"

"That's what we need..."

The party soon disappeared into the streets of nagary. No one knows whether they can successfully achieve their goals, maybe, maybe not.

With the arrival of November, the hot climate in nagary finally began to cool down. From the high temperature of about 30 degrees a day to 245 degrees a day, everything became pleasant.

Sitting in the room, Lynch listened to ASLE's report.

During this time, he has been around MengWu province. He was not hurt during the unrest. His local identity has well prevented him from becoming the target of some people.

It was also a new experience for him. He almost peed when he heard those Baomin people rush to the hotel shouting "expel foreigners" or "kill foreigners".

But when people rushed past him, he realized that he was from nagary.